Highway patrol

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thread killer
Dec 22, 2005
vancouver Wa
Just curious about what you guys would do in this situation?? I noticed every one is talking about "10 over, 20 over" tickets.

What if you were going down the highway, say the speed limit is 70. You had the throttle mashed in 5th gear pulling 140+ mph and a cop was on the side of the road and radared you. You notice him getting in his car in the distance, would you pull over or keep smashing on the gas? I know that in Oregon, 100mph is an instant 1k fine.

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
pimptrizkit said:
Just curious about what you guys would do in this situation?? I noticed every one is talking about "10 over, 20 over" tickets.

What if you were going down the highway, say the speed limit is 70. You had the throttle mashed in 5th gear pulling 140+ mph and a cop was on the side of the road and radared you. You notice him getting in his car in the distance, would you pull over or keep smashing on the gas? I know that in Oregon, 100mph is an instant 1k fine.

Day time or night time?

Day I would keep going, If I was pulling on him enough I'd take one of the first exits I came across and park the car somewhere hidden for a while.

If he started pulling me in I'd pullover and try and talk my way out of it.

Night, same thing as day, but if you get a good enough lead you can turn all your lights off and pull over to the side of an over pass out of view and wait for the cop to go by. Did it once in my friends Audi and laughed our ass off all the way home.


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
TOMA70E said:
Day time or night time?

Day I would keep going, If I was pulling on him enough I'd take one of the first exits I came across and park the car somewhere hidden for a while.

If he started pulling me in I'd pullover and try and talk my way out of it.

Night, same thing as day, but if you get a good enough lead you can turn all your lights off and pull over to the side of an over pass out of view and wait for the cop to go by. Did it once in my friends Audi and laughed our ass off all the way home.

do society a favor and hand in your liscence to DMV.



New Member
Jul 26, 2007
Save the speeding for the track. You're not indangering anybody else, it's safer, a lot more fun, cheaper than a stiff fine, definalty cheaper in the long run if you get caught, ins. ticket, court cost, etc, and a lot more fun.


New Member
Sep 6, 2007
This did start with it being some info I got on th uhp but this has exploded into a thread about running from the cops.

I was in a rollover accident about 3 years ago when I was 15. I was moving to Cali and this happened. The jeep I was driving went end over end once as in tail over front front over back. Then it went to barel rolls there was a uhp and an ambulance coming the oppoiste way and watched this go down. He stopped his count after 7 times. After this incident gave me respect for cars and roads that I would not have if it wern't for this. Even though I am only 18 almost 19, I have tremendous respect for any car even the hamster powered geo's and the roads these cars go on.

In the almost 4 years of driving I have been pulled over 2 times. 1 time was for my headlights weren't on was starting to get dusk. 2nd time was for running a stop sign that was hidden behind some trees. Both times was let off with a warning. And if I was ever started to be chased by a cop I would not even think about running that just adds to whatever it was started with. I have a friend that was gonna get pulled over for 10 over but he decied to try and run long story short he dosen't have a lincese till he's 21 and is on probation till he's 21.

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
foreverpsycotic said:
do society a favor and hand in your liscence to DMV.


Think of the consequences...Not having a lisence and driving would only make me have to run more.

Why dont you do me a favor and fuck off.

BTW I'm DEAD SERIOUS :biglaugh:


Active Member
Nov 12, 2005
Englewood, Ohio, United States
Hmmm whats funny is how many people on here saying it can be done..its not that dangerous, or they wont get me......when you have a cop/ state trooper etc on your ass with their lights on I am 99% sure that you wont even think about running. And everyone who says their supra is fast enough to run from the popo..are you really interested in getting your car that youve spent your hard earned money on impounded or even worse totaled?? Granted, there are times when you a cop notices you and you can tell he has the intentsions to pull you over but their lights are not on, and you can get away from them without speeding or putting anyone at risk. example: cop taking note of you and heading your direction.....you can loose them in traffic, pull off an exit, or start zig zaging though random roads without speeding. As long as their lights are OFF its not concitered evading an officer.
As far as jetjocks and a few other members saying that almost all of the members are immature, they're not all that way and there are some very knowledgeable people on this board. And not all teenagers are stupid and irresponable, its just somehow the dumbass tend to shine through.
idk, just my 2cents:icon_conf



