Is Tanya good in the back seat?


Another Old Guy
Aug 22, 2006
PacNW - Area 51
IJ it's good to hang out with other Old Guys on this end also. I have read here off and on for quite sometime, yet, the ambience here, was not to my taste. Hence, why I have not been Assimilated.

Who was it above "too lazy to look" that said MKII owners only speak NA-ease ? Would you care to partake in a 3 pronged dual kind sir ? Quickness,Speed, and Agility ? Just for grins mind you ;)

Kenny, you have sincerely gone off the deep end awaiting those ITB's. Though, my car, and my time await there arrival. I have the two days after there arrival penciled in as --- In The Shop.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Shawn: Things here are on the improve ;)

The majority of our members are younguns but in general quite open to the learning experience and the staff keep on top of trouble makers so things are more settled.

I found SF not to my liking at first and while I'm not a regular poster there by any means I still contribute if I feel I have useful information so I understand the hesitancy you feel for SM.

I have to say in the last few years all of the Mk3 communities have gotten less confrontational and more open to new ideas.


Hardcore Lurker
Jan 6, 2007
Norman, Oklahoma
Junkie said:
Who was it above "too lazy to look" that said MKII owners only speak NA-ease ? Would you care to partake in a 3 pronged dual kind sir ? Quickness,Speed, and Agility ? Just for grins mind you ;)

Ouch. That hurts. :wtc:

It's all in good fun. LOL. Everyone knows the MKII is lighter and faster. But one must admit that the MKIII is more technically advanced.

In the end it boils down to personal taste. My perfect Supra? MKII weight and agility with MKIII power and MKIV reliability. To that end, I have done what I have and am about to install a 1JZ. My perfect Supra is just a couple hundred well (re)moved pounds away.
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application developer
Oct 5, 2007
Parkland, WA
It's true. i just found the manifold. My family won't put up with any more of me. I lost it when I threw it when i was mad. I got mad because of the last lecture about leaving it on the kitchen table. Sheesh. I threw it in the backyard. But anger makes me the most forgetful. After I calmed down I went and got it but it took three days to calm down and two days to find it.

old lady ftw

old, mean fucker -1,-1, & -1 more


Another Old Guy
Aug 22, 2006
PacNW - Area 51
BlackMKIII said:
Ouch. That hurts. :wtc:

It's all in good fun. LOL. Everyone knows the MKII is lighter and faster. But one must admit that the MKIII is more technically advanced.

In the end it boils down to personal taste. My perfect Supra? MKII weight and agility with MKIII power and MKIV reliability. To that end, I have done what I have and am about to install a 1JZ.

Definately all in good fun. You'd win right now anyway. I have old mans disease --- Broke shit :D I need to put my own damn car back in the garage.

IJ - I have noticed the changes, and hope I may be of assistance to some of the people here. It actualy looks like a may learn as much as assist, nice trade off for me ;)

All I ask, is please don't ask help, in decyphering Kenny's babbling. :biglaugh:


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
I always find it funny that people with large vocabularies tend to outcast themselves because of the inharent nature of talking over the heads of others...

I was like that once, now the idiot speak has infected me to the point I say "ya'll." Someone shoot me before I start talking like Beavis and Butthead.


application developer
Oct 5, 2007
Parkland, WA
shucks y'all your disengenuousness is showing. Didn't you notice....sure right there in your attempts to act stupider than you are. You know you don't have to act stupid.

If you want amusement, meeeeeeeee too y'all. I was thinking that humor is vital, though, not that you couldn't hold your own. OMMFG, acronyms are passe' stop it. Type more than one mother fuckin' letter. Stuff emoticons up your ass like ben was.

Goddamit this is fun. When you recycle others' thoughts or good ideas give them credit. I did forty upgrade clutch jobs last year and all of them said "they" just put in a stage 6 Exedy, or quartermaster or whatever. When some one you pay to do something you can't do, hears you do that, it is there character, not yours, in use. Don't you ever say again you did it punk. Just say you paid and he did it.

Nut-swingin' is so uncomfortable it is not cool. Also hangin' from the gap flaps. Stop doing it. Being horny and single. Stop doing that, you really look uncomfortable.

Acting like a tired inside joke is funny is an indication of cruel intentions and for men changes the game entirely. This is me passin' time. Be creative. What do you do after lookin' at porn?

And self-agrandizement is supposed to be funny. So is self-righteousness and piety and thinking one is better, or another is inferior so laugh. These are literary tools for us. Or fuck off I don't care.