After dealing with some people here recently in OT, I started to notice some trends happening that I could not explain.. I had to search a bit for answers and I believe I hit the "booty jackpot"....It explains everything that I have been dealing with, from a few people here (you know who you are). :3d_frown:
These are directions from Newt Gingrich’s famous memo “Language: A Key Mechanism of Control.” It teaches us the best ways to talk like a right wing conservitive republican and "how to" manipulate politics and people you know to get what you want, even if your wrong!.
This is truely some of the most evil shit I have ever read.:icon_evil
I know your secrets now guys......:evil2:
How to Talk Right - Lesson #1
The Rhetoric of the Right – Lessons in Rhetorical Hocus Pocus
Lesson #1: The Right Vocabulary
To talk right, you will need to reshape your vocabulary. Don’t worry, you won’t be required to learn any multisyllabic like multisyllabic. Talking right involves a simple, straight-forward vocabulary.
The first rule of the right vocabulary is to reduce everything to two sides: us and them, right and wrong, good and bad. We begin to learn the right way of talking by looking at one of the most important documents in the history of right America: Newt Gingrich’s famous memo “Language: A Key Mechanism of Control.”
Language: A Key Mechanism of Control
As you know, one of the key points in the GOPAC tapes is that "language matters." In the video "We are a Majority," Language is listed as a key mechanism of control used by a majority party, along with Agenda, Rules, Attitude and Learning. As the tapes have been used in training sessions across the country and mailed to candidates we have heard a plaintive plea: "I wish I could speak like Newt."
That takes years of practice. But, we believe that you could have a significant impact on your campaign and the way you communicate if we help a little. That is why we have created this list of words and phrases.This list is prepared so that you might have a directory of words to use in writing literature and mail, in preparing speeches, and in producing electronic media.
The words and phrases are powerful. Read them. Memorize as many as possible. And remember that like any tool, these words will not help if they are not used.While the list could be the size of the latest "College Edition" dictionary, we have attempted to keep it small enough to be readily useful yet large enough to be broadly functional. The list is divided into two sections: Optimistic Positive Governing words and phrases to help describe your vision for the future of your community (your message) and Contrasting words to help you clearly define the policies and record of your opponent and the Democratic party.
Please let us know if you have any other suggestions or additions. We would also like to know how you use the list. Call us at GOPAC or write with your suggestions and comments. We may include them in the next tape mailing so that others can benefit from your knowledge and experience.
Optimistic Positive Governing Words: (for replublicans)
Use the list below to help define your campaign and your vision of public service. These words can help give extra power to your message. In addition, these words help develop the positive side of the contrast you should create with your opponent, giving your community something to vote for!
active(ly) / activist / building / candid(ly) / care(ing) / challenge / change / children / choice / choose / citizen / commitment / common / sense / compete / confident / conflict / control / courage / crusade / debate / dream / duty / eliminate good-time in prison /empower(ment) / fair / family / freedom / hard work / help / humane / incentive / initiative / lead / learn / legacy / liberty / light / listen / mobilize / moral / movement / opportunity / passionate / peace / pioneer / precious / premise / preserve / principle(d) / pristine / pro- (issue): flag, children, environment, reform / prosperity / protect / proud / pride / provide / reform / rights / share / strength / success / tough / truth / unique / vision / we/usour
Contrasting Words (for anyone who disagrees with you)
Often we search hard for words to define our opponents. Sometimes we are hesitant to use contrast. Remember that creating a difference helps you. These are powerful words that can create a clear and easily understood contrast. Apply these to the opponent, their record, proposals and their party.
abuse of power / anti- (issue): flag, family, child, jobs / betray / bizarre / bosses / bureaucracy / cheat / coercion / "compassion" is not enough / collapse(ing) / consequences / corrupt / corruption / criminal rights / crisis / cynicism / decay / deeper / destroy / destructive / devour / disgrace / endanger / elite / excuses / failure (fail) / greed / hypocrisy / ideological / impose / incompetent / insecure / insensitive / intolerant / liberal / lie / limit(s) / machine / mandate(s) / obsolete / pathetic / patronage / permissive attitude / pessimistic / punish (poor ...) / radical / red tape / self-serving / selfish / sensationalists / shallow / shame / sick / spend(ing) / stagnation / status quo / steal / taxes / they/them / threaten / traitors / unionized / urgent (cy) / waste / welfare...
