hahah Banned from SF


SF what a waste of supras
Jun 22, 2006
Lol supraforums sucks ASS big time
they are all a bunch of stuck up MKIV :nutswinger

By the way add me to the BAN list i think i have made four to five acounts there and have ben banned five times and they think i was five diffrent people it is so easy to change your ip with proxy and delete cookies etc....
but my user name on here was baned because fagman i mean bradman got all pissed when he was banning people for using ebay stuff in there threads and one of the affiliates on SF site is ebay i asked him WTF he was thingking infront of everyone and got all mad and bent about it the last straw is when i asked for some cheap parts to be sold by some local vendors and when no one offered the parts help or service i asked them to do it and started an interest forum and started to motivate towards a group buy and during the census and having enough 1JZ owners interested FAGMAN banned me after the thread was on there for over 3 weeks in the 1JZ FS GB section the fact is they dont want people to share information or to be able to find it easy thats why they took the search section away unless your a mod or FAGMAN
Lol link to a hot thread i will make five more acounts there again and get more P bans lol

By the way I have over 255 proxys i have access to and over 1000 AP i have access to that i found just this month alone that doesnt include dial up access numbers and varrying ip address even aol acounts i snatched while scanning APs some are aol memebers and gives me dial up access points i could have access to over 2000 acounts on SF and clone and masc change my MAC address so any one whos baned haves no excuse to make another acount and start up crap again lol
By the way i can now crack WEP WAP on 2.5 - 5min maximum what a joke only about half the people use it and isnt even worth it.
I like the access point labeled we_will_hack_you lol spam that you want attenetion and challengers thats funny.

Here is my Access points i have this week google earth!
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Bickaty Bam !!
Jul 17, 2007
BWAHAHAHAHA, Armen just called me and HE got banned !!! hahahahhahaha. I suggested him to join up on SF before I got the axe when he had a supra. He sold it this weekend for an Aston Martin and I guess they thought he was me (like I have that kinda money). ROFLHouse !!!! "Why did you tell me to join that forum if they just ban you for no reason?"
Man SF is getting outta control. I wonder if he's still getting nasty IM's :) PWNT

Everyone spam him with IM's today LOL "A4SupraGTI" Tell him Jordan sent you. hahahahha he's gonna be soooo PISSED !! That's what he gets for being all rich and abandoning the Supra.


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
SF never ceases to amaze me.


Apparently it's alright to make fun of someone nobody knew who committed suicide but doing so about a member who commits suicide is enough to ban a group of members.

First they take away the ability to search. Now people are afraid to even speak their mind because they're afraid of being canned.

Extreme Censoring, governing, and controlling members by fear. I guess that's what SF is about now.

I see myself getting banned without any warnings in the near future. If that's what it is, so be it. If they want to ban people for speaking their mind, fuck 'em.
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Bickaty Bam !!
Jul 17, 2007
Thanx CK. I doubt they'll do anything about reinstating me though. If you saw that thread where Jesse_Boyer scammed me out of my shifter and then put the initial blame on me saying I was the scammer you'd see why people don't like me anymore. He sent me back a block of wood in the return packaging so he got to keep the $ AND the C's Shifter but since he had tracking #'s and OT hates me and all the trolls came in to his side for no apparent reason I now look like the Evil that they try to keep off the board. Even with the 2 highest trader rated people backing me and as personal witnesses to his madness I still got the shaft


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
WeDgE said:
I've read that the search becomes available if you pay a membership fee....bunk ass.

No. But I do know a little info about the search function that I won't divulge here. Don't want it coming back and biting me in the ass for speaking about something I shouldn't even know about.

Element: I followed that C's shifter thread and the other related threads/posts. Your banning, like alot of others lately were issued very unfairly. And not even by the warning/ban rules outlined in the announcements, stickies. They were quick to can you but they let that LeoGSVT fuck stick around for a real long time. He still isn't banned. They only banned him from selling parts. Where is the fairness in that? That guy already had a known history of being a scammer.


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
Ckanderson said:

you actualy belive that?

It's not out of the realm of possibility although I doubt it's happening.

If you offered enough money off the record or under the table, I bet you could have your search ability back. :)


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
I read that suicide thread. I see a lot of the comments are deleted. But not Fyrarms! Im sure he is one of the biggest corrupt mods on there


Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
OneJoeZee said:
It's not out of the realm of possibility although I doubt it's happening.

If you offered enough money off the record or under the table, I bet you could have your search ability back. :)

search does absolutly nothing for me.

But for mk3 owners it would be a lifesaver.

Thing is, they are just shooting themselves in the foot be not enabaling it, people create threads all the time that have already been answered.


Bickaty Bam !!
Jul 17, 2007
OneJoeZee said:
No. But I do know a little info about the search function that I won't divulge here. Don't want it coming back and biting me in the ass for speaking about something I shouldn't even know about.

Element: I followed that C's shifter thread and the other related threads/posts. Your banning, like alot of others lately were issued very unfairly. And not even by the warning/ban rules outlined in the announcements, stickies. They were quick to can you but they let that LeoGSVT fuck stick around for a real long time. He still isn't banned. They only banned him from selling parts. Where is the fairness in that? That guy already had a known history of being a scammer.

I don't see fairness at all really. I gave the guy his money back while he was waiting on the item to arrive just to appease him and the mods that were on my back. THEN he keeps it all and I get banned with negative rating etc blah blah. I tried sending a PM to people about it but was permabanned before I got a response. i was hoping to at least get him off the sale stuff too before he did this again to somebody.

And how my friend got banned cause someone "thought" he was me doesn't seem fair either. He was hoping to meet some fellow expensive car owners that he could cruise around with and do some photoshoots with his new baby but I guess not. LOL I like the sticky that says we are not dumb, we can trace your ip address. Evidentally that's quite the opposite.


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
Ckanderson said:
search does absolutly nothing for me.

But for mk3 owners it would be a lifesaver.

Thing is, they are just shooting themselves in the foot be not enabaling it, people create threads all the time that have already been answered.

You can set up a search on google. Someone did in the mkiii section. But They have purged a lot of interesting stuff from way back. Which is a REAL shame.


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
TurboWarrior said:
You can set up a search on google. Someone did in the mkiii section. But They have purged a lot of interesting stuff from way back. Which is a REAL shame.

The google searches aren't as efficient as the SF search. Eitherway, that's not the problem.

The problem is they could do something about it but they aren't. There's no way you can tell me it takes 5+ months to figure out a way to run a forum efficiently with a search function. They even have numerous members offering their time and money to help. There's been a thread about it for months. Not one mod has even responded or acknowledged the thread.

Look at the thread creating date. 5-22-07!!!


The sponsors are still paying to be there, and the majority of members won't speak their mind about the lack of search and other things on there and just move along and go with the flow. Often even defending the management and lack of search and other things that go on there.

What motivation does the SF management have to bring back search? Maybe when the forum sponsors' business starts being affected because of the poorly run forum will something happen. One guy posted that he called the sponsors and told them they had lost his business until something is done about search. That's only one guy. But what if alot more people did the same?