I got into some road rage.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
kwnate said:

Adam was checking out a grandma, then flashed some gang signs at the old man. He chased em down cause Adam was only running 17lbs of boost, well he thinks cause his boost gauge isn't hooked up. He got cornered in a parking lot, got out and got picked up by his neck(he couldn't even breath!) Luckily his little sister punched the guy out. Cops came, gave grandpa a ticket and let Adam go cause they felt bad for him (beaten by grandpa, saved by a girl, drives a teal car).

I actually LOL'd!


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
theWeezL said:
I dont think I could ever carry a handgun...because that would mean that I would have to be willing to use it...and thats not something Im prepared to do.

The military kinda trains that out of ya ;) But I do know what you mean...it's not something I would particularly enjoy doing.

theWeezL said:
I still hold true to the idea that 99.99% of the time you can avoid ever putting yourself in a position to have to defend yourself with deadly force...but then again I dont live where some of you live.

And that is very, very true...I look at a weapon as a last resort. Here in AZ it's an "open carry" state...that means you can actually carry a gun anywhere as long as it's visible. To carry concealed, you have to have a take the course and get a permit. There's a lot of guns in this state...then again, AZ's crime rate is pretty low too. The criminals think twice about robbing you or breaking into your home.


2.5 Twin Turbo R
Staff member
Mar 30, 2005
Calgary, AB
92turbo4life said:

wtf is up with your spelling and grammar? :biglaugh:

seriously though, i am glad that idiot didnt do any worse to you. i am also glad to hear your friend got a good smack in on his nose. its hard to believe some people drive and act the way they do...


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
theWeezL said:
I still hold true to the idea that 99.99% of the time you can avoid ever putting yourself in a position to have to defend yourself with deadly force...but then again I dont live where some of you live.

unfortunatly things may end up being a situation that you cannot control, and you would have to defend yourself with force, just use it wisely. incapasiate(sp) not kill.


Yup, Thats The G/F
Jul 14, 2006
Bay Area, Ca
Ummm, some of you people are scaring me.....

There is no reason to carry a gun in your car. And besides, its illegal to keep the gun and ammo together, let alone loaded. At least I think so in CA.

You should never have ANY reason to pull it on the roads. I drive thru some terrible neighborhoods, never had any trouble with ppl on the streets or off where I would've needed a gun. All it is is a shot at life in prison when you have a terrible day one day and snap. Boom, something you never meant to do. You ended someone's life and screwed up countless others, inculding your own.

You can almost always keep driving and get away from the person.

Another rule of them I follow, that I believe has helped me stay out of trouble is this. *Be careful, its a groundbreaker* DONT BE AN ASS ON THE ROADS!!

There is one particular exit (Bay Area people: East Palo Alto University Ave from 101 N) where it backs up really bad making a left turn, while the right lane is almost empty. There are many times when I would love to drive up to the front in the right lane, then squeeze in at the front of the left lane, as I need to turn left. Would I let someone in if I was at the front of the left lane? No. So what makes me any more special? I just have found other ways of getting thru there (although I refuse to drive thru the EPA neighboorhoods with my targa off-I'm total white and so out of place there lol)

Just don't be an ass and things go a lot better for you. And seriously, if you had just kept going and not pulled over, problem solved....keep your temper in check dude.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
ChadMKIII said:
There is no reason to carry a gun in your car.

You don't have the right to make that statement. You can have it as an opinion, but that sound an awful lot like you're stating it as a fact. Here's a real fact; I've a right to defend my life, my liberty and my property. And the 2nd amendment to the Constitution guarantees it to me.

ChadMKIII said:
And besides, its illegal to keep the gun and ammo together, let alone loaded. At least I think so in CA.

Most of us don't live in the People's Republik of Kalifornia. Believe it or not, once you get outside your state (and places like NY) people still actually have a lot of thier rights and freedoms intact.

ChadMKIII said:
You should never have ANY reason to pull it on the roads. I drive thru some terrible neighborhoods, never had any trouble with ppl on the streets or off where I would've needed a gun. All it is is a shot at life in prison when you have a terrible day one day and snap. Boom, something you never meant to do. You ended someone's life and screwed up countless others, inculding your own.

