GrimJack said:
Three guesses who taught Bin Laden about terrorism, folks.
oh oh oh *waves hand like hell*... if I remember right it was the United States of America some time back when Bin Laden and his folks fought against Russia... The US of A gave them weapons and taught them how to fight, then some time the States just said "Fuck you, we don't wanna help you any longer" (can't remember the reason to be honest) and left and that is when Bin Laden got really pissed... if I remember right.
As to the whole Clinton and Monica thing... it was hilarious... everybody was laughing BUT everybody liked Clinton. That story just made him more someone like us, you and me... why? Cos he showed the world that he is not some superman ruling an undefeatable country... he showed the world that he is a normal man with a bad marriage that needed some skin... Europeans if something liked him more afterwards, lol.
In regards to Terrorism acts against other nations... usually those nations are involved in the war against terror with troops, money or something... madrid (spain) has troops in iraq, britain has troops in iraq that is why they get attacked... there was a time when I knew the reasons for the bali and egypt bombings too... damn memory.
Also someone said "I think most Americans want to live their lives and not be bothered by others."
Well I'm sure all the people in afghanistan and iraq and london and spain... I am talking about the civilians and all the kids etc NOT the terorists... well I'm sure those people just wanna live their lives too and not hiding in bunkers all the time and losing family members here and there and being afraid of stepping into a train wondering if there is a bomb in it or not etc.
Also we do NOT hate all americans, how often did we say that already... it's about all the ignorant, intolerant, arrogant americans that are not willing to change and that think they are the best.
Also northsupra and I do not hate americans... why would we be here then?
I got a shitload of friends in the states as well as in canada... I'm sure northsupra too. But we do have our opinions based on what we say, hear and read in Germany, Norway, Europe plus the stuff we read in forums, online and that you guys tell us.