all or most of these older mowers use a belt drive system that is hinged. there are a set of pulleys that apply pressure to the belt, allowing it to grip the rear tranny input shaft pulley. when you push the break pedal, it moves the pulley setup, on a hinge, to loosen the drive belt just enough so its floating, and does not grip. push the pedal harder and the silly little disk brake is applied. carefully take a look underneath while you depress the pedal. (hint- this wont do jack unless the pre-load spring is there to return the pulley to the gripping position, just incase yours fell off and you didnt know it.)
i have a 3 speed and a 5 speed transmission.
3 speed has a broken/screwy reverse gear, i'll have to look into rebuilding it because i took it apart to investigate it not working at ALL...couldnt figure it out, and put it back together. now i've got three forward speeds. decent, but i want reverse if i'm going through the trouble to mount this thing.
as far as clutches, this is the main problem, along with getting power to the rear end if you plan on any sort of suspension setup. belts just make everything screwy. i have found a design for this application that i really like, i'll look for the site later. the guy never finished but it was pretty sweet. full suspension, dual drive trailing arm in the rear. possibly a 4wd CVD up front i dont remember.
i'd like to look more into the durability issue in these tranmissions, because the 5 speed would allow some brute torque and a slightly faster speed....
are you guys thinking about going CVD in the rear? the stock track is quite narrow...
i'm thinking a normal width gokart...just homemade and not bought. i cannot nor will i pay hundreds of dollars for something like this. i figure 50 bux into rebuilding the motor/adding a nicer muffler, and then supplies for the frame, which i'd fab myself. (thats going to be very hard...but its a great way to learn!)