How to Talk Right - Lesson #1 The Right Vocabulary


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
I typed in "leftist" for my search of today's liberal. And what came up under what wiki searched with leftist was American Liberalism. Leftist, political left and the left, all came up...are liberals of today not on the left side of the political specturm?

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Yeah, sorry I re-read your post and I was mistaken.., My apologies .. Not all are on the far left...Any extremes are bad...But being a "liberal" can be a good thing...

Supracentral said:

Mike: That video on the left side of your links page is great!!!
(free politician removal service) LMAO...

We just need to get your libertarian to run on the democratic ticket...Problem solved...

Rakkasan said:
I'm not wrong, both PARTIES do it. I didn't say the people did....

I guess I will answer your question better, If you read through some of those threads I mentioned, after reading the first 4 posts here carefully, you will see what Adjuster has done on every single issue, every single time...

He accused me and everyone here who disagreed with point of view with trying take his freedoms and his lively hood away from him.

He questioned our integrity and our patriotism and even called me a marxist, communist and a socialist because we disagreed with him and his lack of evidence..

This is layed out step by step "how to" in that memo if you read it??

I would post facts and he would attack me spouting his well practiced "Newtspeak" accusing me of being Lee's (Liberal Elite Enviromentalists) about 50 times through out the 4 threads and most of you here ate it up without question thinking that I am a liberal wacko.. I am not.

That is the beauty of "newtspeech" as it needs no evidence to work properly...

In the proof of concept thread, remember, he admitted that he worked for Shell Oil, Solar Division, in the 80's and I bet anything that is where he masterd the art of "Newt speech" or shortly there after.

He is identical to the continuous spew that comes out of the Bush administration on every issue, in every way.:nono:

I have never met anyone quite like him. He is a pathetic example of a human imo as his only motivation in life is greed and manipulation of others..It is obvious in his threads..

Not once did I stoop to his level like in this memo, although I did loose my patience with him more than a few times..


Supramania Contributor
Quote from Joel.
"I have never met anyone quite like him. He is a pathetic example of a human imo as his only motivation in life is greed and manipulation of others..It is obvious in his threads.."

And it's about me. LOL

Sure is nice that you've stooped to personal attacks and complete bullshit opinions about someone you don't know personally at all Joel.

You just proved your a complete dumbass.

And I've never seen the Newt notes you posted, but I'm flattered since clearly Newt is a very smart guy, and I came up with my responses to your dribble on my own, I'm happy to be in the same league as our good friend Newt. (I'd really be offended if you compared me to Hillary R. Clinton, but there's not much chance of that other than we both like girls... LOL)

Hey Joel, when you revert to sending me PM's on your pathetic posts, give it a rest dude. I'm not interested in sparring on here just to see how well you can wiki' some subject.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Adjuster said:
And it's about me. LOL
Ya, my bad... We have not met...:icon_razz

Sure is nice that you've stooped to personal attacks and complete bullshit opinions about someone you don't know personally at all Joel.
See above, and yet I feel i understand you so well.. I can almost predict your next move...Next, you will call me a traitor and a terrorist because your out of moves...

You just proved your a complete dumbass.
That is your opinion.

And I've never seen the Newt notes you posted, but I'm flattered since clearly Newt is a very smart guy, and I came up with my responses to your dribble on my own, I'm happy to be in the same league as our good friend Newt. (I'd really be offended if you compared me to Hillary R. Clinton, but there's not much chance of that other than we both like girls... LOL)
They were on tape also..

Hey Joel, when you revert to sending me PM's on your pathetic posts, give it a rest dude. I'm not interested in sparring on here just to see how well you can wiki' some subject.

It was an expression, "taking the gloves off" as in "no more mr nice guy". like my next sentence to you..and then i said I was going to expose you..(there is no more sparring) But nice way to manipulate that into looking like I wanted to fight you...Nice spin job... You are the master...:bowdown:
Adjuster said:
I only tend to watch FOX news...

Check and mate..;)

edit: I can Wiki anything. If it's there, that is... You can't find it, if it's not there remember...

OOOH this is good..----> [URL=""]Outfoxed....[/URL]


Aaron J Williams

Make It So!!!
Jul 23, 2006
Luck, Wisconsin
Check maybe, but not mate.

So I went to GOPAC's site to find this "memo" but I couldn't so I researched the memo and found that it was written in 1990 and was actually a pamphlet for training.I found an interesting statement which I have included below.

Reason magazine feb, 1999 by John Pitney jr.

After Democrats attacked the guide as cynical and demeaning, Gingrich quickly disowned it as an aide's mistake. But in spite of their public indignation, the Democrats adopted its central idea: that language is indeed a mechanism for shaping the way people think about politics. Sometimes they openly acknowledged their intellectual debt to Gingrich. At a 1995 political retreat, Democratic senators and staff received an information packet that included the GOPAC document.

Now that is what I call ironic !

Furthermore, I did find the text of the training pamphlet which has been referred to as a memo. It is here:

As you can see, some of what was posted was from the memo but the "AS IT HAS BEEN UPDATED 2,3, and 4... you wont believe it...." part does not exist. I submit that this was added later (16 YEARS later) by the Left Wing blogger Doc Boon. Your defense to that is " it was secret so of course you won't find it" This is not a valid arguement. You could make up a memo saying anything you want and then say you hacked into wherever to get it. This alone would be enough for me to throw a flag but there is better evidence in the "memo" itself.Here are some parts that NO activist or policymaker would ever write unless he was a total fool:

The Rhetoric of the Right – Lessons in Rhetorical Hocus Pocus

Don’t worry, you won’t be required to learn any multisyllabic like multisyllabic

Keep in mind that right-talking people do not have to justify their positions, so it does not matter how many positions there actually are or if the right side is even in the same category as the other side. State everything as either/or eliminates the need for proof.

so you don’t have to worry about civil rights or protections granted under the constitution or any of those messy notions about fair treatment under the law.
Clever, huh?

