Highway patrol

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New Member
running from the police is a horrible idea. that being said:

once was doing a midnight freeway run with a friend and our rear spotter (a good way behind us on the fwy) tells us cops are coming. we got off immediately and hid. never saw the cops so is that running?

and also, as everyone has said already, running on the spur of the moment is all but pure insanity. who is to say you are 100% ready even if you think it would ever be a good idea. your tire pressures are all good, plenty of gas, everything tight on the car, you're awake and alert, traffic is alright?

all that being said, at night, a black motorcycle (something fairly fast) with a rider in all black, no distinguishing markings anywhere, no license plate, all lights cut out, rider wearing nightvision, and a full tank of gas = who can catch that? and bikes that run are putting themself at risk more than anyone else, it doesnt take high physics to determine car vs. bike or heavy immobile obstacle vs. bike.


Dec 21, 2006
walnut creek, ca
stan said:
running from the police is a horrible idea. that being said:

once was doing a midnight freeway run with a friend and our rear spotter (a good way behind us on the fwy) tells us cops are coming. we got off immediately and hid. never saw the cops so is that running?

and also, as everyone has said already, running on the spur of the moment is all but pure insanity. who is to say you are 100% ready even if you think it would ever be a good idea. your tire pressures are all good, plenty of gas, everything tight on the car, you're awake and alert, traffic is alright?

all that being said, at night, a black motorcycle (something fairly fast) with a rider in all black, no distinguishing markings anywhere, no license plate, all lights cut out, rider wearing nightvision, and a full tank of gas = who can catch that? and bikes that run are putting themself at risk more than anyone else, it doesnt take high physics to determine car vs. bike or heavy immobile obstacle vs. bike.

that would be very hard to catch almost impossible.
people that are saying" dont run away from the cops because then you will put people in danger" stop being Oprah... i know you guys at one point went 135mph +


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
yeah, this thread is useless. i'm going to close it on this note:

jetjock said:
No shit. It's the single greatest problem with every other "youth car culture" community I've seen. While true adults are guilty to a lesser extend the vast majority of 20-somethings and below who drive have the judgment, intelligence, and maturity of 12 year olds. It's as if time stood still for them. They have no right being near a car. That's made abundantly clear every day on this forum alone.

As long as they don't take anyone with them I hope those who run from cops end up getting hosed out of a mass of twisted and burnt metal into a bucket. The more of these self centered worthless punks, so-called human beings, who're stone cold dead the better it is for the rest of us. Same with the assholes who road race or drink and drive. That way they won't be out there endangering myself, my loved ones, or others. If they survive at minimum they should do years of hard time, along with receiving multiple hot pork injections from a guy named Bubba.

That's all I got to say about that....

and sorry guys, stupidity isn't a ban-able offence.

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