New Member
Sep 6, 2007
x87SUPRA87x said:
As far as jetjocks and a few other members saying that almost all of the members are immature, they're not all that way and there are some very knowledgeable people on this board. And not all teenagers are stupid and irresponable, its just somehow the dumbass tend to shine through.
idk, just my 2cents:icon_conf

This brought a smile to my face this just sums up llife in a neat little package.


New Member
May 10, 2007
so far i agree with both sides when it coems to running from cops. u have to be pretty fast to be able to get out of sight fast enough so that radio isnt helpful because u already lost the cop. ive heard a story of some guy on a bike outrunning a copter by going near the airport where there is a 18 mile no fly zone they cannot enter. so thats possible i guess. but yes it is dangerous and not smart to run, especially goin 100 through neighborhoods. but to ppl that say it cant be done it sure can, my friend drives a vette and has evaded many cops lol. just had to add in


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
pimptrizkit said:
Just curious about what you guys would do in this situation?? I noticed every one is talking about "10 over, 20 over" tickets.

What if you were going down the highway, say the speed limit is 70. You had the throttle mashed in 5th gear pulling 140+ mph and a cop was on the side of the road and radared you. You notice him getting in his car in the distance, would you pull over or keep smashing on the gas? I know that in Oregon, 100mph is an instant 1k fine.

It's considered street racing here and usually meas they will take your car...

in that case, why stop?

honestly, if the cop is right on your tail, he's already got your tag before he pops his lights, so running is retarded...

Saying that it's not possible to run is retarded, it happens all the time...

Not saying I would run, as I know the laws and how to get around em very easily, so it's easier to fight the retarded tickets than chance wrecking my car...

FYI: I love the comments on running from the cops and killing someone, as killing someone on the highway is gonna be pretty hard. If our roads where made like they are made in germany, they'd be safer if you crashed out (they use better dividers, and clear the area away fromt eh road so that you don't hit trees, ect).

#1 cause of death from driving is DRUNK drivers, second is driving outside the boundries (it's icy, raining, ect and you have no traction), speed is WAY WAY WAY down the list and anyone that is going that fast it paying attention unlike the sheep that drive their SUV's talking on the cell phone in one hand, reading a book in the other, and eating a donut with the other (yes that's a joke, but I've seen as bad...)


Oct 2, 2006
kettering ohio
Saavedro88 said:
And I don't buy that "Max out at 130" BS. There's a country trooper lives across the street from me. His car does about 160-70 when he pushes it. (He owned a C6 For about 3 weeks. Sold it cause it was "Too slow... I'd rather drive my Crown Vic!")

BULLSHIT! hahahaha.

My buddy owns a 99 vic police interceptor. Best time was a 15.9.
Vics are NOT fast unless its a crazy engine swap or something.


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
I would say generally 99% of the time I would not run from a cop. It's just not a good idea...

However, if I was already going 100mph in the middle of the night on the freeway and a cop was faced the opposite way in the middle divider when your racing 3 cars all going 100+... I'd keep going, lights on or not. Not say it has happened before ;).

BUT, if I started seeing cops getting on on-ramps or catching up, or any traffic what so ever I'd pull over.

Generally you should not run from the cops...


Fire is my friend.
Oct 22, 2006
Augusta, GA
In some area's there is a no chase policy over 90ish mph.
I know in Richmond County , Georgia. They are not aloud to chase bikes PERIOD. Because there had been to many deaths. So in theory if you just took off they are not allowed to follow.

Just throwing in my two cents.

Especially the police interceptor, those things are heavier than the stock crown victoria's due to the police package. So they can ram cars, and all the extra crap inside ect..


