I Ask Everyone here to read this Post!

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Wallet Wide Open
Mar 30, 2005
Raleigh, Nc
I beg to differ..

JBL has contributed a lot to the supra community no one is disputing, but John was always too busy working on his own projects and didn't really show his face around the forums Until he started his products here. If John is missing now, its not too big of a loss to most of the people here b/c things will just go back to the Pre JBL parts for sale section days.

Eric Varah
Dan Mac
Will Neeley
Jeff Tamulis
Dr Jones
Jeff Watson
on and on and on. Where do you think these people are now?
Some have moved on, but some are still deeply involved in their
MKIIIs but they choose not to communicate on this public domain b/c everytime they speak, their credibility is questioned but some dumbass who swore HK$ made a 3" downpipe.

If you think that was 1 out of 9K theads that started a fire in some, you need to come here more often.

It wasn't too long ago Simon was banned b/c a war broke out.

Start a 7M Vs 1JZ thread here and see how long that lasts before things get out of hand.


How about a MKIII Vs R32 skyline.....

Get my point.

This is where the mods shine. Its is their ability to resolve the matter, thats why they are here. Not add insult to injury.


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
I would like to add one more angle to mod selection. I don't think that the future mods have to have the cleanest 500+ Supra in order to be selected, nor know the most minute details about the way the ECU works.

IMO, mods don't need to be the most knowledgeable persons regarding the technicalities of Supras, rather they should be able to interact with people in order to eliminate arguements & have sound judgement, fairness & be able to make rational decisions.

I don't give a shit if he/she drives a Volkswagon Rabbit, as long as they regulate the traffic of the common folk, they're alright with me. I think that Jeff Lange & Grim excel in these areas.


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
I think a mod should not be chosen only because of his technical knowledge on ours cars but also he should also possess good morals and definately how to handle people without taking sides or losing control. A fair person.

And yes, it does not mean that you are more mature and wise if you are older. Maturity and wisdom comes from life experiences. A person can be old but hasnt been through much in life whereas a younger guy can have lot more life experiences and be much wiser.



Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
Lol..you read my mind on mod personalites Rakkasan....As soon as i posted mine yours popped up a few seconds earlier.



Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
Please don't think that just because I didn't take John's side over this one thing that I don't have a huge amount of respect for him or what he has done for this community. Or that I don't notice the absence of some key players. I am very aware of this. Honestly I wish they were here. But there not here, and it is by there own choice, their own reasons. Who are we to argue with that? Maybe they are tired of arguing with some moron ricer, who wouldn't be. But were not MKIV owners and were not an exclusive club, so limiting rice kiddies becomes very hard. It is going to come with the terrain of owning an MKIII

Second, yes, your right there has been a FEW more than one flame war. I was more trying to illustrate a point that the situation is being blown a little out of proportion.

Lastly don’t think that just because I don’t have a huge post count that I haven’t been here for awhile. I usually just wander around collecting info about things, reading and such. It wasn’t until recently I started to post a lot. I’m not even sure why really, other than I wanted to help SM get back on its feet after the last crash/hack.


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
malloynx said:
I feel i've been a good mod and i try to do my job to the best of my abilities.

I think you're correct, I should have gave you props, too.

tte, there's two type of people in the world, the quick & the dead.....:biglaugh:



Wallet Wide Open
Mar 30, 2005
Raleigh, Nc
Originally Posted by malloynx
I feel i've been a good mod and i try to do my job to the best of my abilities.

Reply by Rakkasan
I think you're correct, I should have gave you props, too.

Prime example we have right here. If a Mod feels he is doing a good job, Speak up and let the people speak on your behalf. If folks like the way you run things no reason to get rid of you.

Mike where you this weekend man, I drove 3 hours for that meet :3d_frown:


Mar 30, 2005
sorry bro... i was actually in charolette; but i was stuck at the dyno getting my car tuned. i got pissed off and stormed home. i wish i was there


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
i must say, we are stronger than we lead on.
i'm very proud of the way we are sticking to the subject at hand, and gathering ideas.

i, as a neutral, would like to suggest not getting rid of OT. i feel it keeps a lot of the junk corralled that would more than likely be a burden to General, or end up in some random forum that was deemed "proper"

either way, we should keep up the brainstorm, and i would like to offer my help as a mod of any particular forum. i'm always here somewhere, usually for an hour a day most of the time longer.

