is she fat ?


New Member
Jul 16, 2005
Clarksburg, MD
willfish said:

I can't do it !!
been doing the talking thing on the IM, and text messaging , and just a little bit on the cell phone.
I finally asked her in a not so obvious way her wieght, and she wouldn't say.. and her only come back was that she is "sensative about it""

so I know she's a "SWEAT HOG"" aka "" slam pig""

I cant be doing the dirty deed with a fattie !!.

I will be IM'ing her in a nice way that I am not intersted in a relationship and I am only looking to maybe have some fun""""

so if she want to "bump uglies " behind closed doors ... well maybe I can do that pending on how many nattie lights and white russians i've had.. !!!! :naughty: ,,,,,, ,,
other than that, hell no,,, no squash hogs !! in public that is !! :naughty:


well women can be sensitive about their weight in a totally ridiculous manner and extent... my roomie's gf is a size 2 and like 110, almost has a 6 pack, and she's "senstive" about quantifying her weight, because she's said, look at me, i should be under 100 looking like this! women are crazy when it comes to numbers, man.

at least meet her for a drink. in person, you can tell whether it's worth it or not!

plus, different people carry weight differenty. I'm 6'1" and 235, but people are shocked i'm over 200 by the way I look.