Moving to Japan!!!
Nov 30, 2006
Jacksonville, NC
Poodles said:
FYI: I love the comments on running from the cops and killing someone, as killing someone on the highway is gonna be pretty hard. If our roads where made like they are made in germany, they'd be safer if you crashed out (they use better dividers, and clear the area away fromt eh road so that you don't hit trees, ect).
This I find hilarious.....
#1 cause of death from driving is DRUNK drivers, second is driving outside the boundries (it's icy, raining, ect and you have no traction), speed is WAY WAY WAY down the list and anyone that is going that fast it paying attention unlike the sheep that drive their SUV's talking on the cell phone in one hand, reading a book in the other, and eating a donut with the other (yes that's a joke, but I've seen as bad...)

I think you just made MY point.....since when do people elude the police and stay in their designated lane or if they switch lanes they do it properly?(turn signal, not running off the road, into the median, etc....)


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
A couple things:

Funniest comment in this thread goes to -

jetjock said:
Lol, now that's entertainment. Can you explain more about how ATC works?. I've always been a little hazy about that stuff...

:rofl: Hazy, huh? You should ask ATC how they work the next time you're landing :D

Wills7MGTE said:
Since you are NOT michael schumacer you do NOT have the driving skills to do this either, chances are at 150 160 you will careen into a ditch, ravine, building, pole, tree, or other car and die (and you will deserve it).

Are you saying that Michael Schumacher should be allowed to run? ;)

7MBoost said:
blah blah blah

Whoa, Jeff! Step away from the banhammer buddy :) Just because someone has a different opinion, is no reason to shut them up.

As for my own experiences:

38 points on my license, in 12 months. I lost my license for 2.5 years. First car was a '77 Trans Am with a transplanted 400 (Ram Air IV clone, ran a best of 11.7 @ 127 mph, for anyone interested). Why so many points?

Because I stopped, and took every single ticket. I didn't run a single time. You know why? I spent 2.5 years without an actual license (did get my hardship, though) and spent about $5000 in tickets, in Marion, Lake, and Sumter counties.

My car, and human life, was worth more than $5000, to me. It's one thing when I'm speeding down an empty road late at night, and get pulled over for doing 15-20 mph over the speed limit. It's something else entirely to run triple digit speeds through a small town like Wildwood or Fruitland Park - it's not longer just my own safety that I am jeopardizing. It's the guy out for a late night bike ride, or the lady walking down the road to the store that I'm also endangering at that point.

On the flip side of that, though - Florida State Statute 316.191.

Allow me a moment to quote this:

Florida State Law said:
316.191. Racing on Highways

(1) As used in this section, the term:

(a) "Conviction" means a determination of guilt that is the result of a plea or trial, regardless of whether adjudication is withheld.

(b) "Drag race" means the operation of two or more motor vehicles from a point side by side at accelerating speeds in a competitive attempt to outdistance each other, or the operation of one or more motor vehicles over a common selected course, from the same point to the same point, for the purpose of comparing the relative speeds or power of acceleration of such motor vehicle or motor vehicles within a certain distance or time limit.

(c) "Racing" means the use of one or more motor vehicles in an attempt to out-gain or outdistance another motor vehicle, to prevent another motor vehicle from passing, to arrive at a given destination ahead of another motor vehicle or motor vehicles, or to test the physical stamina or endurance of drivers over long-distance driving routes.

(2)(a) A person may not:

1. Drive any motor vehicle, including any motorcycle, in any race, speed competition or contest, drag race or acceleration contest, test of physical endurance, or exhibition of speed or acceleration or for the purpose of making a speed record on any highway, roadway, or parking lot;

2. In any manner participate in, coordinate, facilitate, or collect moneys at any location for any such race, competition, contest, test, or exhibition;

3. Knowingly ride as a passenger in any such race, competition, contest, test, or exhibition; or

4. Purposefully cause the movement of traffic to slow or stop for any such race, competition, contest, test, or exhibition.

