Highway patrol

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New Member
Apr 1, 2005
why even consider running at all if its a normal ticket. Maybe consider it if your doing 200km+ you can't fight that. I think you'd be going away in cuffs regaurdless. Not that i would. I wouldn't


Apr 1, 2006
AUCKLAND, New Zealand
Do the states use any imports as special cars? (for the police) over in australia i hear they have new version subaru STI's and im not 100% sure but i think they may also use mistubishi evolutions.. now thats bloody cool if you ask me! love to know if theyre standard or running a better ecu.


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
Saavedro88 said:
And I don't buy that "Max out at 130" BS. There's a country trooper lives across the street from me. His car does about 160-70 when he pushes it. (He owned a C6 For about 3 weeks. Sold it cause it was "Too slow... I'd rather drive my Crown Vic!") And I also know a State Trooper who's Malibu does about the same. NOT TO MENTION all the unmarked cars that probably go faster than that! I got pulled by a '02 Firebird Trans Am once, and I've seen others around in
Vettes (of course I've also seen some Escalades... But that's another story...).

That's bullshit, you're too gullible.

TurboWarrior said:
235 is a stock crown vic. 250hp is more like it. 300hp?..300ft/lbs of torque maybe
the modification's done to police interceptors are higher amp alt., no remote doors, engine bracket reinforcement's(protect coolant resorvoir and alt., stiffer sway bars, higher ride height, and frame reinforcement's. They're not modified for performance reasons.
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Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
jetjock said:
As long as they don't take anyone with them I hope those who run from cops end up getting hosed out of a mass of twisted and burnt metal into a bucket. The more of these self centered worthless punks, so-called human beings, who're stone cold dead the better it is for the rest of us. Same with the assholes who road race or drink and drive. That way they won't be out there endangering myself, my loved ones, or others. If they survive at minimum they should do years of hard time, along with receiving multiple hot pork injections from a guy named Bubba.
Well if that doesn't get the point across...


New Member
Apr 1, 2005


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
Yea, well if you plan to outrun the fuzz, YOU ARE A DUMBASS! Most times they will at minimum have a good description of you, if not a license plate number. Almost any county these days has a helicopter availbile to it, as well as more people than just you. They have spike strips availble, the ability to PIT your car, and more than likely much more driving expirience than you. Trying to run full out for a long enough period of time more than likely will result in you going into a ditch, tree or other car at 130+.

Not only that, the average Crown Vic (typically standard U.S. patrol car is limited to around 130 by the extra weight added and the lightbar's aerodynamic drag), but many departments have interceptors which may or may not be obvious. My dad was a deputy in NC for several years and they had a slick top (no lightbar) crown vic with a supercharged 5.0L V8 and a built 5 speed automatic tranny. The MO Highyway patrol has a very interesting Camaro Z28 except one small issue, it runs a 427ci Fuel injected V8 GM crate engine and 6 speed auto tranny.

If these don't spark some extra thought into your noodle than maybe simple cost vs result logic will help you. Example your doing 85 in a 70 on the interstate, suddenly the red and blue light up behind ya and it's a trooper. Choice A, you pull over, be respectful admit you were wrong and accept a ticket, warning, or if you're lucky he lets you off with a strong verbal discharge and nothing more.

Choice B, you decide to punch it. Several outcomes are possible, maybe 1 time out of 50 someone makes off with this flagrant disregard for everyone else on the road. However, chances are you will end up dead, in a wheelchair, or in a jail and/or state prison. Look at all the variables, your shitbox cannot handle high speed driving for much longer than a few minutes, the slower crown vics however can be run for hours at the upper end of thier limits because of significant differences in a patrol car and a street cars package (heavy duty radiator, water pump, etc). Since you are NOT michael schumacer you do NOT have the driving skills to do this either, chances are at 150 160 you will careen into a ditch, ravine, building, pole, tree, or other car and die (and you will deserve it). Then again, they may just catch you after losing a tire to a spike strip or blowing your engine, or just being over stressed and giving up. Remeber they are going home, you are going to jail or escaping only to worry for the next few days, weeks, or months when it all catches up to you. Once caught, not only will you be issued your original ticket but you will have charges stacked onto you such as but not limited to illuding, felony charges for attempted murder (because of speeds etc during the chase), running stop lights or signs (they do keep track during the chase in some areas and add these), resisting arrest, etc. So now you have felony charges and you go to jail, whereas earlier the worst you faced was some points off your license and and 100 maybe 200 dollar fine.

