I recently got some time off from work, so i decided to get some things done before i have to go back. I bought today two spray cans of dupli color flat black vinyl and fabric/carpet paint. So i removed the carpet and find a bunch of dirty change, two screw drivers, and an adjustable wrench... The sound deadening wool underneath the carpet was really damp and smelled like crap. I removed all of the wool it was pretty heavy probably ten pounds worth. painted the carpet and while it was drying decided to remove all of the sound deadening tar from the floor boards. It weighed 48 pounds! The tar i removed in the back totaled 20 pounds. so if you add it all up with the wool i removed its around -78 pounds in sound deadening material so far, and i still havent taken it off where the back seat goes. probably be about 100lbs. total in sound deadening material.