it's been about a year and a half since i bought mine. was in great condition intirior and extirior, but it had a bhg that i didnt know about. i'll try to go in order:
replaced clutch master cylender(old one blew in a week)
MHG that included ARP's, all new silicon hoses, spark plugs, T belt, all new gaskets, coolant flush
brembo rotors, ss lines, metal master pads, spec stage 2, 50 trim ct rebuild, bic dp, mbc, K&N FPIK, catback is supposed to be in shipping but 935 lost my CC info:icon_conf
i did all the work. which is something i'm proud of cuz i had about zero expiriance before i owned this car, this being my first car. and so far everything is working great. and da89soup, thats how it should be, taking something that was worth nothing an making it into a head turner. keep it up man.