illegal mods


The Deity
Oct 28, 2006
San Jose
haha.. yea well its not all bad we hav the smog laws.. its jus they're too strict... unmuffled BOVs are illegal because the "pshhh" noice releases air into our "atmosphere".. haha and yea... Cali is jus to tight on its rules... but hey... San Jose Police may be strict.. but thats why San Jose has the title "The Safest City In The United States" so im glad in a way i live here haha... but yea please someone answer the question i asked on my earlier post thanks


New Member
Jun 10, 2006
FMIC and pipes are legal on stock turbo motors. You can have an intake manifold as long as it has all the smog equipment. The funny thing is you can put an airfilter directly on the AFM but if you put a pipe between them its illegal.


Apr 2, 2005
Racine, WI
I got pulled over for no front license plate... then the guy told me my exhaust was too loud. he said any system that makes the exhaust note louder than stock, is illegal... in wisconsin... But pretty much if you can pass emissions, you're fine (unless you doing something wrong).


XBL: Mkiii DriFt3r
May 22, 2005
honolulu, california
^^^we almost got a ticket for not hacing front plates, but i told the bitch that we got ours stolen and that it should be on then she let us go and then she went to my uncles house right next door and gave him a ticket, he ripped it up in front of her. but what i dont get is why she was/gave us tickets when other people on the SAME street didnt have thier fronts either.


Active Member
Nov 12, 2005
Englewood, Ohio, United States
The fog lights I have on my bumper have the halo rings on them, I never use them I just got those fogs because those were the only ones that fit and were bright....but anyways I was at my friends house, parked, and one of my friends was im my car pushing buttons and turned them on and left them on so I went and turned them off whitch I had to cycle the colors to turn them off. A cop from her city pulled up next to me and threatened to have me towed if he saw it again...I just said yeah you do that and turned away.....hows that for a bad one? funny thing is that I wasnt even in the car i was reaching through the window...but yet one of my friends has a 9.5 sec. 69 chevelle that has no hood, drag slicks, and side pipes etc. that he has driven around town with in the summer and never gotten caught. :icon_conf


New Member
Jun 10, 2006
MKIII N00b said:
im sure they see it, but only because its a domestic. they dont really give a shit, some of these people are biased like that.
I have a 69 nova thats a little fixed up for now. I was leaving my work and I decided to get on it at a stoplight. When I left I burned out and was going 65 in a 35 street while itwas raining (no one else was on that road). I see a car come up real quick but I couldnt see what it was because my back window was fogy. I thought it was someone that wanted to race so I got ready to get on it then he turned on his lights. He said he saw me burn out and then he comlimented me on my car and the way it sounds. HE said he had a son my age with a nova and I should be a little more careful because if someone pulled out I would skid because my car doesnt have ABS. So I just agreed and he let me off.


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
a wierd one here is harnesses are illegal but its ok as long as your wearing the stock seatbelt lol they may have changed it though


a.k.a: mittens
Mar 7, 2006
boise, idaho
the only things i've found to be illegal in idaho are nitrous bottle hooked up and your exhaust has to be stock. you wont get called on it most of the time, unless it's realy loud or realy shiny. we have to pass emmisions, but as long as you have a cat, you can usualy pass.


New Member
Aug 27, 2005
Southern California
It don’t matter what mod’s you have, the more you draw attention to yourself the more likely your going to end up with some sort of citation. Sleepers rule, especially sleeper drivers who’ve figured out where, when, and how to get on it and still keep the public safe. No One wants to hurt anyone while playing.


May 20, 2006
Here in Lithuania cops are idiots i've got pulled once for my ssqv, cop said that my motor has problems and my car needs to be towed to nearest service :D but after 100 litas (~40usd) he just says "have a nice day" and goes away :D And at smog test everything done to the car is legal except rollcage for which if u have homologation, then its also legal. Also its possible to get "sport's car" title and u dont have to care about anything.
At smog testing facility two year's ago i had my rally evo tested, when the tester slamed on brakes the scale went beyond scale, and he was shocked (brombo + ebc green's), and when he tried to roll a few meter's forward he managed to do a burnout because of stage III clutch, that was funny as hell.

