Well I pretty much struck out on the autozone thing but I did get this email back from Castrol when I wrote and asked them where I could buy the german castrol in socal. This is the second email from them the first one I got basically blew me off, then I received this one. If you look down at the bottom there's an interesting email address, it appears Castrol is owned by British Petroleum, aka BP
Lisa Gerada to me
show details 8:18 AM (3 hours ago) Reply
The North American Castrol SYNTEC SAE 0W-30 offers the same performance as
the German SYNTEC 0W-30. Performance attributes are clearly demonstrated in
the performance ratings and OEM approvals indicated for each of our
individual product offerings.
Castrol produces and utilize formulas from various sources, including North
America and Europe depending on the product, performance and component
sourcing. Products may vary in raw materials as a result of the regional
production facility. However, the end performance met whether API or ACEA,
is still the same. Formulations meeting European standards can be sourced
from the US or Europe. It all comes down the most efficient way to supply
the product to market taking into consideration development and supply chain
logistics. The performance specifications on the bottle may read differently
as American Standard testing varies from European testing.
Formulations meeting European standards can be sourced from the US or
Europe. It all comes down the most efficient way to supply the product to
market taking into consideration development and supply chain logistics.
The decision for 0W-30 to be sourced from Germany is based upon the most
efficient supply logistics.
Castrol SYNTEC SAE 0W-30 exceeds all car and light truck manufacturer's
warranty requirements for the protection of gasoline, diesel and
turbocharged engines where API SL, SJ, SH, CF or CD is recommended. Exceeds
European ACEA: A3, B3, B4; VW 502 00, 505 00, 503 01; MB 229.1, 229.3; BMW
LL-01 and the engine protection requirements of ILSAC GF-3 for API Certified
Gasoline Engine Oils and meets Energy Conserving Standards.
-----Original Message-----
ContactUs@BP.com [mailto:ContactUs@BP.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 4:20 PM
To: Online customer service
Subject: Castrol USA - Contact Us Form Data
Importance: High