Ric said:While your waiting on your holset, here's a nice pic of my Garrett
Holy bling! Jesus man.
Ric said:While your waiting on your holset, here's a nice pic of my Garrett
Ric said:While your waiting on your holset, here's a nice pic of my Garrett
Ric said:While your waiting on your holset, here's a nice pic of my Garrett
Krister said:Ric, you should stop being so ignorant and believing that Garrett is the only turbocharger make that you can use in the whole world. I think you've been brainwashed that everyone is using Garrett's, so you should too.
Ric said:I'm not brainwashed, I just use what's proven in the world of turbocharging JZ motors. I got too much money invested to "experiment". That's fine if someone wants to try them out for a low budget setup. Alot of people, including myself, won't even use that turbo EVEN if it worked good just because of what brand it is. Sorry, but that's just how it is. I didn't get several sponsors to show around the southeast region of the US using cheap parts.
tturnpaw said:I can tell you now, the reason most havent done it, is for the research they have done regarding design, and thats why high horsepower CARS dont run them. And another reason why spend lots of money on an engine swap then cheap when its turbo time?
oh and this was an information thread. Read the title not which is better, but it would include why or why not use the turbo.