i like the forum as it is. i feel we are a very strong community. moderating, i believe, is carried out (for the most part) in a very proper form.
i knew how good i had it here when i signed up at www.sl-i.net
it is subaru legacy international. aimed at my DD, i figured i'd get a few pointers here and there from the site, but when i introduced myself, i was a bit shocked. i'll link to it... http://www.sl-i.net/FORUM/viewtopic.php?t=1109

as far as that goes, i'd say we're on the right track. a little buffing and this place will shine like new. keep it up. the ideas are flowing pretty well


Local Tire Destroyer
May 27, 2005
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
The biggest thing is to remember is that everyone was a noob, and to be helpful and considerate to everyone, whetehr they have 4 posts or 4000. If you have a problem or an attitude, look inside yourself and try to see why you can't accept things the way they are. If you vent your rage on internet forums, you probably need to go outside and enjoy fresh air, or some hard liquor.

That said, I hope to see good times on SM in 2006.


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
as defence for the OT section... may i ask:

what do you 'get rid of OT' guys expect from it?
do you think all the tiny little (compared to SF) flame wars we have every now and then will stop? do you think the bullshitting will stop?

i doubt it... sure it might get better for like a month or so but then the 'bad guys' will whore in the other sections and everybody will be even more pissed.

the problem isnt the OT section, the problem are members that do not follow rules, members that are ignorant and intolerant and mods that are not doing their job aka deleting offensive posts or threads.

example... the beloved jesus thread...
due to the fact that i am on dial up, i havent seen the pics but read what was said and it seems like it also included funny pics of hitler.
now i personally dont think hitler in a bunny costume or whatever is funny but i didnt get into the thread all pissed off being like 'OH MY GOD, how can you do that... you are offending me and all the germans and all the jews and everybody that died during that time.... shame on you.... i hope you will burn in hell'

no i didnt, and you know why?
cos it wasnt about me or germany or making fun of jews and what happened during the 3.reich. it was simply a form of humor... and everybody has a different kind of humor. there are tons of comedians out there and i find like 1% funny.... go figure.
to repeat it in regards to jesus.... johnny did not make this thread with the intention to piss off all christians or offend them or make fun of their religion... he thought it was funny, he thought you guys might like it and everybody that was taking that bullshit personally needs some serious grwoing up to do and has to learn quite a few lessons of life, regardless of age.
you guys made a problem out of it by jumping into it and being all offended and pissed and taking it out in this thread. mainly what happened imo was something like 'oh hey, you offended me, i will offend you... how do you like that, hm?'

this is worse than high school drama... and then i have to listen to things like 'we are all grown ups here, bella... there will always be people posting things you will not like'... cos i was complaining about someone insulting my sister.... you might remember it... THAT was a personal attack, cos it was directly addressed to my sister, not the crap you guys get off about.

my 2 cents, i don't really have anything else to say... so i guess i will just watch from now on.


Wallet Wide Open
Mar 30, 2005
Raleigh, Nc
God and Humer don't mix.

get out of the off-topic defence mode. You want to loosen up, like I said, Supraforum would a good start. their off topic is full of entertainment and you'll feel right at home with the semi supra community.

I see this thread has had a lot of views and quiet a bit of replys. Where are the Mods in question? I suspect they are just waiting for the activity to die down and this thread get off the front page so things can go back to the way they were.


United States of America
Mar 30, 2005
I think they're just waiting, cause Grim already said:
GrimJack said:
Don't despair yet, folks. There are some changes coming soon...
...I have some good ideas, and if you can give me a few days to recover, I should have them presentable and out there for everyone to comment on.
patients folks


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
There is something called censorship. Off topic on this site should not be a place for you to go rant about things that offend your fellow members. So if I'm hearing you correctly, you are saying we play nice in other forums but in off topic the gloves come off?

What disclaimer? so its ok if I say >I agree< without reading the fine print that, I might get my feelings hurt if I enter this section? What gives the next member a right to sling trash and I have to put up just b/c there was a warning on the front door.

My idea of Mature Mods is that they would use better judgment, not take sides.

That'll work

this is correct and from a legal standpoint, no one can say they did not get forewarned prior to coming into the OT section ;) ruffled feather be damned. Now. With that in mind I can count my OT post in this forum with one hand. Wht? Because unlike other forums where people debate in a sensible manner the topic at hand (what Grim was trying to head the thread to). The first thing someone cries about here is.."boohoo my pussy got hurt, delete that topic!" (sorry to the ladies). I am sorry, but if you get offended by words that happen to form a idea that does not coincide with yours, then it is best that you also NOT go out of your house and close the door and throw away the key because there are more problems in this life than if someone uses the Allah sign on a BK ice cream cup or portrays Jesus with Airwalks as an asshole.

funny how powerful the written word is to cause all this comotion.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
I saw a problem and then I posted here so we can all come togather and resolve the problem.

