How does this make you feel?

Supra Blues

Virgin Booster
Mar 30, 2005
If we had hated you we would be at war with you wouldent we. And america is actually a good country but up trough the year's they'v been alittle to invalved in others problems.

I agree 100% with the last sentence. I think up trough means latley. If so, then my statement stands.

I think we as America need to step back a little and not be so involved in everything that happens around the world. In some instances we need to be the support mechanism rather than the initiator.

Having said that however, the reason we are so involved is because if we don't take the initiative, then it probably wouldn't get done. UN resolutions for example.

That one was cool, but wtf does everybody have to do with him getting a blowjob or not..... It's his privatelife.

But did you think we were all cheating on our wives getting BJ's at work?


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
SP 7M said:
And for those of you who live in America and can't stand the way things are being run-GET THE FUCK OUT! Seriously-fucking leave. Since everybody that does all the complaining truly knows somewhere inside their pit of existence that America is the greatest country to live in on earth, they will remain here and bitch, whine and complain about how horrible America is. If only they had a clue.

thank you for proving my point.
"we are america, we are perfect, no one can mess with us, all you haters get the fuck out"
no one is bitching and whining we are awake, we are the next generation to run this country, and a lot of people it seems are scared because we like doing things the peaceful way and not be the "world police" because right now thats what we are.


Normally Insane
Mar 30, 2005
Yeah sure, if your leader does why ain't every american thinking of it.
Ha ha now that was just halarious beacuse they went so far and spent so mutch time and money on it and all it did was trying to destroy his career.
And it's good that i dident.
It's sick that they even countinued after hillary said it was enough.

And a cigar now thats creative :)

Aaaa you americans ;)


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Ok, I have to put a few more lines into this thread.

Clinton & Monica was funny as hell for anyone from outside the USA. I mean, seriously, WTF? He's getting some tail at the office... what does that have to do with being the President? Abso-freaking-lutely nothing. A man's private life should have zero effect on his job - whether he's just gotten his dick sucked or not does not affect his ability to govern a nation in any way.

Terrorism is another bunch of bullshit. The war on terror is simply the current fashion - every major nation and most of the minor ones have used terrorism as a viable method of warfare many times. It's still taught as a viable tactic in most special forces around the globe. Why is it getting so much press? Because someone is using it against the USA and their allies.

Three guesses who taught Bin Laden about terrorism, folks.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
GrimJack said:
Clinton & Monica was funny as hell for anyone from outside the USA. I mean, seriously, WTF? He's getting some tail at the office... what does that have to do with being the President? Abso-freaking-lutely nothing. A man's private life should have zero effect on his job - whether he's just gotten his dick sucked or not does not affect his ability to govern a nation in any way.

yea i felt the same way, lot of people here in the USA felt the same way, it was more the religious people on top that got pissed, then it became a media thing.

Supra Blues

Virgin Booster
Mar 30, 2005
About Clinton gettin a BJ at work, I personally didn't care, but just to clear the air, I didn't bring it up to argue whether it was good, bad, impeachment, whatever.

My point was that since someone said that because Bush is a war monger then all Americans are war mongers. Not an exact quote but you get the idea.

So for comparison, I asked how they viewed all Americans when Clinton got the now infamous BJ?


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
GrimJack said:
Three guesses who taught Bin Laden about terrorism, folks.

oh oh oh *waves hand like hell*... if I remember right it was the United States of America some time back when Bin Laden and his folks fought against Russia... The US of A gave them weapons and taught them how to fight, then some time the States just said "Fuck you, we don't wanna help you any longer" (can't remember the reason to be honest) and left and that is when Bin Laden got really pissed... if I remember right.

As to the whole Clinton and Monica thing... it was hilarious... everybody was laughing BUT everybody liked Clinton. That story just made him more someone like us, you and me... why? Cos he showed the world that he is not some superman ruling an undefeatable country... he showed the world that he is a normal man with a bad marriage that needed some skin... Europeans if something liked him more afterwards, lol.

In regards to Terrorism acts against other nations... usually those nations are involved in the war against terror with troops, money or something... madrid (spain) has troops in iraq, britain has troops in iraq that is why they get attacked... there was a time when I knew the reasons for the bali and egypt bombings too... damn memory.

Also someone said "I think most Americans want to live their lives and not be bothered by others."
Well I'm sure all the people in afghanistan and iraq and london and spain... I am talking about the civilians and all the kids etc NOT the terorists... well I'm sure those people just wanna live their lives too and not hiding in bunkers all the time and losing family members here and there and being afraid of stepping into a train wondering if there is a bomb in it or not etc.

Also we do NOT hate all americans, how often did we say that already... it's about all the ignorant, intolerant, arrogant americans that are not willing to change and that think they are the best.

Also northsupra and I do not hate americans... why would we be here then?
I got a shitload of friends in the states as well as in canada... I'm sure northsupra too. But we do have our opinions based on what we say, hear and read in Germany, Norway, Europe plus the stuff we read in forums, online and that you guys tell us.

Supra Blues

Virgin Booster
Mar 30, 2005
Also someone said "I think most Americans want to live their lives and not be bothered by others."
Well I'm sure all the people in afghanistan and iraq and london and spain... I am talking about the civilians and all the kids etc NOT the terorists... well I'm sure those people just wanna live their lives too and not hiding in bunkers all the time and losing family members here and there and being afraid of stepping into a train wondering if there is a bomb in it or not etc.

Except that because of horrible tyrants who would kill anyone who they thought appropriate, they couldn't live normal lives. They constantly lived under fear of death, rape, oppression and genocide.


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
Supra Blues said:
Except that because of horrible tyrants who would kill anyone who they thought appropriate, they couldn't live normal lives. They constantly lived under fear of death, rape, oppression and genocide.

I totally agree with you BUT is life in afghanistan and iraq so much better now?

Women in Afghanistan are still nothing more than things you can beat and burn and shoot whenever you feel like and people will come to you telling you what an awesome husband you are and no one is giving a fuck about them. They can't go to school, they don't have any rights... shit animals get treated better over there, even tho now the taliban are gone... but everybody forgot about them now that the US Army is busy in Iraq.

People in Iraq still don't have a democracy, the war still isn't done yet, you also didn't find anything, except sadam (I'm glad you found him tho)... no nuclear weapons, no biological weapons, no chemical weapons... nothing... and that even tho the government of the US was soooo goddamn sure it would be there, people don't have houses, food, water etc. and that even tho the US Army is right there. and everybody promised everyone life would get better now that sadam is gone.


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
none of this will end until people can accept that others have different opininos, untill people can accept that others, ARE, gay, muslims, catholics, bussinessmen, patriots, liberals, women, men, conservatives and just deal with it and not try to change them. the reason the middleeast hates us is cus we shit on their temples and disrespect their beleifs and they retaliate so we do to and it just will not stop untill everyone just shuts the fuck up and realizes that other people are different and NO they will not drop their beleifs becaues you verbally/physically battered them.

just look at this thread, if you guys had just stfu on the frist post and accepted some people are opnionated in a certain direction this never would have gotten so messed up and misunderstood, half of this posts are clarifying what someone said before cus it was misunderstood and taken in offense, thats exactly what you guys are bitching about. lanky has his view, more power to him for expressing it, so does top secret, and everyone else here, just take them with a grain of salt.

Supra Blues

Virgin Booster
Mar 30, 2005
TopSecret said:
I totally agree with you BUT is life in afghanistan and iraq so much better now?

Women in Afghanistan are still nothing more than things you can beat and burn and shoot whenever you feel like and people will come to you telling you what an awesome husband you are and no one is giving a fuck about them. They can't go to school, they don't have any rights... shit animals get treated better over there, even tho now the taliban are gone... but everybody forgot about them now that the US Army is busy in Iraq.

People in Iraq still don't have a democracy, the war still isn't done yet, you also didn't find anything, except sadam (I'm glad you found him tho)... no nuclear weapons, no biological weapons, no chemical weapons... nothing... and that even tho the government of the US was soooo goddamn sure it would be there, people don't have houses, food, water etc. and that even tho the US Army is right there. and everybody promised everyone life would get better now that sadam is gone.

Lets not forget that it was not only the US government's intelligence that said he had WMD, it was the UN, UK, France, Germany, China and Japan. I am sure I am missing some but don't put the blame solely on the US intelligence system when it was clearly not entirely their fault.

And didn't the people in Iraq just vote? Is that not democracy, or am I missing something?

I agree with you about the women's rights stuff, but this is/was a war on terror, not a war for women's rights.

Further, I don't know why you think it will have a miraculous turn around in what 5 years and everything will be great. This stuff takes time. This could be just the giant first step in a process that will take decades to turn these countries and people around.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Supra Blues said:
And didn't the people in Iraq just vote? Is that not democracy, or am I missing something?

Their voting system is just like ours was when the US stated, lots of limitations most aplly before u vote. and they have the fear of being killed if than ran for office.

Supra Blues said:
I agree with you about the women's rights stuff, but this is/was a war on terror, not a war for women's rights.

but do we not believe that everyone is created equally, that is what democracy parcialy stands for.


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
Supra Blues said:
Lets not forget that it was not only the US government's intelligence that said he had WMD, it was the UN, UK, France, Germany, China and Japan. I am sure I am missing some but don't put the blame solely on the US intelligence system when it was clearly not entirely their fault.

And didn't the people in Iraq just vote? Is that not democracy, or am I missing something?

I agree with you about the women's rights stuff, but this is/was a war on terror, not a war for women's rights.

Further, I don't know why you think it will have a miraculous turn around in what 5 years and everything will be great. This stuff takes time. This could be just the giant first step in a process that will take decades to turn these countries and people around.

ummm, germany never had anything to do with anything before and while the actual war in iraq... all we do is keep the peace. we never said anything about weapons of mass destruction nor do we have government intelligence there. also france was everything but supportive of this whole iraq thing.

when did I say anything about a turn around? I am not expecting people in the middle east to change just cos some governments think they absolutely NEED democracy. sure it is a awesome and great thing but forcing your beliefs on other people causes nothing but trouble imo. just look at it.

also just cos people vote, doesn't mean they have a democracy... I am wondering how many women actually were allowed to vote....
so they might be on their way but it is a very long way and I doubt it will be successful.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
americanjebus said:
none of this will end until people can accept that others have different opininos, untill people can accept that others, ARE, gay, muslims, catholics, bussinessmen, patriots, liberals, women, men, conservatives and just deal with it and not try to change them. the reason the middleeast hates us is cus we shit on their temples and disrespect their beleifs and they retaliate so we do to and it just will not stop untill everyone just shuts the fuck up and realizes that other people are different and NO they will not drop their beleifs becaues you verbally/physically battered them.

just look at this thread, if you guys had just stfu on the frist post and accepted some people are opnionated in a certain direction this never would have gotten so messed up and misunderstood, half of this posts are clarifying what someone said before cus it was misunderstood and taken in offense, thats exactly what you guys are bitching about. lanky has his view, more power to him for expressing it, so does top secret, and everyone else here, just take them with a grain of salt.

Wise words.

Totally unrelated - why was everyone so certain that this guy had WMD? Think about it folks... where would he have gotten them from in the first place?

From a more conservative point of view... how would you figure out if someone had them? Simple... look at your history, figure out what technology, science, and manufacturing levels we had when we made one. Then compare that to the country in question - if they meet or exceed the levels we had, then they have them. If you can't find them, chances are they are better at hiding things than you are at finding them.


New Member
Jun 25, 2005
Huntsville, Alabama, United States
Just so People know, President Clinton did not get impeached because he got a BJ in the Whitehouse, but because he lied under Oath about it. The whole thing started when an employee from his days as governor filed a law suit about inappropriate sexual advances the President eventually settled the lawsuit but not before getting caught lying. That is what started the whole sordid affair. He was caught red handed Lying under oath in a trial while a being President. That is something that would get an ordinary American a few months if not years in the slammer. So those who felt he was getting a raw deal might want to educate yourself and then make an educated decision.


Use your GUY instinct
Apr 6, 2005
Oceanside (for now), CA
p5150 was right. This thread is garbage.

I find it odd that so many people from other countries are so quick to talk negatively about things that are going on in the US. Why don't they talk some shit about the country they live in? They must live in a perfect country where there is never a hair out of place (so to speak).

You know, I'm done with this thread. I can go on refuting other people's posts that I don't agree with and actually discuss the topic at hand educatedly, however that won't get any of us anywhere if everybody else can't do the same.

All I leave here with is that it would be of your (not everybody) benefit to educate yourself about what you play expert on. At least make it halfway believeable that you know what you're talking about.

I never discuss topics that I'm not knowledgeable on because I know how unprofessional and uneducated it makes me [and others] look.