SupraDerk said:
How is believing that global warming exists because you've heard people (so called "politicians") talk about it different from you saying global warming DOESN'T exist because YOU think it's bullshit and everyone should jump ship and join your side? They're both derived pretty much in the same manner, they just happen to be on different sides of the spectrum. I didn't have some politician put thoughts of Global Warming in my head, I have actually read about it and learned about it in some of my classes. But the average person is gonna hear about either side usually by word of mouth.
This is science. I've evaluated the geologic & scientific records and have reached a conclusion based upon reason. The information is out there, all you need to do is find it. The "average" guy is pretty damned ignorant, and he's got no excuse for it.
As Bertrand Russsel said; "The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible."
dumb m
asses belief in anything, by that very fact, makes me question it...
SupraDerk said:
But who's to say just because you learn about eithehr side of the debate or hear about one side or another it's correct? If you recall people used to believe that the Earth was not only flat...but the center of the universe...and other's believed both were wrong. Obviously both were wrong.
It's one of those things where you should believe what you feel is correct. The future will show who was correct.
I'm not "believing" anything. This is not a faith based issue. It's reason. Search the records, educate yourself, evaluate the results, come to a conclusion, defend it. Then we at least are operating within the realm of reason. And if you bring new evidence to the table, I'll gladly re-evaluate my position. That's the beauty of reason vs. faith. It's a self correcting process.
The cases you mention above were superstition and belief. Science (and reason) was the cure for those, albeit widely held, but silly beliefs.
As I've said in the past, I'm damned sure that A=A, and I pity anyone who can't agree that something is what it is.
It sounds like you are working from a philosophy that "nothing is knowable with certainly" - sounds a lot like Relativism.
What relativisim is, for those of you who haven't bothered to study philosopy, is a very old set of beliefs that predate Plato.
What the relativists are asking you to believe is, IMO, kind of wacky...
"Nothing is knowable with certainty", they suggest.
Well if the proposition "nothing is knowable with certainly" is true then at least one thing is certainly true thus SOMETHING is knowable with certainty ergo the proposition fails. And if what I think is right is right, and I think the relativists are wrong, then I am RIGHT and they are WRONG.
It's a pernicious philosophy of despair. It's nonsensical from my perspective.
However Relativism has been around from the very beginning of humankind. I think it sticks around because a "not knowing anything" philosophy allows people to aviod having to work out difficult questions.
SupraDerk said:
(I'm not out to offend or "attack" anyone, just some healthy debate so if any of that comes off in a negative way, know that I didn't mean it to :naughty: )
Same here, I tend to be a bit brusque in these discussions, but I'm trying to cut through bullshit 99% of the time. Sometimes you have to push a little to get through it all.