Maxed out Violations


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
...never been pulled over in the supra. maybe its because i dont drive like an ass :dunno:. i've also escaped 4 years of driving without a single ticket payed (knock on wood), the only ticket i got was thrown out before i hit the courtroom.


Setting the standard
Feb 22, 2007
Central Florida
My wife has a suspended licence, 4 month expired tag, and no insurance on her BMW 325 vert...

She's even been pulled over and let go. They just don't care. Police don't bother taxpayers. The nicer car you drive, the more taxes you pay, and your probably a registered voter and a decent citizen. (she is)

Now... The kid driving the riced out civic/neon.. probably doesn't vote, probably doesn't pay taxes, and chances are theres illegal things in the car, and probably an illegal citizen if your in FL. They won't have the $$ to hire a lawyer and it's easy work. Notice how the cop was like, oh you don't even pay youre insurance? Exactly. You're a target man, if you don't want to be treated like one, you need to step your game up. With that neon put it back to 100% OEM stock, and if you have tint, remove it..

At least put a damn GOP sticker on your car :)


Setting the standard
Feb 22, 2007
Central Florida
JustAnotherVictim said:
This?? Cocaine??? Noooo... it's flour for my amnesia.

Rich ppl driving E46 BMW's are probably doing more drugs in their car then the 94 civic owner... In fact I know most BMW owners here smoke a shit load of weed. One guy has a M3 and 7 series.. When him and 6 other buddies want to smoke, he breaks out his "Conference Hall" and drives the 7 series.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
Ric said:
.. When him and 6 other buddies want to smoke, he breaks out his "Conference Hall" and drives the 7 series.

when did 7 series BMW's become 7 passenger luxury cars?

Maybe your smokin a little to much of those "funny" ciggaretes?


Supramania Contributor
Mar 14, 2006
Oshawa, ON, CA
Ya, I don't even get a second look in my daily driver. Maybe it's because it's a 4 door, maybe cause it's green(not red) and maybe it's cause it is ridiculously common. I love my Grand Prix GTP. I can be hauling ass at 140 km/h down the 401 and the cops don't even look twice. I have also never been pulled over in the Supra despite many close calls and it was my daily since I was 17 till a month ago, now 20. (knocks on wood) The two times I was pulled over and given a ticket were retarded.

When I was 16 I had a Civic (strike one), it was modified (strike two) and I was driving along at 85 in a 70. I was travelling in a LINE OF MINIVANS. One in front, one behind. The cop was coming from the other direction and pulled a U-turn. The vans both went right and I was stopped at a light all by myself. Guess what happened next. lol

The second time was last year (I was 19) and I was driving my GF's 4 door, blue sunfire. I was coming down a huge hill on a road in the middle of nowhere. I didn't ride the breaks so my speed coasted up to 105 km. I got nailed.

It looks like the key to success is to haul ass and drive a red sports car.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
Ric said:
Dude, you can pack a crapload of ppl in a new 7 series especially if the plan is to pass around a "cigarette"

hmmm sounds like a homothing.

sure they arn't all profesional "sword" swalowers?


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
tte said:
Thats true....Even when unlicensed drivers use nice cars, they do not get pulled over. Cops pull you over when your car looks like shit.

Probably they think the guys with shitty cars do nto have money to afford insurance and other shit.


Dude, this is so the truth. My ONLY ticket I was ever pulled over for was driving a little too fast and not paying attention [was going 5 over, hit a speed trap, so I was going 15 over]. I had so many circumstances that were bad going on with that, I'm surprised the cop didn't just jack me up on the spot. 1/4 of my licence had snapped [trying to open a door with it] off and I didn't have it all. The cop said that it was suspended for no insurance [which I straightened out later] and he said I couldn't drive the car. I also had a bunch of young girls in the car, one which was had been to the police station and was nervous about the cop seeing her, thinking she might get me in more trouble than I already was in.
Well, despite all of this, he asked if I could call anyone to come and drive it. I said my phone was new and I didn't have any of my numbers programmed into it. He asked where I was going, and I told him, back west. Then he said "Hey, I'm going to drive THAT way [west] to make a patrol. I won't be back this way for a good 30 minutes. If I see you, I'm going to have to give you a ticket. You can do whatever it is you have to do, but I'm going THAT way." I think I got off that night with some sort of minor violation.
I think that being respectful towards the officer, having a nice car full of cute girls and having a military ID really saved me from being completely nailed.


thread killer
Dec 22, 2005
vancouver Wa
thats it, im turning in an app to be a traffic cop.

i will pull over all the richpricks!

i get pulled over for stupid shit, 1 license plat light out or 2 being out,

a glitchy tail light, loose ground,

ive been pulled over for taking off hard at a light, then the cop said he fallowed me which he didn't he cought up at the light, and wrote me a ticket for doing 53 and i was doing 40 the whole way down the road being passed as i watched the cop haul ass up through traffic. fin prick,.