The beauty of Gingrich’s memo is it reduces vocabulary down to us and them (note, for example, that one of Gingrich’s words for the opposition is “they”. We are helpful, committed and confident, proudly protecting the prosperity of the family. Everyone else is intolerant, cynical hypocrites, making excuses for the waste and corruption they threaten to impose on us.
See how easy it is? No need to waste time examining the complexity of an issue. No reason to waste energy negotiating or evaluating the intricacies of numerous options. Use the right vocabulary and American life instantly becomes a matter of the right way and everyone else’s way. What could be simpler?
IMPORTANT POINT 1: Reduce Everything to Us or Them
Say everything as if there are only two sides to the issue. Never acknowledge a third possibility. That will only confuse people and make it more difficult for you to reap the rewards of your new life on the right.
Consider the following examples:
The Other Side The Right Side
Theory of Evolution Intelligent Design
Women’s Rights The Family
Environmental Protection Free Enterprise
Terrorism Democracy
Baby Killers Pro Life
Atheist Christian
Evil Doers Americans
Science Truth
Liberal Conservative
Keep in mind that right-talking people do not have to justify their positions, so it does not matter how many positions there actually are or if the right side is even in the same category as the other side. State everything as either/or eliminates the need for proof.
Consider our first example above. In a non-right-talking world, people might point out that Intelligent Design has no scientific research associated with it, has no published scholarly papers, and has no relationship to the scientific method. Likewise, Darwin and his Theory of Evolution, which have hundreds of published, refereed research papers appearing in the top scientific journals has nothing to do with whether there is or is not a God. None of this matters when you talk right.
By talking about them as if they oppose one another, you automatically create that opposition. Thus, to believe in evolution is to deny God, and to believe in God, one must reject evolution. The way you phrase your language makes the notion that someone could believe in God and evolution at the same time or to believe that evolution may have been God’s way of creating the universe impossible for most people to conceive.
By the same standard, you can’t be for women’s rights and for the family or for the truth and pro-science. When you master right-talking, you will be able to get people to accept everything from the right column by accepting one item on the right column. Thus, to be “liberal” is to be an un-American, pro-terrorist, baby-killing atheist who evolved from a monkey. To be a “conservative” is to be a pro-democracy, American, who promotes life and free enterprise in the pursuit of truth.
Neat, huh?
These are directions from Newt Gingrich’s famous memo “Language: A Key Mechanism of Control.” It teaches us the best ways to talk like a right wing conservitive republican and "how to" manipulate politics and people you know to get what you want, even if your wrong!.
This is truely some of the most evil shit I have ever read.:icon_evil
I know your secrets now guys......:evil2:
How to Talk Right - Lesson #1
The Rhetoric of the Right – Lessons in Rhetorical Hocus Pocus
Lesson #1: The Right Vocabulary
To talk right, you will need to reshape your vocabulary. Don’t worry, you won’t be required to learn any multisyllabic like multisyllabic. Talking right involves a simple, straight-forward vocabulary.
The first rule of the right vocabulary is to reduce everything to two sides: us and them, right and wrong, good and bad. We begin to learn the right way of talking by looking at one of the most important documents in the history of right America: Newt Gingrich’s famous memo “Language: A Key Mechanism of Control.”
Language: A Key Mechanism of Control
As you know, one of the key points in the GOPAC tapes is that "language matters." In the video "We are a Majority," Language is listed as a key mechanism of control used by a majority party, along with Agenda, Rules, Attitude and Learning. As the tapes have been used in training sessions across the country and mailed to candidates we have heard a plaintive plea: "I wish I could speak like Newt."
That takes years of practice. But, we believe that you could have a significant impact on your campaign and the way you communicate if we help a little. That is why we have created this list of words and phrases.This list is prepared so that you might have a directory of words to use in writing literature and mail, in preparing speeches, and in producing electronic media.
The words and phrases are powerful. Read them. Memorize as many as possible. And remember that like any tool, these words will not help if they are not used.While the list could be the size of the latest "College Edition" dictionary, we have attempted to keep it small enough to be readily useful yet large enough to be broadly functional. The list is divided into two sections: Optimistic Positive Governing words and phrases to help describe your vision for the future of your community (your message) and Contrasting words to help you clearly define the policies and record of your opponent and the Democratic party.
