P5150, and Death, you guys are totally making my point here.
READ THE BOOK and the footnotes.
I can pull data from a graph and make it say whatever I want. Look at the whole history, and suddenly the trend is no longer what you though it was.
On the rainforests, do you guys realize that those "eternal" forrests are actually quite young? And as the normal weather changes that cycle around the planet every 10,000 years occur, they will change over to other types of forrest and even desert type "ecosystems" (Now that is a word that is overused.)
Trees are not eternal. They live, die and make way for other trees and plant life. Those pics of the growth in Brazil into the "rain forrest" is much like the growth of the Pioneers into the Midwest and West of the USA. Heck, even the East coast of the USA, or anyplace for that matter. To farm you have to cut down trees. Sunlight is the issue as well as making it easy to plant and harvest your crops. (You know, put them in rows, and grade the land so you can irrigate if you need to, things like that.) We have done it all over the world, why do you hate that those farmers in Brazil are doing what was done in the USA a few hundred years ago? We killed off the buffalo, and planted farms. We have logged huge tracts of land and built cities. I think it's great that those in Brazil are doing the same things, and wish them well in their labors.
"I belive that global warming is an absolute truth." is a great statement. If we had lived a few hundred years before, I could have said "I belive that the earth is flat." Or "I belive that the earth is the center of the solar system."
I could continue, but it's pointless. The theory of "Global Warming" was based on flawed science, and has been PROVEN to be wrong, but there are so many who love the idea that we are consuming too much, and bad, therefore must be punished for our excess, they can't let go of the idea that we are not bad, and consuming is a way of life, and has been since the dawn of time. (Everything is a consumer. Everything.) These same folks can't let go of the idea that ELF, Greenpeace, Sierra Club and others are all just money making machines now. They don't care about the envionment any more than oil companies do. That is to say, they don't want to destroy their source of income, so it makes good "consumer" sense to protect the land you get your oil from, or in the case of the environmentalists, to protect the theory that fills your donation letters.