Supramania Contributor
cadman: sigh... yeah, i'm not going to bust out my 9 if some dickhead flips me off, it's usually when they're yelling and screaming and about to get out of their car.
CtSupra said:cadman: sigh... yeah, i'm not going to bust out my 9 if some dickhead flips me off, it's usually when they're yelling and screaming and about to get out of their car.
Justin said:have you seen the video where the two hicks get out of the truck with a bat and attempt to go beat this BMW driver? The BMW driver gets out and sticks a gun in the guys face.
that's why I try not to fuck with people too much, just let things i normally wouldn't slide... you never have any idea who is carrying a gun.
92turbo4life said:so i am driving my car yesterday with my buddy who has a 88t and this guy mid 30's with his wife are driving around in a mini van... liek i have nothing better to do then make gestures at an elderly couple.. WTF IS UP WITH THE WORLD
one night all the power was out, so when i come up to a intersection with now power at the lights, i assume 4 way stop. Guy across the street stops, guy to my left stops, and the guy on the right is coming to a stop. So being the first at the intersection i start to go through, still watching the car on my right. He decides that he doesnt have to stop for me, and damn near rams me off the road. Before i could say "what and asshole" the car that was across the street, flips on his red and blues! HA, that sure made me feel goodSupracentral said:ometimes, there is a cop around when you need one.![]()
theWeezL said:The best course of action in a road rage scenario is to calmly call the police (if you have a cell phone) and ask for directions to the nearest police station. Calmly drive to that location making sure you dont get yourself boxed in somewhere. If there isnt a police station nearby a fire station will do. If neither of those are options your best bet is to look forward, drive normally, and continue on about your business. The aggressor will get bored and leave.
theWeezl said:NOTHING...and I mean NOTHING is worth loosing your life (or for that matter taking someone elses life) over.
theWeezL said:oh right swaq...I didnt mean that in the global sence of things...I meant while behind the wheel. I guess it sounded broad scoped. There have definately been times in my life that I have been willing to lay down my own life for someone else, and that time may come again...but I can tell you it wont be on the road with some idiot with an attitude!
CtSupra said:OoOoh! Nice weapon you have there!