Please let us know if you have any other suggestions or additions. We would also like to know how you use the list. Call us at GOPAC or write with your suggestions and comments. We may include them in the next tape mailing so that others can benefit from your knowledge and experience.
Optimistic Positive Governing Words: (for replublicans)
Use the list below to help define your campaign and your vision of public service. These words can help give extra power to your message. In addition, these words help develop the positive side of the contrast you should create with your opponent, giving your community something to vote for!
active(ly) / activist / building / candid(ly) / care(ing) / challenge / change / children / choice / choose / citizen / commitment / common / sense / compete / confident / conflict / control / courage / crusade / debate / dream / duty / eliminate good-time in prison /empower(ment) / fair / family / freedom / hard work / help / humane / incentive / initiative / lead / learn / legacy / liberty / light / listen / mobilize / moral / movement / opportunity / passionate / peace / pioneer / precious / premise / preserve / principle(d) / pristine / pro- (issue): flag, children, environment, reform / prosperity / protect / proud / pride / provide / reform / rights / share / strength / success / tough / truth / unique / vision / we/usour
Contrasting Words (for anyone who disagrees with you)
Often we search hard for words to define our opponents. Sometimes we are hesitant to use contrast. Remember that creating a difference helps you. These are powerful words that can create a clear and easily understood contrast. Apply these to the opponent, their record, proposals and their party.
abuse of power / anti- (issue): flag, family, child, jobs / betray / bizarre / bosses / bureaucracy / cheat / coercion / "compassion" is not enough / collapse(ing) / consequences / corrupt / corruption / criminal rights / crisis / cynicism / decay / deeper / destroy / destructive / devour / disgrace / endanger / elite / excuses / failure (fail) / greed / hypocrisy / ideological / impose / incompetent / insecure / insensitive / intolerant / liberal / lie / limit(s) / machine / mandate(s) / obsolete / pathetic / patronage / permissive attitude / pessimistic / punish (poor ...) / radical / red tape / self-serving / selfish / sensationalists / shallow / shame / sick / spend(ing) / stagnation / status quo / steal / taxes / they/them / threaten / traitors / unionized / urgent (cy) / waste / welfare...
The beauty of Gingrich’s memo is it reduces vocabulary down to us and them (note, for example, that one of Gingrich’s words for the opposition is “they”. We are helpful, committed and confident, proudly protecting the prosperity of the family. Everyone else is intolerant, cynical hypocrites, making excuses for the waste and corruption they threaten to impose on us.
See how easy it is? No need to waste time examining the complexity of an issue. No reason to waste energy negotiating or evaluating the intricacies of numerous options. Use the right vocabulary and American life instantly becomes a matter of the right way and everyone else’s way. What could be simpler?
IMPORTANT POINT 1: Reduce Everything to Us or Them
Say everything as if there are only two sides to the issue. Never acknowledge a third possibility. That will only confuse people and make it more difficult for you to reap the rewards of your new life on the right.
Consider the following examples:
The Other Side The Right Side
Theory of Evolution Intelligent Design
Women’s Rights The Family
Environmental Protection Free Enterprise
Terrorism Democracy
Baby Killers Pro Life
Atheist Christian
Evil Doers Americans
Science Truth
Liberal Conservative
Keep in mind that right-talking people do not have to justify their positions, so it does not matter how many positions there actually are or if the right side is even in the same category as the other side. State everything as either/or eliminates the need for proof.
Consider our first example above. In a non-right-talking world, people might point out that Intelligent Design has no scientific research associated with it, has no published scholarly papers, and has no relationship to the scientific method. Likewise, Darwin and his Theory of Evolution, which have hundreds of published, refereed research papers appearing in the top scientific journals has nothing to do with whether there is or is not a God. None of this matters when you talk right.
By talking about them as if they oppose one another, you automatically create that opposition. Thus, to believe in evolution is to deny God, and to believe in God, one must reject evolution. The way you phrase your language makes the notion that someone could believe in God and evolution at the same time or to believe that evolution may have been God’s way of creating the universe impossible for most people to conceive.
By the same standard, you can’t be for women’s rights and for the family or for the truth and pro-science. When you master right-talking, you will be able to get people to accept everything from the right column by accepting one item on the right column. Thus, to be “liberal” is to be an un-American, pro-terrorist, baby-killing atheist who evolved from a monkey. To be a “conservative” is to be a pro-democracy, American, who promotes life and free enterprise in the pursuit of truth.
Neat, huh?