I can help solve our national deficit

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Thats the problem though! Our government subsudizes the cost of oil! Your tax dollars go to foreign oil sheiks and big oil companies. Wouldnt you rather have part of it diverted to farmers to encourage an eco (ECOnomically and ECOlogy) friendly fuel?

That pretty much isnt true. A falsehood put out by an extremist left wing site.
When we tried these leftist policies the last time with Jimmy Carter, oil went to $40 a barrel in 1980 dollars. That is about $80 today, easily more than what it is now. What the left wants, is high oil prices. They complained when Reagan made the price of oil cheap. And the left praised Europe and said their gas is $5.00 a gallon. Now that ours is actual dollars is high, they still complain.


ASE and FAA A&P Certified
Mar 31, 2005
Central Idaho
Regardless of your opinions, the biodiesel industry is taking a rapid foothold. By next year some of these companies are going to be very successful.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Cade, I agree that biodiesel is a great unused resource. Wont stop the deficit, especially in war.

Let us not kid ourselves into thinking Bill Clinton gave us balanced budgets. The booming economy we have had since 1983 has increased tax revenues tenfold despite the lower tax rates by having more payees into the system. Nor did he cut any spending. In fact, the President doesnt spend any money at all. Read the constituion for those that think he does. He propose a budget, says this is what I need to spend to run the brances of government. Then Congress says, this is what you are getting. When Newt Gingrich ran Congress for, he is the one that didnt engage in deficit spending. He was the Speaker of the House, and held the check book tight.

The government isnt in business to turn a profit off its citizens anyway.


World I Am Gay Blue!!!
Dec 2, 2005
Fargo ND
This whole post gives me a headache!!!!! Way to much thinking and not enough Supra. But since your on the subject is this the reason that the price of grain in Alaska is so low????


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
I can fix it too:

1.) For our energy needs, make every thing run on ethanol. Its renewable, 100% clean, and will make 1000's of jobs stateside

2.) Abolish year end taxes. Instead tax every thing that you buy. In this regard, all people who purchase goods in the US, being a citizen, visitor or illegal alien will contribute to the pot without escaping "paying taxes."

3.) Put a salary cap on politicians', government officials', and other people in government. There is absolutely no reason why you should pay your local govenor almost $600,000 a year to run your state.


ASE and FAA A&P Certified
Mar 31, 2005
Central Idaho
1) Ethanol takes more energy to produce that we will get from it. Its a total scam. It burns at a stoic of 8:1 while gas burns at 12:1 - see where im going with this? You think you have bad mileage now.... wait till your burning at a 9:1 ratio with E85 = ~25% worse mileage

For the record, my diesel jetta gets 42city/50hwy

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
MDCmotorsports said:
I can fix it too:

1.) For our energy needs, make every thing run on ethanol. Its renewable, 100% clean, and will make 1000's of jobs stateside

2.) Abolish year end taxes. Instead tax every thing that you buy. In this regard, all people who purchase goods in the US, being a citizen, visitor or illegal alien will contribute to the pot without escaping "paying taxes."

3.) Put a salary cap on politicians', government officials', and other people in government. There is absolutely no reason why you should pay your local govenor almost $600,000 a year to run your state.
1)In order to supply the demand of the cars on the road, an estimated 75% of farmland would need to convert. So instead of importing oil from Canada and Mexico, we would import their food. (75% source: DOE)

2)Perfectly acceptable. User fees and a 5% income tax to be paid at years end.

3)They should make minimum wage while in session, ensuring the intention of the citizen government.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
I have read that about the ethanol also. Ford built a hotrod Mustang, and it made more power than gas, but it has a totally different state of tune. Extememly aggressive, high compression, high boost needed. Those things in the end will shorten the life of the engine. The BTU energy from gas is the highest, and by far the easiest to harvest.