I thought I'd posted in this thread when it started but, clearly not!
My first Supra trunk build was done 12 years ago & looked like this:
It was all interference fit so, no holes were drilled! All the other speaker components were in stock positioned using Infinity components. Amps, AV switch, disk changer etc all lived behind this section allowing you to get to the changer from the front of the car.
There were TVs all over the place because it was the thing to do the & to save room in the dash I mounted the head unit front into the roof while having a TV controller in the double DIN postion.
Yes it all lit up at night for shows etc but, I was young then and life was about having fun!
10 years down the line & with the arrival of my aero a few years ago I had to do something that allowed me to still fit the roof in the trunk & a bit of shopping but still delivered kick ass audio.
I needed room to house a 12" sub, the separate amps and a few other widgets I'll be incorporating in the future.
First stop was a new system controller. Things have come on a long way now so, to save space and do away with the need for disk changers, TV tuners, TV controllers, car hands free etc etc I opted for one of these "do everything" double din units.
This thing saves titting about with a number of separate systems and combines them in a reasonably priced unit. With a 32GB SD card fitted, CD's are also a thing of the past - gaining me back my glove box too!! It incorporates control for 2 other screens and also a reverse camera, if that ain't enough it's dolby digital surround with a proper SPDIF output - craziness!
No, it's not the same sort of quality I'm used to with my Pioneer stuff however, it's 1/4 of the price!! In the near future once my build is done I will be upgrading back to Pioneer, something like the AVIC-F10BT or similar. At £1400 though, they are a tad pricey at mo.
The biggest problem wobble top owners face when putting a trunk build together is where to put the sub box, this is because the roof sits in brackets half way down the trunk - rendering a normal box useless.
I also still wanted full access to both LH & RH access panels, the rear light panels & still be able to remove the centre louvred section of the trunk trim without having to remove the ICE.
The solution - ditch the spare wheel for a can of inflater goo which goes in the left hand trunk flap and some AA rescue coverage - free with my bank account!
This gives a gaping great hole you can form a box into.
I removed the wheel fixing bracket and lined the base of the wheel well with think rubber to deaden the sound, then cut an MDF plate to fit into the hole.
Next I formed a frame around this plate and solved the problem of making a round box by using bendy MDF.
Because bendy MDF is thin, I double layerd the stuff gluing the 2 layers tightly together, the 5 supports around the sides also double up as fixings for the top part of the build to bolt down onto, the box sealing against the top part with foam rubber seals.
Once the 2 MDF layers were on I glued 5mm think rubber all the way around the box to deaden the sound and vibrations caused by the sub and to prevent the BOOM BOOM BOOM effect you tend to hear from Novas & other pram-like vehicles driven to Mcdonalds. (removing the roof obviously allows all the sound to travel but, at least it sounds good!)
The result was a box which fitted snugly into the wheel well and was more than big enough to provide the correct volume for my sub to work.
Next came the hard part - forming a cover piece to fit on top of this box which fitted the shape of the trunk plastics.
I started buy making a square template which fitted in the centre of the trunk, from there I made further templates, trimming them to the curves.
Once the template was complete I transferred that to a bit of MDF and got going with the jig saw collecting much of the saw dust in my silly hair cut.
I formed the round box so the depth was level with the cross member behind the seats - with the top section fitted this gives a void to the right hand side of the build where I can easily fit all the running gear underneath & forms a flat trunk floor.
A couple of infill panels each side allow continued use of the access flaps & make best use of space.
Some spray glue later and fluffy fingers all is carpeted, sub fitted with reflex port and amp mounted to the under side of the "new" trunk floor.
The bass is fantastic, rich and deep, the Kappa sub benefiting from such a large enclosure. The rubber lining also does it's job perfectly insulating the outside world from the mayhem inside!
All is a snug fit & like the build in my MA70, just sits firmly in place without the need to screw into the trims etc. I added an additional light in the large LH storage panel as it's pitch black i there at night, I also incorporated some accent lighting etc.
As an added bonus I now have 2 compartments capable of getting wine home to my fridge in one piece - always a tentative task in the past