I've been carrying a loaded firearm for 20 years and I've managed not to commit a murder. Perhaps you lack the mental discipline to be armed, that's fine. But you are making some very general broad statements here.

ChadMKIII said:
You can almost always keep driving and get away from the person.

You have got to be kidding... You really aren't this pollyanna are you? First of all, "almost always" isn't good enough for me. And it's when you CAN'T run that being able to defend yourself matters.

ChadMKIII said:
Another rule of them I follow, that I believe has helped me stay out of trouble is this. *Be careful, its a groundbreaker* DONT BE AN ASS ON THE ROADS!!

Sound advice there.

ChadMKIII said:
Just don't be an ass and things go a lot better for you. And seriously, if you had just kept going and not pulled over, problem solved....keep your temper in check dude.

For me personally, carrying a firearm makes me less likely to get into a confrontation with someone. I guess it's because the stakes are a lot higher.

However I'd suggest you do something to expand your vision and understanding. This is not an insult, your perspective just seems a bit narrow.


Yup, Thats The G/F
Jul 14, 2006
Bay Area, Ca
Point taken. It was a very general comment.
I will clarify that I have nothing against guns in general, it just seems to me that keeping one in your cars seems like you're asking for trouble. Not to mention if someone finds out its in there, it cou;d make your car an instant target for burglary.
I will say right now if you want to carry a gun I am all for it (in the way of no laws against it-the less gov't does the better IMO), I just don't really see the need. For example, in LA, I wonder if there are a lot of highway shootings that are caused by an overworked guy snapping, that wouldn't have happened if he didn't have a gun in his car. That's all.
About the stakes being higher, thats fine by me, I've never heard that line of reasoning before.

And honestly, if you have the choice between stopping, and risking escalating a confrontation to te point where a gun is needed for defense, or just keeping on driving.....well...

Oh, yeah, last things. CA does suck balls for stupid laws and shit like that. Thats the only thing I really don't like about it. Its hard to be both Republican and Californian. :)


Supramania Contributor
Apr 14, 2006
Over the pond
Exactly, you Supracentral are controlled :thumbup: but there are others that aren't. Why do you Americans talk so much about road rage and guns and stuff (killing etc etc)? You can carry a gun with you.
We here aren't allowed to carry a gun (and we can't buy it so easily), and I haven't heard of any road rage incidents or people being shot on the roads (no drive-by's no shit...), noones being soo hostile.(some drive aggressively, but they don't follow others:nuts: :icon_conf )
IMO something was made wrong in your constitution(i guess?) where they allowed to protect yourself with a gun.
I know, I know, guns don't kill people, people kill people :blah:, but nevertheless.... you understand my point I hope and it's NOT an insult at you Americans ;)


Sep 12, 2005
kwnate said:

Adam was checking out a grandma, then flashed some gang signs at the old man. He chased em down cause Adam was only running 17lbs of boost, well he thinks cause his boost gauge isn't hooked up. He got cornered in a parking lot, got out and got picked up by his neck(he couldn't even breath!) Luckily his little sister punched the guy out. Cops came, gave grandpa a ticket and let Adam go cause they felt bad for him (beaten by grandpa, saved by a girl, drives a teal car).

thats exactly how it went:biglaugh:


Sep 12, 2005
ValgeKotkas said:
My father carries(/d) a bigger pepper spray can in his car, sprays on i-don't-know-how-many-meters. Is veryvery effective and harmless.
He gave me a smaller can, so it's almost invisible in my hand and sprays on 2-3 meters I guess... cool thing:icon_razz

is pepper spray illegal or no.. like weapons wise. beacause if it isnt and ic an use it if somin like this comes up i am going to get me some...then ill be like yeah yeah pow spray his ass.

and this sucks. i can feel like where hsi thumbs where on my neck. im suprised id ont have a bruse.. it hurts to chew still!


Supramania Contributor
Apr 14, 2006
Over the pond
Yeah, on the bottle it says, only to use against evil animals... like I care?
Here it is sold, and if my life or property is in danger, spray and get away (it even rhymes :))