I also know that most of the mods would just like to sweep this whole crap under the Rug and pretend like all is Holy here.

hell no

ask anyone that knows me. I love to take a charging bull head on and I do not hold back. This crapfest that has happened over one post is, imo short of religious zealous now and absolutly bullshit. This should have been a non-issue but then a person got offended over some comments made and boom here we are in this circle jerk of a discussion. Again, if this was an entirely FREE board i could agree with you but this is OWNED by one person/company. It is up to them to decide what they deem "holsum" or "obscene". Not the users, not the mods. If the users don't like it they can go foot the bill of 2k /month for thier own t-1 and server space. Quite simple really.

*DISCLAIMER: The view expressed here in are my own views and do not express the views of the owner of supramania or the ISP that provides the internet connection for supramania to be accessible to all of the internet. If these views offend you, welcome to the internet and my way of cutting through the bullshit. Thanks!



Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
tte said:
I think a mod should not be chosen only because of his technical knowledge on ours cars but also he should also possess good morals and definately how to handle people without taking sides or losing control. A fair person.

And yes, it does not mean that you are more mature and wise if you are older. Maturity and wisdom comes from life experiences. A person can be old but hasnt been through much in life whereas a younger guy can have lot more life experiences and be much wiser.


here is the issue

how do you define what good morales are? Based on religon? Based on what they eat? Based if they are married and have children or are single? Based on if the planets are aligned? Morality affects impartilism, PERIOD. There is no if's and's or doubts about it. See the jesus thread on that for my point.


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
God and Humer don't mix.

wow... what the hell?
so god and humor dont mix... that is exactly the problem: just cos YOU think so, doesnt mean others agree (what an amazing fact).

you only get off about that one thread, about that one thing and everybody involved... i think your main problem here is that your buddy left cos he got pissed off about some ridiculous bullshit and mods didnt help him or took his side and you dont like that fact.
that, pioneer is your only problem in my opinion even tho you try to make it look like you are concerned about the forum.

sure, i can understand that he got pissed off (i get pissed off about stuff here quite often) but what kinda man is he to leave a community he helped out for quite a while... a community that (maybe) meant something to him... imo it was and is a very childish and immature move. instead he just could have been like 'oh my... whatever...' or he could have addressed the issue in a mature way but no... running away from things instead of trying to solve them was his only option, obviously.

some others had the same thought but stayed... they at least showed some balls, they at least are trying to change things, trying to solve problems.

you, pioneer and some others, have one problem and that problem is: you take things too fucking serious. you seriously have to be a little bit more tolerant... you have to loosen up, you have to open up your mind and accept the fact that there will always be trouble when about 2 thousand people from all over the world, with different religions and point of views are together in one forum... you cannot make 2,000 people agree on everything, you cannot expect that things will always be like happy-happy-land... no matter if its OT or the rest of the forum.
if you think you can achieve that, a happy-happy-land for everyone, you are quite naive.

you guys are grown ups (looking at your ages)... but look at it... look what happened cos of one thread... you are looking for scapegoats (the mods and OT), you think getting rid of something is the only way, you are not able to get over things and move on etc... that is not grown up.

get out of the off-topic defence mode. You want to loosen up, like I said, Supraforum would a good start. their off topic is full of entertainment and you'll feel right at home with the semi supra community.

so i am not allowed to stand up for something or what?
SF sucks ass. others on here will agree... if i want kindergarten i go and work in one... also lots of people are on different forums but they still choose SM over all of them... cos its like family for them... now tell those to go to SF and make themselves at home.

if you take anything written here as offense, so be it... i am tired of that intolerant bullshit.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
This is where the mods shine. Its is their ability to resolve the matter, thats why they are here. Not add insult to injury.

mods are here to be impartial. What happened in that thread wasn't impartial. Someone took what was written and translated it with thier own morale and judgement and here we are.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
God and Humer don't mix.

get out of the off-topic defence mode. You want to loosen up, like I said, Supraforum would a good start. their off topic is full of entertainment and you'll feel right at home with the semi supra community.

I see this thread has had a lot of views and quiet a bit of replys. Where are the Mods in question? I suspect they are just waiting for the activity to die down and this thread get off the front page so things can go back to the way they were.

sure it does mix, in YOUR opinion it doesn't but again that is YOUR opinion. Now here is the real question. Does it OFFEND you that in my opinion, god and humor DO mix? And you can be honest you won't hurt my feelings on this.
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