Remember, most people can’t define “irony” anyway, so when you talk right, you can ignore inconvenient ironies

in case you haven’t gotten around to reading your Bible yet

If you are able to slander the other team, then your team is automatically elevated to the winning position.

The above statements are ridiculous enough but #4 is the most ludicrous!

MPORTANT POINT 4: Don’t let facts get in your way. Most people don’t know the facts anyway, and very few people will actually take the time to look the facts up. Those that do can be dismissed as Godless liberals.
For example:
Fact: Bush and his administration inherited a 900 billion dollar surplus when they took office in 2000. As of February 2005, there was a 427 billion dollar deficit.
Right-talking: The administration’s hard work is helping to reduce the deficit.
Note: The fact that the deficit was created while the Bush administration was in power can be safely ignored.
Fact: The national debt when Bush and his administration took office in 2000 was $5,674,178,209,886 and declining. As of March 13, 2005 it was $7,758,005,018,719 (a 36.7% increase) and increasing.
Right-talking: The administration’s hard work is helping to curtail the rising debt.
Note: The fact that the debt is a direct byproduct of the Administration’s policies can be safely ignored. When in doubt, you can also blame the terrorists, and whenever possible, mention 9/11 (hardly anyone remembers that it was primarily Saudis that attacked us anyway).
Other Facts You Can Safely Ignore:
Fact: The poverty rate in America was 11.8% in 2000 and increased every year that the Bush administration has been in office, rising to 12.5% in 2003.
Fact: Unemployment rose from 4% when the Bush administration took office to 5.4% by February 2005.
Fact: The price of oil was $35 when the Bush administration took office, by August 2005 it had risen to $66 dollars a barrel.
Fact: The trade deficit when the Bush administration took office in 2000 was $370 billion; by 2004 the deficit was over $672 billion and rising.
Fact: Prior to the Bush administration’s plan to invade Iraq, there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Iraq had been directly responsible for the deaths of no Americans, no Iraqis were involved in 9/11 (or any other attack on America) and Iraq had no strategic relationship with al Quaeda.
Fact: Since the Bush administration started putting an end to terrorism, terrorist attacks in the world have increased from 175 in 2003 to 655 in 2004 (and rising).
All of these facts can (and should) be avoided if you are to begin talking right. If someone brings them up, call them un-American, claim they are ignoring all the positive accomplishments of the Bush administration (don’t worry, you won’t be asked for any facts), claim they are pandering to the liberal agenda and/or giving comfort to the terrorists.

No republican operative would state the above "facts" EVER! This was obviously propoganda created by leftists to get the democrat peasants all worked up and hating consevatives. This is a well known leftist tactic to villify the opposition so you can hate them and still be a good person. In fact, that is the driving principle of democrat politics today. Apparently, it works! In order to believe this "memo" you would have to think republicans are the biggest fools ever, but if they are fools,then how can they be smart enough to get away with all the sneaky things you claim they do?

In closing, here is my logic-driven analysis on the memo.

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Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Dude, I posted that... (was Nicks M, and SM FTW not a big enough clue?)

I will put your name on there now you goof...

Make sure you hit refresh buddy...LMAO...

You just out to get me or what?

Don't forget the Title... ;)
updated "talking right" memo discovered Part 2,3,4 on GOPAC site.


Aaron J Williams

Make It So!!!
Jul 23, 2006
Luck, Wisconsin
Joel W. said:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Dude, I posted that... (was Nicks M, and SM FTW not a big enough clue?)

I will put your name on there now you goof...

Make sure you hit refresh buddy...LMAO...

You just out to get me or what?

Don't forget the Title... ;)
updated "talking right" memo discovered Part 2,3,4 on GOPAC site.


Oops, I fixed it.
No i'm not out to get you, there were no personal attacks on you in my post. If you took it personal, it was not my intention. I was just pointing out some things that I found hard to believe based on my research. If you started this thread as a joke to see who would believe it, then it is indeed check and mate and I lost. If you believe the "memo" is real, then take my word that no republican operative would point out so many unpleasant "facts" about this administration. Would the head of the DNC admit to any damaging "facts" about democrats? Never happens .

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Aaron said:
So I went to GOPAC's site to find this "memo" but I couldn't so I researched the memo and found that it was written in 1990 and was actually a pamphlet for training.I found an interesting statement which I have included below.

Try reading this thread again, I have already stated all this, ONLY Part 1 of the memo was written back then, 2, 3 , and 4 are BRAND NEW... It had been updated recently.

Thats why when you click that little button on the google search link at the top that says "current page" it says file not found.. Because you are not logged in.."Talking+right"+"list+of+words"&hl=en&gl= us&ct=clnk&cd=18

I willl say it again. This in training information linked off the GOPAC website to a blog page but YOU CAN NOT SEE IT THERE UNLESS YOU ARE LOGGED IN.

There going to fix it anyways now because of all the traffic, Probably come to talk to everyone who clicked on it.. lol.. but I got them by the nuts.

Even Wiki says it is from them, and they handed it out.
(the GOPAC, not the Wiki)