Zero State
Mar 31, 2005
Only thing I can say is cops are people. If they feel like you're easy prey, they pounce. I got all my papers together right now. I'm going in as soon as the ticket is processed and getting arraigned and setting a court date as soon as possible. My right to a fair and speedy trial. Put in my forms to the local DA for discovery and with diagrams and measurements and witness statements build a solid case for me. My whole thing is to see if I can prove that his cruiser position relative to my vehicle position forced me to make the alleged unsafe left. My friend in the car knows my left turn signal was on, he knew I was trying to make a left into a residential street and saw his cruiser very close in the next lane over. If I can establish that my left turn signal was on, and the officer moved into the left turn lane behind me, then wouldn't my next motion be left? See, his lights were immediately on, flashing and everything, I was attempting to get off the main roadway where it's possible any late night traffic would be dangerous for the officer if I pulled to the right. He moves into the left turn lane behind me, and I have to establish his cruiser was close enough to essentially block me from making a safe left turn based on both me and my witnesses testimony, diagrams and photos. If I can do that, then this case is won. I feel his overall actions and overzealousness to pick on a young man shows his lack of professionalism. If that doesn't fly, I can always sue him for profiling, slander, and possible defamation of character.

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
I seriously doubt you can sue him while he conducted "government business", but your case sounds solid, and his ridiculous. I'm glad to see somebody else out there who will take the time to fight these kinds of things. Good luck and keep us posted!


7M Powered
Aug 15, 2006
Gainesville, FL
Anytime a cop asks you if you have a modified exhaust reply "I do not think it is modified sir, for all I know it was stock, I bought the car like this." This can get you out of an exhaust ticket a lot of times (in FL), but Cali may be complete dicks but keep it in mind next time.


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
I seen that movie from g-ville where they were harrassing the traffic cops, funny stuff, glad I don't live there.

I was coming home from the movies the other weekend around midnight, I had a 12-pack of smirnoff in the passenger side floorboard with my GF in the seat. We get off the highway, I coast through the stop sign as it's obvious there's no one comming either way, look left, which is where I'm going (home) and BAM, fucking road block. I pull up beside the cop flashing me with his flash light, give him my drivers liscense, he shines his light in the car real quick, we do a little small talk, he overlooks the booz (it was unopened anyways), he says, "oh, BTW, that was a stop sign you ran back there" winks, and says have a nice night. End of story.

Most of the cops around here are cool like that ;).


Zero State
Mar 31, 2005
Maybe, but in this case I may have a proper allegation for grounds for at least improper conduct since the officer let that little insulting tirade loose. Officers shouldn't brow-beat you just cause your parents still help you. Who knows, maybe he had just had a bad day? Still no reason to act so high and mighty.
Really, cops in Cali, depending on where you are can be real dicks and pull you over and write you up anyway, citing "ignorance is not an excuse".

Looking at my record, I am probably eligible for traffic school, as my last moving violation was 11/21/2005. He might have looked up my record, thought " hey he'll take traffic school for this moving violation, and get everything else corrected, easy money." Wrong, I'm taking him to court, cause if he's going to be a jackass to me and see if I lie down, I'll be sure to make sure he remembers in court I won't. Let's see, if the ticket processes in a few days (a month at the most), I can setup an appointment with the ref by sometime next week, return my car to stock, and then go in for an arraignment, set a court date, file the motion for discovery (all the cops notes and such), and prepare my case just for the moving violation, since the exhaust, insurance, and registration are all dismissed at the arraignment if proof is provided :biglaugh: . Still, I can't help but already feel a feeling of unpreparedness.

You know I really feel like I saw him before when I was pulled for NO exhaust a month back. I was leaving Cerritos and going into Bellflower, Cop clocked me, I said "I know, I don't have exhaust on right now, I am late for work." Cop let me sit for a couple minutes and let me go telling me to get the exhaust fixed. I looked around for the SRT Section I had cause it's the only undamaged section I had that would go on, but I made it fit (needed to use an adapter). I swear that I feel they're the same cop. Too bad I can't remember his name, although if it was the same cop, he must have remembered me. Eh, if it was the same officer, it doesn't matter, point is I am going to make him come to court to prove my innocence.


thread killer
Dec 22, 2005
vancouver Wa
will cali cops pull over out of staters for having modified cars??

i used to live there and have relitives down there it would be a hassle to visit and deal with getting pulled over cause of my car.


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
pimptrizkit said:
will cali cops pull over out of staters for having modified cars??

i used to live there and have relitives down there it would be a hassle to visit and deal with getting pulled over cause of my car.

Most probably....also because you have an out of state plate...