Any person who violates any provision of this paragraph commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. Any person who violates any provision of this paragraph shall pay a fine of not less than $500 and not more than $1,000, and the department shall revoke the driver license of a person so convicted for 1 year. A hearing may be requested pursuant to s. 322.271.

(b) Any person who violates paragraph (a) within 5 years after the date of a prior violation that resulted in a conviction for a violation of this subsection commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083, and shall pay a fine of not less than $500 and not more than $1,000. The department shall also revoke the driver license of that person for 2 years. A hearing may be requested pursuant to s. 322.271.

(c) In any case charging a violation of paragraph (a), the court shall be provided a copy of the driving record of the person charged and may obtain any records from any other source to determine if one or more prior convictions of the person for violation of paragraph (a) have occurred within 5 years prior to the charged offense.

(3) Whenever a law enforcement officer determines that a person was engaged in a drag race or race, as described in subsection (1), the officer may immediately arrest and take such person into custody. The court may enter an order of impoundment or immobilization as a condition of incarceration or probation. Within 7 business days after the date the court issues the order of impoundment or immobilization, the clerk of the court must send notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the registered owner of the motor vehicle, if the registered owner is a person other than the defendant, and to each person of record claiming a lien against the motor vehicle.

(a) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the impounding agency shall release a motor vehicle under the conditions provided in s. 316.193(6)(e), (f), (g), and (h), if the owner or agent presents a valid driver license at the time of pickup of the motor vehicle.

(b) All costs and fees for the impoundment or immobilization, including the cost of notification, must be paid by the owner of the motor vehicle or, if the motor vehicle is leased or rented, by the person leasing or renting the motor vehicle, unless the impoundment or immobilization order is dismissed. All provisions of s. 713.78 shall apply.

(c) Any motor vehicle used in violation of subsection (2) may be impounded for a period of 10 business days if a law enforcement officer has arrested and taken a person into custody pursuant to this subsection and the person being arrested is the registered owner or co-owner of the motor vehicle. If the arresting officer finds that the criteria of this paragraph are met, the officer may immediately impound the motor vehicle. The law enforcement officer shall notify the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles of any impoundment for violation of this subsection in accordance with procedures established by the department. The provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) shall be applicable to such impoundment.

(4) Any motor vehicle used in violation of subsection (2) by any person within 5 years after the date of a prior conviction of that person for a violation under subsection (2) may be seized and forfeited as provided by the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act. This subsection shall only be applicable if the owner of the motor vehicle is the person charged with violation of subsection (2).

(5) This section does not apply to licensed or duly authorized racetracks, drag strips, or other designated areas set aside by proper authorities for such purposes.

Amended by Laws 1999, c. 99-248, § 138, eff. June 8, 1999; Laws 2002, c. 2002-251, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 2002; Laws 2005, c. 2005-226, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 2005.

What does this mean to me? Simple. An officer can now pull you over for ANYTHING he/she deems 'Street Racing'.

Listen to me very very carefully - one of my best friends is currently in jail for a one year sentence, under this very law. His crime? A 2nd gear chirp when accelerating from a light (he had just put a shift kit in his '88 Camaro, and the roads were slick from rain - happened in Ocala). I'm not going to mention names, but he knew the cop from back in school, and there was bad blood between them. He left it up to the Public Defender, and got reamed by Futch (if anyone of you are in Ocala, you know what I mean)

In light of this, if I think I'm going to get hit with a 316.191, why would I stop? I'm going to jail if I do. Is that chance of not losing my car, and staying out of jail worth the risk of endangering everyone around?

That's a big question to ask. Personally, I think 316.191 is causing a lot more problems than it is solving.

In other news, no tickets in 5 years for me :)


Moving to Japan!!!
Nov 30, 2006
Jacksonville, NC
Seems to me that the reason that guy was sentenced to a year was because of "bad blood" as you have stated. How often does one know a cop well enough to know that you and him have bad blood? The odds of him pulling you over and citing you are far greater than him trying to send you to jail for a year due to a technicality.....Come on man
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