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
^LOL. That's great.

Here in Indiana, only thing you'll get pulled over for is speeding 15+mph over speed limit and accelerating even just a little bit beside another "tuner" looking car. It's the worst thing...they don't care if you're on slicks, caged, tubbed, purging nitrous or redlining your motor...but damnit, if one catches you accelerating even just a little bit with a car beside you that happens to have some rims...prepare to be pulled over.

Overall, my driving style anymore is to assume there is a cop watching ME, and only ME...I'm just very paranoid...but when the streets are open and clearly out of danger, I like to open up the throttle a bit. ;)



scratch that...going 2jz
Jun 26, 2006
United States
I have a euro windsheild wiper on my vw golf that sits straght up when not in use. well I had a cop pull me over for speeding. pointed at the wiper and said
Cop:whats that

Me: a wiper

Cop: does it work


Cop: let me see

*i turn the wiper on*

Me: it's a euro wiper

*cop shuts up*


Dec 5, 2005
The state police in Va. are the ones you have to watch out for. I got a ticket for no inspection sticker (I was on my way to the inspection appointment) and improper exhaust. I passed the inspection and went to court. The judge dismissed the inspection and asked to see my receipt where my exhaust had been fixed. I told him it was brand new that I had just built it. He looked at the cop and asked what was up. The cop showed him a picture of my 4 inch exhaust and the judge was unsure how to rule since I had passed inspection. They set me up with an appointment with the head of the inspection department and I went to meet him. It was in the middle of the summer so he was waiting in his car with the windows up and a/c running doing paperwork. I cut the car off and coasted over to him, got out and knocked on the window to tell him I was there. He got out and walked over to the car while it was NOT running and said it was illegal and walked back to his car.
I asked him why and he stated because it was not OEM equipment. I then asked why muffler shops could be in business since they were not OEM certified and why the Harley and three pickups with dual 3 inch pipes that went by were okay as they shook the window of the car we were in talking.
He said if a pick up and my car were going down the road with loud exhaust and they caught me then there was half the problem solved.
I was fined 108.00 dollars and told to have a nice day. In Va. if you buy a new vehicle and put 30,000 miles on it and your muffler starts to rattle it is modified, plus it has to be replace with OEM equipment is how the law reads.
A funny side note is I put a 4.5 inch pipe on the car after my "4 inch cat simulator" and let it dump under the rear passenger floor board and haven't been bothered since.


7M Powered
Aug 15, 2006
Gainesville, FL
The only problem I've heard of in FL is loud exhaust tickets but I hear they are stopping this, and I also very fightable in court. And all I know is California's got some really f'd up laws due to cars being wayyyy too fun.


I ♥ Boost
May 3, 2006
Kelowna, BC
I love canada :) In kelowna there are no smog laws or inspections... Only time I've been pulled over because of my car was because with my exhaust the 10+ cops standing at the top of a VERY long hill could hear me driving (well flying) up the hill... As he walked towards my car he was checking it out.. exhaust, the tires, the sub in the back then he told me I should get it (my exhaust) changed so I wouldnt be so noticeable.. then proceeded to ask if I was going to the highschool party that they were in the middle of busting up.. I said no, i've already graduated... then went on my way...


New Member
Mar 27, 2007
i dont know if anyone already said it but its actually illegal to do anything to your vehical (sp?). im sure some of you have found that bullshit law about the center of your headlight must be 22" from the ground. but then there's the 95 dB law about exhaust. of course a hooked up bottle of N20. i heard a roll cage is legal as long as you have a either have a helmet on or its padded (i dont know about that one. but its what i heared). burnouts are considered excess of speed. if a cop can hear your stereo from 50 ft away, its noise pollution. i know there are more then a few i forgot but what more do you want, its late! haha. cali laws suck but i still wouldnt live anywhere else.