Steve_N;1316262 said:
Big Thanks out to Jeff for throwing this meet together. Definitely worth the time & effort he put into this.
Now Everyone get in the mindset of CHi2K9.
You're welcome, Steve!

And yes, 100% correct..
It's time to get your Chi2k9 Game faces on.
Because this is really going to be special & memorable one...
XofXtimeX;1316324 said:
Jeff, great job man! The meet was awesome and I really wish I would have been up there today. Great meeting you and all of the other members.
Thanks, Nick. It was great to have another JZA70 car representing with me...:biglaugh: But seriously, awesome setup you have and I hope to see it in the future. Have a safe trip back to TX!
bishop40k;1316363 said:
Yeah, thanks Jeff, even though I think the wife and I (with the kids) were there for the shortest time of anyone, after getting lost on the way there
Sorry to hear about the confusion.

I don't recall speaking with you specifically (or better yet, don't remember hearing your s/n mentioned there!),
...If not, apologies for not introducing myself.
I bluff a lot...but it's way too fun being able to see the enthusiast count/interest and bar getting set for each year...I'll likely put together another meet this time next year as well. I'd love to see your cars then!
milisakeracing;1316428 said:
Many thanks to Jeff and everyone who helped make this event great. It was nice meeting more fellow Supra and SC owners, not to mention putting some faces/names to screennames/cars
You sir, have my vote for the best sounding V8 Supra I'VE ever heard. :drool:
Absolutely beautiful car, and I can't wait to see what you do with it next.
I better see that monster at the Chi2k9 meet this August!

And thanks for coming down!
It was a pleasure to see everyone again, along with some newbies that I hope to see returning to the meets.

Yesterday was a blast at O'Reilly...Don't think I could get any complaints on not having something to watch as there were 18 and a half different things going on ALL at once! :aigo:
Today, For the mini-cruise + BBQ + park...Great time for being able to relax,
Get a little goofy, and be able to enjoy the nice weather.
I'll be posting pictures no doubt...(Will start a thread in the Gen.Disc. forum),
But I'll save most of the pictures for you guys to post since I'll be making
a movie/DVD out of the meet.
Thanks again for attending, everyone. I had a blast.