PIONEER, you and me—and many other intelligent people—have the same exact view on many issues that have come up lately.
I am definitely down with getting rid of a lot of mods.
We wondered how this thread would go. Not bad at all! (heheh)
I have said it before, and will say it again: we need professional adults in the mod forum.
You can’t change people, new ones are needed. There are lots of forums now and the biggest difference amongst them is by whom they are run by. It is the administrator and moderators that will make a site better or worse than the competing forums. (That is what it will come down to.)
The more we delay the inevitable, the uglier things are going to get. If anyone really cares about this site, they will know that certain mods are not quite up to par!
Adding more mods is not an option! That is diluting the crap. We clean things up by removal and replacement, not by dilution.
I know GrimJack favors the idea of having many mods run the site. Doing this only creates and increases power struggle problems—an ongoing theme that goes on here! The way things are now, I would rather be on SF, because at least there, we are equal. On here: it seems as if we have too many kids running around so happy that they have the keys to the site, while our most intelligent, professional, and adult members are supposed to watch the show they perform.
Mods that are not active for weeks and months at a time, need to be asked to come back later if a spot opens up. If someone is not around, then they can’t mod! (Easy as that.)
Some will say that the way things are now is because of a different generation. To some extent, that is true, but we can’t blame them for all of this. We need to do our part on getting the best folks to mod. Get good leaders in mod forum, lose the ones that disgraced this site, and this site should be back on the way to recovery.
Aye Mate, that would be a very drastic move you proposed (getting rid of OT). If we get people who mod for the right reasons, we would have a decent OT section. It all comes back to proper management.
We need to look for better managers and stop blaming OT, the new generation, or whatever else people are coming up with.
CK, that is not entirely true. Many mods became mods not by election, but by direct appointment. If we were to do a poll now, many would be voted off! I don’t believe in voting for mods to be removed unless we have extremely bad events—the ones we had qualify as extremely bad events.
KeithH, when I was a mod (mod of general at one time), I read one of your posts and then thought you should have access to mod forum. You are definitely a Team SM guy! I CAN’T see how you would do any worse than what is going on now. If I could, I would give you the highest recommendations at a mod in the general section. The only thing I wonder about though is: do you have the time it takes?
KeithH said:
I was just kidding.

I don't need/want to be a mod. I'll just rock the boat every once in a while.
No, you weren’t

I would love it if you became one, or had the chance to contribute on how this site is to change. I know you are capable of it too.
While I was thinking that you should have access to mod forum. KeithH, it also struck me that ShawnDude should still have access to that section. I say give ShawnDude access, and if he feels like posting (although he is busy now), he could. It would only be a benefit to the site. I am not really all that close to ShawnDude, but I know that he ran a hell of a forum! He and I seem to have some of the same beliefs: neat and tidy threads, welcoming contributors as opposed to competing with them, and thinking that the FAQ threads should not be a place for asking questions—so many don’t like watching others contribute…it is as if we are here to play Jeopardy (like the TV show).
Here are some people that would be awesome mods that I know would accept the position:
KeithH: (probably in General). He just stated that he would like a shot at modding.
PIONEER: (probably General also) Old time SM loyal member. Already chatted with him and he would be willing to help out with modding.
MDCmotorsports: He is always on and is addicted to this site. Always a help, very level headed, has the highest sense of community, never a problem, always someone worthy of leadership. The role of super moderator would not be beyond his abilities! And yes, I know he would like to be a mod or super mod, and would do it for the right reasons.
Drunk_Medic: Has experience in modding. Already did a mini poll and people think he would be awesome as an OT mod. I have not asked him yet though.
Adjuster: I have not talked to Adjuster
yet. He may be another “ShawnDude” if we let him. He trains and manages for a living. I would like to see him in the Tech Section. Not too busy a section and I think that would suit him just perfect. Others are already with me on this.
There are others I think would be great as mod, but I don’t know quite as well. So that brings some uncertainty.
If this is truly a forum run for the community by the community, then we should be allowed to improve our mods!
Grim, I am pretty impressed with what I am reading—let them decide who should leave.
In summary: We need mods that are active on this site. We need better leaders and decision makers. Our current mods have done unacceptable things! We must have some of the team replaced! We have great guys that would be awesome mods! Let them do it!
All the professional adult types are with me on this—that I know of.
I typed most of that before I read post 15 and on. (Did it on my lunch break.)
In addition to that, I am extremely impressed with your post, Reign_Maker—especially since I know you and some of those mods are friends. Favoritism is a form of corruption. It REALLY impressed me to see that you can look past things and make an objective post in regards to what is best for the forum and what is just wrong.
Grim, changes need to be made. Things are just getting uglier and uglier. You already know what I am up to.
....Wow, how these forums increased my typing speed and writing skills! (heheh).