I Ask Everyone here to read this Post!

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United States of America
Mar 30, 2005
how long ago was the election? when was the vote? I missed it :(

I think the OT is necessary. It has been stated many times in many threads that we represent a Supra family. Families do not talk just one subject. Say you want to talk, about the most hilarious movie you just saw, with your supra family. That does not have a place in General or any other section. That being said, I rarely go into OT. I know most of the stuff there is irrelevant to what I'm looking for.

my 2¢

edit: unless it's got a Supra in it. anyone want to talk about Taxi ... again ......:)
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May 20, 2005
Im completly with D34DC311 you just cant just bash out the younger generation like that you gotta give them time to read and learn about it I mean ill admit it when I first came here I didnt know jack about my car and I got it for 400 bucks but because of supramania and its all of of its info me and my car has come along way,

and yes im 17 but this Isnt my first car and ive done the research on what maintenance and such that I need to do before modding "which turned out to be buy a JDM motor and rebuild it" just give the younger generation a chance try to teach them not bash them.


I am the Super Devil
Jun 22, 2005
Mississauga, Ontario
Being 17 and gettting it running to drive to school was top priority for me when i first purchased my supra. My motor got rod knock and and i was sad. But that isn't to say that the younger generation doesn't do any maintenance. The previous owner was a old guy and he softened it up by runnign extras thick oil and Lucas. First oil change i did it developed a knock... The thing about the next generation is we are pretty miuch getting screwed by the older one. not on here but in general and that is why many ask really basic questions without using that magical search button. I do agree that the content should be improved or we might lose this site as a whole. i also think to help out the site, there should be perhaps like a group christmas donation to the person who rusn the site. But i can't convince people to do anything but i will donate as soon as i find that damn button... Oh and i think mods should not fight amongst each other or it will turn out we will lose more members. ie that stupid fucking jesus page. i say we ban stupid little shits who post stuff like that instead of asking why our content level is lower. less peace talks and more iron fists!


Mar 31, 2005
Troy, MI
I'm another 26 yo who is in between this whole war and just want to voice my opinion.

I'm caught in the middle watching the less mature of the 16-20 crowd(the JDM tyte boys) get into it with the less mature of the 32-40 crowd(the 'we are older so you better listen' types). Not all of either category is bad, but some of both. I see plenty of younger guys eager to learn and plenty of older guys willing to teach.

The Supra isn't my first car, nor will it be my last, though I intend on keeping the Supra as a weekend car no matter where I go in life. The reason I come here is not the OT section, and I agree with CK about it being a place that most users just ignore anyways. That's the way it was on Celica.net, 6gc.net(which I frequented when I owned my Celicas), and even in the computer related forums I visit. It's rare that I even look at OT let alone read a thread in there.

I visit this site to find information about my car. I try not to ask questions that have already been answered or that I can find on my own(cygnus.net is a great resource, as is having my own dealer manual).
And I don't want to be told 'do a search' all the time. Last time I asked a question(about what BOV's people have used/liked) I was told to check the part reviews that are almost hidden on the site and don't cover very many products or contain a lot of usefull information.

The mod situation does need to be taken care of, and shouldn't be just the 32-40's or the 16-22's. It needs to be a good selection of both to cover all the views of the various members from various walks of life. And don't cut slack for bad mods. If they break the rules or throw a tantrum, they shouldn't be allowed to be a mod, no questions asked.


Wallet Wide Open
Mar 30, 2005
Raleigh, Nc
I don't really have a problem with anyone asking dumb questions or not asking the right questions. To me, a person is more dangerous when he didn't ask the question b/c he was shy and then went and performed a task he thought he can handle. His ignorance ended him costing a lot of $ or possibly bodily injury (Hell even I get hurt working on the supra)..

I have a problem with the guys Young or old who come here only to spread mischief. They live among us and are a part of this synchronized machine but Given 1 chance, they are quick to show their true color. Its a shame we have a few of these people around here and it is because of them, some of the others stay away.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
^^ but who is the better of the two, the older more established member, that people know, even if he/she thinks people dont recognize them and leaves, hurting and taking more of the community than they know, or the person who knows how to push people to the limit and get away with it.

so avoid the people you cant stand and be the better person and stay with the community because see it or not the community knows who is in the right.
some of the older members need to relize that everywhere u go, there will always be someone that you shall dislike, even be it home.


