is she fat ?


Mar 30, 2005
Wilmington NC
aka Kactabigun said:
Yeah! right Lol. Things like this dont happen in the real world do they.
Reading through previous posts its all about boys dreams of porking for the
first time.
Wet dreams now thats something else, I bet theres loads of you had one. Girls aswell, Yeah the imagination takes over when your tucked up in your bed. It could be linked to reading dirty mags. As most of them stories are a
load of bollocks. Come on you dont think any of them are true.
And the fella humping his mates girlfriend ( you wish) Dreams thats all.
I bet you were the spottiest geekiest, well not the most geekiest kid in the town. If you did hump your mates girlfriends after they pissed you off good on ya.But all this talk is of teenage fantasies, and wet Dreams.:biglaugh:

hey hey hey... I didnt say we did, I said we tried... and failed LMAO.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
just found this thread, saw that picture. dude that lady is not 33, try 53! maybe worse. my sister is in herlate late 30s and looks 30 years YOUNGER than that lady that you posted the picture of.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
lagged said:
just found this thread, saw that picture. dude that lady is not 33, try 53! maybe worse. my sister is in herlate late 30s and looks 30 years YOUNGER than that lady that you posted the picture of.
Agreed she's not bad to look at but I would have guessed more my age and is why I asked! ;)


willfish said:
ok,, here is a pic,, ,, been talking for a whiel and seen her in a web cam ,, just not standing up ..... she's like 33,, she' s ok,, i guess, i didnt think she was but ugly or anything , but heres a pic, "" yay or nay ""


hard to say, if she is, ,, but what dio i know


Damnit im gonna have take my webcam away from my mom again!


been here since 2003
Apr 23, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa.
ya,, I have been known to like other people's mom's ,,
So I am a mother f***er,,

better hide your moms from me or she's end up being alot happier when I'm done w/ her ..:naughty:



Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
Lol.. Loki...
That is true...Have seen fat chicks wear tight clothing or clothing that show off thier bulging bodies.I dont know but for some fat chicks they sure do have alot of confidence to flaunt thier bodies like that.



Supramania Contributor
aka Kactabigun said:
Yeah! right Lol. Things like this dont happen in the real world do they.
Reading through previous posts its all about boys dreams of porking for the
first time.
Wet dreams now thats something else, I bet theres loads of you had one. Girls aswell, Yeah the imagination takes over when your tucked up in your bed. It could be linked to reading dirty mags. As most of them stories are a
load of bollocks. Come on you dont think any of them are true.
And the fella humping his mates girlfriend ( you wish) Dreams thats all.
I bet you were the spottiest geekiest, well not the most geekiest kid in the town. If you did hump your mates girlfriends after they pissed you off good on ya.But all this talk is of teenage fantasies, and wet Dreams.:biglaugh:

hmm, just noticed that this was directed twords me. i can't let this go un-answered. first off, that was a dumb post. if you think i'm a little boy, then you have thought wrong. i'm 22 and far from being a virgin.

what is so hard to believe about fucking one of your friends EX-girlfriends? (not their girlfriend while they were with them). did you even understand my post? should i re-type it in british slang for you? i've only slammed two of my "friends," or rather now aquaintences, ex-girls. i don't go out looking to fuck my friends girls... that's a no-no. backstab me mulitiple times, and then i'll consider slamming your ex.

ahh, whatever. like i said, if it happened to you, and i did it, beat me up.

edit: oh, and one more thing asshole. i never was the "spottiest, most geekiest kid in town." Though i was the "white boy," in school. catch my drift? i'm not no little punk rich kid, or straight up white boy. i bet you don't even nderstand me right now, lol.


2.5 Twin Turbo R
Staff member
Mar 30, 2005
Calgary, AB
:wtc: very well i concede, cosider it gone. ahh my poor gif it died all to young
*begins humming "candle in the wind"*


been here since 2003
Apr 23, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa.

I can't do it !!
been doing the talking thing on the IM, and text messaging , and just a little bit on the cell phone.
I finally asked her in a not so obvious way her wieght, and she wouldn't say.. and her only come back was that she is "sensative about it""

so I know she's a "SWEAT HOG"" aka "" slam pig""

I cant be doing the dirty deed with a fattie !!.

I will be IM'ing her in a nice way that I am not intersted in a relationship and I am only looking to maybe have some fun""""

so if she want to "bump uglies " behind closed doors ... well maybe I can do that pending on how many nattie lights and white russians i've had.. !!!! :naughty: ,,,,,, ,,
other than that, hell no,,, no squash hogs !! in public that is !! :naughty:
