How does this make you feel?


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
TopSecret said:
and unfortunately bush is the american president representing america, therefore americans are war maniacs too.

The President of the United States of America represents America. An American President, representing America? You don't say..
Did you know that among other qualifying traits, you must be born a US citizen to become President of the United States? Your statement here is ignorant and redundant. Where is this majority of "American war maniacs" who are being represented by George Bush when his approval rating is so low? I really don't think you have any idea of what is going on over here.

One of the main problems with freedom of speech is that many people do not know when to shut up. We have so many people here in the USA who gain just enough education to be a real menace. Once you have an idea that people agree with and you gain an audience, you are unstoppable. The media will record anything you have to say. Even if you are being interviewed and the words "You know what I'm sayin'?" come out of your mouth more than ten times in a minute's time span, it will just be seen as "urban slang" and therefore acceptable. My opinion on this is if you ask "You know what I'm sayin'?" after every sentence you relay to an audience, not even YOU know what you are sayin'.
There are certain celebrity types who are also a menace. People like Eminem, who are idolized. Eminem has a big mouth - he speaks out and says that he doesn't care about anything, he trashes other people in the news, especially the President [which seems to have become the trendy thing to do these days - you're not COOL unless you have something bad to say about GWB!], and kids love him. They love his music, they love the soapbox from which he preaches, and he is their new Messiah. What these kids don't realize is that when they go to get a job, they may have a boss who doesn't like their "I'm a thug, I don't give a f*ck about you or anything" attitude. Employers and managers tend to frown upon a general lack of respect for authority, and these wannabe hoodlums are going to wind up right back on the streets which they seem to love so much.

Americans need to get back to their roots and start exercising their freedom of speech with a little bit of thought. Abraham Lincoln said "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." I feel like I am swimming in a sea of confirmed loudmouth fools.
Teddy Roosevelt said "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far."
Many Americans today speak as loud as they can, whether they have a stick, period, or not. Freedom of speech is something taken for granted, something people boast about and abuse. Sometimes I really wish that people would just shut their mouths, get an education, and most important of all, think before speaking.
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I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
ToyoHabu said:
In case you did not pay attention during history, the fall of rome was a largely ecconomic collapse caused by the lack of new slaves and a host of problems relating to people moving to cities and lack of farmers. The barbarian kindoms that eventually sacked rome even attempted to join the roman empire. side note I think the Roman empire still largly exists today. It fell into very hard times, but most of what is the western culture today is Inherited from Rome and Greece. Most of our beliefes and attitudes are Roman. So has the Roman empire truly fallen ?

Y? was it an economic colapse, 1/2 because of loss of slaves, and what happened the people didnt want to pick up the slack? so basicly they didnt want to change, thats the point im trying to get at. they felt comfortable. whats happening here in the USA, no jobs? war all the time, prices for food are high, gas is getting more pricey, and jobs are not paying what they should, don't know about u but that falls under economic.
and as for the gemanic/barbaric tribes moving over the border, it was because they were being pushed by other tribes, not because rome they thought rome was great, often they would fight the romans hoping to take a small town, if that failed they would then ask if they could live among the people. most of the time the romans would just slaughter them.

for the side note: so if thats the case then are we, we are like 100000 diffenent societies put together that help keep those fallen/still existing societies alive or are we the USA?
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1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
D34DC311 said:
LOL, nice, superior norwegian, man u dont get it do u? this is exactly what they are talking about. you call the ones who actually have a clue as to what is happening IDIOTs because they want to change, you do not, you stand proud, hold that flag above your glorious head. die like a brave soldier. because it was for the better of your country am i right?

not one person that supports the war can give me one god damn reason y we are over there.
NOT one person that supports the war can give me a reason y we havent found weapons of mass destruction.
NOT one person that supports the war can give me a reason y it wasnt for oil.
no one can, the answers i get are all unclear. you DONT KNOW, you are blind folded you let the government show u wat u want to see. give me a freakin break. the world is against us, they know our fate better than we do and even our own people are starting to see how self rightcheous(sp?) pride hogs we are. We take no advice from other nations, we take no help from no one, we are the mighty USA. BULLSHIT, im tired of it, america needs to fucking wake up, if you loved your country you would wake the fuck up and start acting like you did. OPEN YOUR MINDS.

Remember those guys called the romans, well their society started of just like ours.
all GREAT societies colapse without change, this one is doomed to if we will not change. the romans did what we are doing now, pride lustful people, this is good but to such an extent that the romans drove it, is to cause the system to fall, 400 years after, they were no more.
the united states is like a Teenager being rebelious to its elders. we are a very very very young super power, and if this society doesnt wake up to what the government and media is feeding them, then our fate is sealed.

lets face it, we ignore the plea for help from our poor, yet we spend billions on war and road work. We completely shut out other political parties, why because they want to adapt, we spit on those who start to think that our government might need to change, we ignore the imigration problem, but bitch about it, we put in place a "no child left behind act" yet we still have one of the largest dropout rates for a country, better yet, students are graduating and CANT EVEN READ, we freak out about nudity shown on TV, "o my god kids are in trama because of it", but its ok for them to go watch movies with violence and language, then blame it on the companies when 3 cops get shot, it was the movies fault or the video games, bullshit where were ur parenting skills, we get pissed cause the word god is in our pledge of allegence, we bitch about losing jobs to other countries, why someone here could tell me, its not cause they do it cheaper, its cause big corporations can tell the government fuck off we own u. if something doesnt happen soon I warn us now, just like i did with the Iraq becoming the next vietnam and there not being weapons of mass destruction, our society will fall or become a 3rd world country and this will happen soon if we dont wake up and change.

you obviously did not read any of my post except for the section that you quoted.

and northsupra will know by what isaid in my origional post that i wasnt trying to say anything negative about norwegians in the slightest.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
lagged said:
you obviously did not read any of my post except for the section that you quoted.

and northsupra will know by what i said in my origional post that i wasnt trying to say anything negative about norwegians in the slightest.

yes i did, but i wasnt targeting my post toward u, just used the statement for my point. I mean in no way to bash americans, I love this country as much as you do, but for those who think that we are all fine and dandy, we are going to have problems.
and lagged i understand why u think u cant change the government, but giving up and saying let it be isnt going to get it.
"United we stand, Divided we fall."


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
who said i love this country? you want to know what i think about the government, and the rest of the world ingeneral? all major governments, the US included does not work for its citizens, its individual people, it works ONLY for the corporations that we are not even AWARE of. (builderberger group is one name that slipped out..)

i think the US gov dosnt give one SHIT about any individual citizens.

the only point i was trying to make is this: any person who makes a blanket statement that "americans are idiots" are worse than the actual american idiots that they are reffering too.

that is all.

i would rather be here however than some where else, living in the US has given me a quality of life higher than most others in the rest of the world. this is why i obey the laws, though many i do not agree with, and i pay taxes.

i am not a DEMOCRAT, i am not a REPUBLICAN. i am not left nor right, so nobody here better label me a liberal.

all i believe in is that people should be able to persue their own happieness, as long as that dosnt inpinge on others. (ie, if it makes you happy to kill others, you cant do it too bad)

if you want to load up on drugs, GO FOR IT. if you want to own more guns than the military, YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TOO.

i think pharmeceutical companies are evil, instead of being private they should be funded by the government and whatever they make should be distributed FOR FREE to the people who need it.

i believe our government has the budget to do so.

dead, why do you think that northsupra "has a clue" (your words) simply because he tried to make a point that most americans are idiots?

that is pure ignorance right there. he is ignorant of the idiots ALL AROUND HIM in his own country, aswell as the vast number of idiots that occupy his continent.


I build planes... yeah...
May 27, 2005
everett, WA
this is one quality thread, I must say. and I personally would prefer to live in europe or asia(the un-ravaged parts), they seem to have more agreeable laws IMO. why else wouild I take japanese in college? ;)


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
lagged said:
dead, why do you think that northsupra "has a clue" (your words) simply because he tried to make a point that most americans are idiots?

that is pure ignorance right there. he is ignorant of the idiots ALL AROUND HIM in his own country, aswell as the vast number of idiots that occupy his continent.

but when he says most, there is a lot, how do u think bush got elected, now most of those people are wakeing up (sort of), i dont think he was including u into that catagory, if you know who you are then dont worry fight for what u feel is right, freedom of speech is being taken away from us even though we dont know it. sure there are better places on the map, but you got to start somewhere.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
ToyoHabu said:
In the American revolution, america invaded canada on two occasions first in 1775 and again in 1776 we where defeated in both attempts, though America lost theses battles against Britian, it won the war with the eventual help of France.

Canada still sucks.


If all else fails-Kick it
Aug 28, 2005
I am an American. I was born here, I went to school here, and I have substantial amounts of debt here (lets not get started on that last point). I like 49% of my fellow Americans, did not vote for George W. Bush ever. Why other cultures pick on him (considering almost 400 other national elected officials with "more power"), I do not understand. I have no idea why we're at war. I really think it's just to cover up a bunch of other mistakes that the government has made. I haven't heard the name Osama Bin-Laden, who is supposedly the real enemy that started this all, come out of any government officials mouth in over 3 years.

Honestly the war does affect me, but far less then many other things in life. I don't really think about it. What can I do?

Fight the government? Maybe if I really had freedom of speech, I might have a place to start. But America has lost much of its freedoms. They've been lost in litigation and power and legislation.

I could leave. Go to another country. But I really don't want to deal with the attitude of "stupid american". I don't get much of that here.

It sucks to be generalized for something I have little control over. There was a point in time were Europe and The Unted States roles were switched. World War II killed a lot more people then Iraq.

Who knows... I'm just a guy from California who loves to drive his car. Is that such a crime?



United States of America
Mar 30, 2005
I suppose we should have given the terrorist flowers and tell them we just want to live in peace, when they bombed our embassy, when they bombed the Cole, when they flew airplanes full of innocent people of all nationalities into buildings full of innocent people of all nationalities. Yeah, we don't tolerate people attacking us or our friends and we go after them so they will be unable to do it again.

Anyone remember U.N. Resolution 1441? or the 16 other resolutions before that? The entire U.N. signed that resolution that said conditions must be met or serious consequences if they weren't. How many times should you tell Johnny not to do that...Don't do that, Don't do that, Don't do that or I'll get mad, Don't do that you'll be in big trouble, Did you hear me don't do that, Don't do that many? When you say there are consequences and there are not, you're telling them they can get away with anything....Oh yeah....Oil for Food????


Normally Insane
Mar 30, 2005
Why are the terrorist pissed???
Think and mabye: aha!! yes somthing americans did, i dont know how long ago this began when i was a kid or mabye not even made.

It's totaly ok to denfend your self!!!!but dont claim to be innocent. Because you have provoked them.
And why they chose terrorism, because they dont have a large warmachine.
If they had an army like you it would be on your doorstep befor you knew it.

But now that you have gone to war, it's done it cant be changed, i say take em out! take out the terrorist. Becasue there is no sutch thing that is more coward and unforgiving that killing innocents.
Oh and the iraq war is buidt on a big lie!..... not good not good at all.
And as allways it's coverd up as best they can.

Supra Blues

Virgin Booster
Mar 30, 2005
i hate i hate i hate the way you are represented.

How is Norway represented?

To all the European American hating members: I don't still fully understand why you hate us so much. What have we done to you? Do you feel that we lack morale's, ethics, etc? Do you think we are all dumb idiots?

If that's the case, then we thank you (France) for helping us in our war of independence. And I guess we should apologize for getting involved in WWI and WWII. And we should further apologize for sending American dollars and American lives around the world to help our friends.

Originally Posted by TopSecret
and unfortunately bush is the american president representing america, therefore americans are war maniacs too.

Back when Clinton was in office and getting BJ's from Monica, did Norway and the rest of Europe think we were all cheating on our wives while getting blowjobs at work? Per the above quote, if followed, then logically that is how you all must have felt. Maybe cheating is just more accpeted in Europe then it is here, I don't know. (Not trying to bash Clinton, as that horse has left, but just to show you the logic, or lack thereof)

Further, there are some of us, who are not all that fond of Europeans and their strange laws and values. But, that doesn't mean that I get on internet boards and start bashing you, and should Europe be attacked again I think we would come your aid, as I would hope that you would come to our aid. Just because we have different values, doesn't mean we should hate each other and not be "friends".

I think most Americans want to live their lives and not be bothered by others. At least that's how I feel. I want to do the best by my family and friends. If Europe feels that makes us living in a bubble and don't get the big picture, then so be it, but it is quite ignorant of anyone who thinks we are dumb and idiotic because we want to live our lives the way we do.

Just remember, that we must be doing something right to have the worlds largest economy, yet only have 260 million people within our borders.

And we must be doing something right because I don't see any other country in the world that has such and immigration issue and backlog that we do.


Use your GUY instinct
Apr 6, 2005
Oceanside (for now), CA
I know right where you're coming from, Lank, and I 100% agree with your viewpoint.

People can be such pitiful bitches.

It also amazes/disgusts me to no end at how much some people would like to think of themselves as political experts. Those people have absolutely no idea how incredibly stupid they make themselves look.

And for those of you who live in America and can't stand the way things are being run-GET THE FUCK OUT! Seriously-fucking leave. Since everybody that does all the complaining truly knows somewhere inside their pit of existence that America is the greatest country to live in on earth, they will remain here and bitch, whine and complain about how horrible America is. If only they had a clue.
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Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
northsupra said:
Why are the terrorist pissed???
Think and mabye: aha!! yes somth.........

Weather I agree with it or not, I still find it interesting to see how other cultures see our situation, and hear their ideas on how we should have handled this situation. Maybe I'm a bit more open minded than others. Being here in America we have a very specific view how things did and should go down. I find seeing it from an outside view interesting, even if that view goes against mine.


United States of America
Mar 30, 2005
Supra Blues :bigthumb:

there is ZERO defense for terrorism, as you, northsupra, seem to say in one sentence but you're not consistent

you're defending them and giving excuses:
Why are the terrorist pissed???
Think and mabye: aha!! yes somthing americans did.....Because you have provoked them.
then claim:
Becasue there is no sutch thing that is more coward and unforgiving that killing innocents
Which side of this fence are you on?

i suppose it's not the terrorist fault for bombings in:
Bali, Madrid, Philippines, all over Russia - the school, the theater, the plane, Sharm el-Sheikh Egypt, London....many others i'm sure.

they were provoked.
hmmmm, those aren't americans???

No one claims Americans are perfect.


Normally Insane
Mar 30, 2005
Supra Blues said:
How is Norway represented?
Not good at all. We think we know everything and are so nice and all that bullshit, but in reality were are just a bunch of people with alot of money in the bank and sitting on our oil wells out in the norwgian sea. Where 4.5mill people and we think we have alot to say in the world. come on thats just a drop in the sea.
Our goverment saves the oil money for futher generations insteed of buliding the economy. Actually we are alot like you, but we see thing from the out side throug our medias and beacuse of that everything isent that filltered.

To all the European American hating members: I don't still fully understand why you hate us so much. What have we done to you? Do you feel that we lack morale's, ethics, etc? Do you think we are all dumb idiots?
We dont hate you, we dont think you are plain stupid, you have done us nothing ,but the arabs feel that you are invading they countrys.
And dont forget you are the same as us you are europeans.

Back when Clinton was in office and getting BJ's from Monica.
That one was cool, but wtf does everybody have to do with him getting a blowjob or not..... It's his privatelife.

Further, there are some of us, who are not all that fond of Europeans and their strange laws and values. But, that doesn't mean that I get on internet boards and start bashing you, and should Europe be attacked again I think we would come your aid, as I would hope that you would come to our aid. Just because we have different values, doesn't mean we should hate each other and not be "friends".

A good point, but if europe had acted the same now. Some bashing would be just in it's place. It's not that we hate you we just that we think you are doing the wrong thing. If we had hated you we would be at war with you wouldent we. And america is actually a good country but up trough the year's they'v been alittle to invalved in others problems.

And there'd nothing wrong with living i america, it's probebly one of the best countrys to live in. just as that is said.


Normally Insane
Mar 30, 2005
isnms said:
Supra Blues :bigthumb:

there is ZERO defense for terrorism, as you, northsupra, seem to say in one sentence but you're not consistent

you're defending them and giving excuses:
then claim:
Which side of this fence are you on?

i suppose it's not the terrorist fault for bombings in:
Bali, Madrid, Philippines, all over Russia - the school, the theater, the plane, Sharm el-Sheikh Egypt, London....many others i'm sure.

they were provoked.
hmmmm, those aren't americans???

No one claims Americans are perfect.

I'm on your side, im not defending them alltough it may seem so.
But i'm saying dont be suprised that people react too what you are doing
becasue it's alot of unnecesary suffering going on.

And the terrorism in russia is the people of tchetchenia (or somthing like that) that
s behind. They claim to fight to be a free state and out of russian occupation. Not the same guys you are fighting.
And those bombes in europe is becasue we are inon this to some degree.
It's too late to stop it's just to stay and fight toghter.