So, honestly I could care less how cool you think it may be, or how realistic your idea seems, you're an idiot if you ever attempt it. If ya want to put your life and others lives in a snowballs chance in hell plan to outrun the entire states worth of cops to avoid a minor traffic ticket that you might not even get, then you truly are a dumbass.

If you don't want points on your license then heres an idea, if you do get a ticket pay an attorney (normally the same as the ticket would cost) and have him get it changed to a minor non moving violation.


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
Oh and Ford doesn't mod them before selling to a department, but 9 out of 10 roughly departments do thier own modifications to the powerplant and drive train. Any intelligent trooper is going to play off or not tell you the real deal, why have an interceptor if everyone knows about it. I have seen a local crown vic with an 03 32V V8 SC engine, guess where it came from?


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
Cool. That is just the crown vic though. Don't know much about the other interceptors out there like impalas.

Good post wills. I watched a special on this once. When you decide to run chances are you will not stop. Adrenaline is pumping you make dumb decisions and forgot all reason. You become focused on getting away even if its impossible. So don't get yourself into that situation.


chris717 said:
i dislike cops...

Thats a pretty broad statement. You wouldnt say that if one ever comes to your rescue if you are ever in a situation where help is needed.

I should have a beef with cops but I dont. I was treated pretty badly when I was mistaken for stabbing 2 kids and was positively identified by 1 of 3 witnesses. I just happened to drive a similar car back then and was held for hours even brought to an outdoor lineup. After all was said and done, they let me go but when I left, one cop stopped me and got in my face and said "If I find out it was you, i'll hang you like the rest of them".

I dont hold the entire force accountable for the words or methods of one ignorant officer.


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
mkIIIman089 said:
Well if that doesn't get the point across...

I have a low tolerance for punks Colin. Unlike others who seem to know squat about working in law enforcement it was my first career. Five years of being exposed to a parade of wise asses, most in cars and many near my own age at the time. The demographic doesn't get branded because of a few bad apples, it's gets branded because the majority are immature dumbfucks. 75% of all accidental deaths in the 15-24 age bracket are caused by motor vehicle crashes. It's the number one cause of death among teenagers. Young drivers have the judgment of a speed bump. It wasn't long ago they couldn't even feed themselves but now they know it all. Morons. A vehicle, any vehicle, is not a toy.

I haven't been involved on the wrong end of a traffic stop in 19 years. I haven't been cited for so much as parking ticket in the same time. I've driven this car over 20 years without ever having a front plate and no one has said boo. Why do you suppose all that is while many here are constantly getting "fucked over" by LEOs? It's because the age bracket is a constant source of lawlessness, stupidity, pain, and misery. Each year they cost the system billions of dollars and leave thousands of shattered lives behind. I've witnessed firsthand what children in adult bodies do with cars. Many should be walking until they grow up.


7M Powered
Aug 15, 2006
Gainesville, FL
You have to be pretty dumb and ballsy to run from the police, know why they have "wildest police chases" to show how you won't get away.

Unless you driving a 12 sec car going the other way with a median blocking a cop from pulling a quick u turn, you most likely won't get away.

Why not keep a good radar Escort or Valentine and have NO tickets like me, given I've only been driving about 6 months but I'm on average about 10-15 over, yes police can "direct on" you but it has saved me from many tickets already.


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500






Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
chris717 said:
I have money on the supra...
just go by an airport and the helicopter cant follow you anymore.
please i seen people get away doing that

Until the pilot radio's ahead to any airport that they will need to be occupying the airspace...
Yet again, the radio is faster than any car.
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