Wallet Wide Open
Mar 30, 2005
Raleigh, Nc
^^ thats where good mods come into play. Clear the way so good people stay here and eliminate the bad apples. setup a warning system, 3 strikes you are out. Most other established forums have tough rules like this. Why can't we do it.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
the motor city
D34DC311 said:
^^ but who is the better of the two, the older more established member, that people know, even if he/she thinks people dont recognize them and leaves, hurting and taking more of the community than they know, or the person who knows how to push people to the limit and get away with it.

so avoid the people you cant stand and be the better person and stay with the community because see it or not the community knows who is in the right.
some of the older members need to relize that everywhere u go, there will always be someone that you shall dislike, even be it home.

ah, but what if you don't care about the community because you've already given all you care to give? each person only can give so much....


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
Charlie97L said:
Basically, the two sites I used to mod, the unspoken thing with OT was "if you don't want to get your cage rattled/get offended, don't go in that section." We even had a disclaimer page on one of them each time before you could view the area. You have to take everything in there with a grain of salt. There is a lot of offensive stuff on the internet. What do you do if you are offended by porn? You don't go to porn sites. Easy enough. No one is missing anything by not visiting OT.

couldnt have said it better.
I think OT is somewhat necessary... sure most of the time it is senseless or offensive crap with no real meaning but there is also funny, interesting and informative stuff... it depends on the threads. I also agree with the person that said lots of people use OT to get to know the other members, to see how people treat each other and OT here is still so much nicer and more family like than anywhere else.
Mainly in OT you can talk about stuff that is not car-related and everybody needs a change every now and then and not everybody likes SF or OT.com or whatever else is out there.

Anyway, I was thinking of something... especially now that Dave is talking about making some changes.
Well, I'm a girl, one that is interested in cars, not only MKIII's but cars in general. I am rather new to the whole car stuff... so I don't have much to contribute. But I do read and since the bf is a total car nut I learn quite a few things from him too.
Honestly I am personally not very interested in all the technical aspects... engines,wiring, rebuilds, etc. I don't really understand most of it... it involves too much math and physics for me but there is one thing I really like, one thing that most of you probably don't like, lol.

Body work... hehehehe.
I think it is amazing and I would love to read threads from people that do body work and painting and maybe even air brushing and stuff. I wanna learn painting cars and air brushing myself and I think we have a good community here that could provide some great info (I hope) and I wouldn't have to spend hours googling for stuff.

So I would like to know if it is possible to maybe have a section about body work only?
I know there are the occasional body work/ paint threads in general discussion or so... and if you guys say no, thats ok... it was just a suggestion.
And I also know I wouldn't really have anything to contribute for the section but as I've said I would love to read stuff from people that have lots of experience with it... do some learning in some ways :)


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
drjonez said:
ah, but what if you don't care about the community because you've already given all you care to give? each person only can give so much....

and the community see this, and in a large aspect gives these members an almost glorified respect. take you for example, I have the upmost respect for you, there are few other members out of the 2000+ members that have gained the respect i have for you. I can understand and respect your leaving the community but i disagree with it.

If the higher ups/olders members see that it is time to move on then so shall it be, but to leave a community that you and others have worked so hard to build to wither and die, thats just something i cant see eye to eye with.


Apr 9, 2005
Pittsboro, NC
drjonez said:
ah, but what if you don't care about the community because you've already given all you care to give? each person only can give so much....

Adam, I know how you feel. I still try to keep a fresh head on my shoulders so
I can help new people. I have what I would think is a fairly small post count,
but I useually say, email me off-list. I help a lot of people, and only a few have
ever even said thank you. But I still do it because some of the people I help
end up telling thier friends, and more and more. I get to help 1 guy every 6 mo.
that says, I wanna build a 7M, or whatever and I wanna do it right, the 1st
time. They come to me because I'll tel them if I don't know something, and
what I would do, etc. I help them shoot for the goals they want so they
don't have to do the trial and error thing like a lot of us had to do over the

If they were to put it to a vote, I'd be willing to bet most people who know
the most about the supras wouldn't be nominated to be admins. I'm not
saying the admins are ignorant (so don't read it that way). But some of the
people who used to be big names (Will Nealey, Eric Verah, Chris Parvin), etc.
are not even really well known anymore. Will Nealey helped me build my 1st
two supras, and I learned a lot from him. I have been working on supras for
years. Adam, I've actually learned a lot from you by reading stuff online.

I dunno, I had a point when I started rambling....



Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
Im just gunna say Im too old for the drama, I know we have some people on here that seariously deserve a beating with the ban hammer... However, this is the best supra related forum I have been to... As of late though, there seems to be some serious issues with the mod performance... The point was made that one of the main function of the mod is to MODERATE a specific forum or forums... When a conflict becomes evident, the moderator should take a look from both sides and determine if the thread should be locked, allowed to proceed or just keep an eye out to make sure it doesnt get out of hand... The thread that I know has sparked alot of problems here should NEVER have happened... It should've been locked long before it was, or deleted... What really upset me with the two particular mods is the way they handled it... If it had been some nobody newbie troll that was offended, that's one thing, but when you have someone who has so much impact on this community ASKING for his beliefs to be respected, and they arent, they're spit on, then that's what pissed me off... And when a mod isnt doing their job, or cant seem to rise above, then the next step is the admin to step in and handle it... Then whats REALLY f'n pathetic is that when this topic was brought up again in another thread, the thread was locked because of "personal" attacks, when in fact, NO "person" was ever named... It was a vague refferance like this post is... *no names said, but everyone knows who I am talking about and what Im talking about*

Listen, Im 33 years old, as of today, and I dont mind listening to what the young guys have to say, because they have alot to teach me... However, the maturity has to be there and for the most part these young guys conduct themselves with maturity and proffesionalism... Sometimes things get out of hand and people take it personally and maturity/professionalism flies out the window... It happens... It just seems to be happening more lately... I too would like to see a change...

Jeff Lange and GrimJack, I sent you both PMs on my feelings and recommendations... It would be nice if one of you would PM me back on that...

Thanks guys... Now Im gunna head out and enjoy my birthday... :D:D:D



Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
Im not going to add to any more of the drama, but I have found that drama simply kills a family.

After the lastest fiasco and two mods involved which will remain nameless here are my thoughts....

After the fiasco a couple of weeks ago, I really thought about leaving the sm community because I felt that the community had not only let me down, but others as well. Being told "Piss the fuck off" & "Get the fuck out" aren't on my top ten welcome list of phrases.

But, after branching out and making some new friends on other sites, I have come to the conclusion that for me to leave is not fair to you the members!

On addition to me becoming a member on other sites to serve the MK3 COMMUNITY better, I have decided to come back in full force here on sm to SERVE YOU THE COMMUNITY BETTER!

Why? Like I said before, BECAUSE I GIVE A DAMN. Thats why.

How in full force?

Well first, I'd like to let every one know that I took over all of JBLMk3 PRODUCT LINE.

That includes flanges and just about any thing else he made.

Second, there will be a "staff/employee" reconstruction going on in the next few days/weeks/months. There I spilled the beans. You as the "public" should have a right to know whats going on behind closed doors. After all, we as mods are here to serve you. When this "reconstruction" happens, I would very much like to be a part of it. The ONLY WAY this can happen is if you elect me to be a part of it.


Tell Grim and Jeff you want me to be a part of it.

I can only help and serve you guys better if I become a mod. Right now Im only a mod in my little area. Some say this is a good thing, others say he needs room to roam.



This means we stick together, and we ban hammer not only members, but elected "officials" we do not approve of.

Think of it this way. If a mod has no community, what does he have left to mod?

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
i have only been here for a few months and i like the OT area very much, Its where i post most often because im new and its layed back,

I only post in the main areas if i have some direct info to help or someone is asking for oppinions or i have a lagit question.. im also 33 and i tend to agree with jake. I dont like the drama. i will read OTHER FORUMS if i want a drama fix.. It should be like tv, if something bothers me, i turn it off or change the channel, problem solved..

i do enjoy a good debate, but debating certain topic almost always offends someone and end badly , imo. i believe in free speech but this should not include personal attacks or flamatory subjects.. ok im done...

ps happy b-day !! jake


I am the Super Devil
Jun 22, 2005
Mississauga, Ontario
mayeb there should be more mods? like one for each section. i figure maybe even 2 different mods for EACH section wouldbe appropriate seeing how some are just to busy to go through each conflict.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
So how is the whole election thing going to work?
people going to run and then be voted on?
like polls?


Wallet Wide Open
Mar 30, 2005
Raleigh, Nc
Like I said, Suspend all of them. put a new list of people up in a poll, let the members decide who they want. If the old ones want to be keep their mod jobs, let them be a part of the poll and let the people choose and see if they can do the job and do it well.


Apr 9, 2005
Pittsboro, NC
I think if you're gonna stop all mods, and re-assign, you need to have a simple list of 5+ people that are old timers here: Dr Jonez, PIONEER, JTma71, etc.
And have THEM decide who THEY think should be an Admin, AND WHY.

Until then I'm back to lurking in the shadows.

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