Ummm, some of you people are scaring me.....
There is no reason to carry a gun in your car. And besides, its illegal to keep the gun and ammo together, let alone loaded. At least I think so in CA.
You should never have ANY reason to pull it on the roads. I drive thru some terrible neighborhoods, never had any trouble with ppl on the streets or off where I would've needed a gun. All it is is a shot at life in prison when you have a terrible day one day and snap. Boom, something you never meant to do. You ended someone's life and screwed up countless others, inculding your own.
You can almost always keep driving and get away from the person.
Another rule of them I follow, that I believe has helped me stay out of trouble is this. *Be careful, its a groundbreaker* DONT BE AN ASS ON THE ROADS!!
There is one particular exit (Bay Area people: East Palo Alto University Ave from 101 N) where it backs up really bad making a left turn, while the right lane is almost empty. There are many times when I would love to drive up to the front in the right lane, then squeeze in at the front of the left lane, as I need to turn left. Would I let someone in if I was at the front of the left lane? No. So what makes me any more special? I just have found other ways of getting thru there (although I refuse to drive thru the EPA neighboorhoods with my targa off-I'm total white and so out of place there lol)
Just don't be an ass and things go a lot better for you. And seriously, if you had just kept going and not pulled over, problem solved....keep your temper in check dude.