Jimi's build update


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
jimi87-t said:
Dang Ken, 2 more :aigo: HG shouldn't be that big of a deal, but we will see. Hope the latest supra treats you well.

Yes, unfortunately. I thought the blue one would work out but I was too worried about the frame. I'll give this white one a try. My engine is still undergoing a rebuild in Dallas. When I'm finally able to pay that off then the real work will begin.

Hope all is well in Colorado.


Active Member
Oct 12, 2005
Colorado Springs
Back from the dead! Well not all the way....

Sorry for leaving ya hanging, not too much is going on with the supra but I'm busy doing a lot of other stuff, maybe more info on that another time.

A little update on the supra, just before winter hit I re-torqued the HG and took here out for a good test, it didn't leak, but that was the only time I've driven it since. She is hibernating now until spring, as winter in CO is no place for driving the supra. So we will all have to wait until spring to know more.

Oh, and I love how the turbo makes up for the altitude :evil2: Now just to turbo my bimmer........


Active Member
Oct 12, 2005
Colorado Springs
BOO YA!! .....Yeah well anyways, you guys "should" be seeing me more often now as I think I will be getting back to the supra now that it is spring time.

I took her out for a spin on Memorial Day.... man I missed driving this car.
I think my first order of business will be to find a way to reinstall the EGR with my FFIM. It is very hilly here and EGTs sky-rocket to 1400 degs while going up the hills (to be expected with no EGR).

So now the hunt is on for a new or mint condition EGR valve assembly and EGR VSV, as mine was totally shot when I removed it. I will either pipe it to the TB as it has an "extra" inlet that comes in right after the throttle plate, or I fad up a piping system to feed the EGR into the lower runners to keep all the carbon from building up inside my FFIM plenum. I would prefer the later as I spent a lot of time polishing the inside of the plenum and runners, but maybe I'm just being anal? :dunno: Any thoughts?

I also need/want to get ARZ's (Arizona Performance) Wilwood brake kit F&R,
get it painted,
get my MAFT PRO and ect installed,
and at least start on getting the interior all black

We will see how far I get, and as always I will do my best to document w/ pics what I do.


BTW, what the F is this: :nutswinger


86.5 1JZ Single Turbo
Apr 21, 2005
Arlington, TX
long time no hear jimi, how ya been man?

i like the idea of putting the egr into the lower runners, at work back here we do a system sort of like that for crankcase vent on our drag motors, except that each primary on the header has a bung welded in and a pipe running off of it that we connect into the valve covers.

if you want, i can clean up a set of 7M lowers i have here and send em to ya if ya want to experiment on them


Active Member
Oct 12, 2005
Colorado Springs
Hey Ben! I'm good, lovin it in CO! What up with you?
That was the idea, a bung on each runner, I will PM you later today with more info (like my address), it would be sweet to try it on a spare first;)
I see you are going in for paint, can't wait to see it!


86.5 1JZ Single Turbo
Apr 21, 2005
Arlington, TX
i bet its nice there this time of year, its hot as hell back here

all ive been able to do lately is work at work, and work on the car

ill send you some pics and all when it comes out of paint before i post them up on here and junk


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
Hey Jimi! I was actually thinking about your car just the other day, and wondered where you went. :) (I know you moved to CO or something, right?)

Nice to see you back!


Active Member
Oct 12, 2005
Colorado Springs
Yeah it's nice weather wise all year IMO, I love the cold and snow as I grew up in it as a kid. There was a few weeks last summer that got up into the 90's, still too hot for me, but WAY better than TX. Today was warm...75ish :biglaugh:

I did move to CO. I'm into a lot of different stuff, so I jump around in between my hobbies and when I'm working on one, I'm rarely working on another. So this is why sometimes I'm here and sometimes I'm not, I'm not good at multitasking ;) I just dive into one thing "full on".

For example this is what I worked on last fall just before winter hit:

Most of my career has been in Pro Audio (concert, church, arena type audio and video) But I've always wanted to build my own home theater. The house we moved into here had a second living room in the basement, so this became my theater room. I did everything myself as always, even the sound panels I made myself from Aralex mineral wool bats. The room has "stadium seating" with six recliners. 7.1 HD audio and HD overhead projection, (Blu-ray and HDDVD). The pics may look a little distorted as they were taken with a wide angle lens. I also made the larger than life Jack Skellington who welcomes you as you enter the room....








Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
That. Is. AWESOME! I never expect anything less than incredible work from you, Jimi. :)


86.5 1JZ Single Turbo
Apr 21, 2005
Arlington, TX
simply amazing jimi, you never half ass any work you do man

wish we could turn our guest room into a theater room, but the parents always say no every time i ask


Active Member
Oct 12, 2005
Colorado Springs
Thanks for the kind words guys, I appreciate it ;)

Now for the bad news....I blew the HG yesterday driving it to work.
Last weekend the car was running better than ever, exhaust tone was clean and smooth, and she was running like a bat out of hell.

Well yesterday the exhaust sounded gurgled under load (would idle and cruse fine), it ran way slower, and had trouble getting past 4500-5000 RPMs (before it would rip to 6000+ with no problem). I just figured it was still adjusting to the new altitude and lower grade gas, here in CO the highest grade is 91 in TX it was 93.

I got home and let it cool, opened to radiator cap and there was oil floating in the coolant.

So, my thought is the injectors are crapping out, as they were the stock ones that I cleaned before reinstalling them when I first did the build. Other than that I'm at a loss to what it would be, it was missing, detonating or a combo of both...