You can beat the ticket!!!
Things to look for when schedualing your court day.
1) who is the judge for that court and for the day you schedual.
You can prepair by watching a couple court cases find a fair judge who dismisses casses when people present good evidence when the cop shows up and didnt become a Judge because he wants to imprisson all the street racers or people with fast cars because one killed his 5yr old boy 20yrs ago.
2)Schedual your court hearing on the cops Vacation Day or around a major vacation day like X-Mas
you have room to play with it you can delay your plea up to 60days from your court day the from there you have a right to a speedy trial with in 45days! NEVER ever forfit your right to a speedy trial! also schedual the day you go to court to enter your plea as close to the end of the 45thday so if the cops says emergency circumstances kept him from apearing but he wished to apear they cant have you come in another week because you can have your case dismissed because the violated your right to a speedy trial.
I have beat 95% + of my court tickets over 1/2 of the time they dont show up because of my nice schedualed days. Then i had several dismissed due to lack of evidence or cop chickened out because he did an illegal search and sesuire with out my concent or reading me my rights etc (he asked it to be dismissed in the eyes of justice)....
The only case i didnt win was because my court happined on sept 11 when the world trade center thing happined and the judge was a complete jerk.
Also read this document or other ones that are an EBOOK how to beat a ticket. ooops lol wow what happined to this forum?????????????
"""""H O W T O B E A T A T I C K E
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Here I will post it on my server