^^^means it's okay. If it changed that would mean the MAP is reading different than what is actually there. If it was reading different, you should check the wiring before buying another MAP sensor.
okay, I finally did some cross reference thru google. THe 6097 NGKs are the V spark or whatever and the 1095s are the standard series. You'll do much better at AutoZone knowing this. EVen better would be the other code on the boxes bkr...something.
I put the standard series in no more rich smokiness coming out of the exhaust. But my car still does the hiccup/bucking/bogging thing. It does it at par-throttle and WOT. It does it randomly. Seems a lil worse once warm. It's a MAP ecu so I can't imagine a boost leak outside the intake manifold could be doing this. Could it be a loose connection? I almost thought sticking injectors but all of them at the same time seems very unlikely.
It does run. I even put the borrowed car into storage and taught someone how to drive stick on this car (2JZGTE spinning one 6'' tire

BTW, thanks Suprahero for the info. And always thanks Mark.