ForcedTorque's Slick/Quick Build


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I will be having a small personal celebration at my brother in law's tonight.

I got my timing light to work again this morning, and I got it timed to 10 degrees BTDC, and it idles now worse than it did before making that small adjustment. As I type that, it hit me, shouldn't I have someting jumped before doing that?

It ran great, but still has some popping in upper boost levels. That may be due to having old regular 87 octane gas in it. It's almost empty, so I'll be getting new proper fuel now that it runs. I'll be checking into getting a tag on it this week, so I can get it out of the neighborhood.


Old Skool Kool Enthusiast
Nov 6, 2006
mobile, al
I seem to remember seeing something about that as well, can't remember exactly though. For some reason I want to say to try adjusting the idle screws again now since it is timed proper. Oh and uh....yeah....87?!!! Remember what you said to me standing out in front of your house and I finally told you how my car actually developed rod knock? *holds up hand for pimp slap* "C'mere...." That would be causing detonation in boost...don't do it again! Unless you want to pull the motor back out and rebuild it with oversized pistons or have to put another motor in all together. Get that poor baby a slap full tank of some GOOD 93 and treat her right or she will go back to PMSing.
BTW, I got a hoist! and a chain to hook to the motor with and now I have to wait till Thursday to pick one up from somewhere due to work and living in bumfuk. so, maybe next weekend I will FINALLY be pulling the motor out. Hopefully I will be getting my MAP-ECU in tomorrow or Tuesday.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Thanks James! If you also use the link provided in that thread, it takes you to JSeaman's step by step instructions. He is doing it on a turbo motor, and mentions it is all the same except for the distributor/CPS.

I will be adding some 93 tomorrow, and fine tuning the idle to the best of the forums ability.


Old Skool Kool Enthusiast
Nov 6, 2006
mobile, al
Awesome, I'll have to keep that in mind when mine gets to that point. Now if we can just get Bill to get the SC running. JR has been getting a major run around from the machine shop on his 2j motor, its looking like they may have fubared the crank and are trying to get out of it, big friggen mess. He is going Megasquirt on it as well so I picked up the map-ecu from him, bye bye maf! He is also thinking of going up on his turbo, giving me dibs on the old one, its a 72mm and he was capable of 18psi with 440cc's. I probably won't try that much boost, but I will have a pretty good fuel setup once I'm "done", even with the 440's. I hope you get things sorted and are able to have a little fun with the car instead of having to take something for all the migraines it has caused! I do think we will all be running good, and yes at the same time, in the very near future, you seem to be there now so the rest of us need to get with the program! Maybe we actually will get that meet together we talked about a few years ago!


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I took the car and put some 93 in it today. Also drove it on the highway for a couple of miles (expired tag and all). No more popping during boost!! A requested civilization, out of the neighborhood photo:



Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
WooHoo!!!!!! I broke something with boost!

I am adjusting to the new job OK, but have been needing a little recoup time. I finally felt like I could warm the car up and dial the timing in with the jumper wire. So on the way back from my warm up trip, I passed by my brother in laws house around the corner. He was outside, so I tried to give him a little blow off. Instead I hear a big pop. I limp the car home and pop the hood, only to find that I ripped the coupler from th 3000 to the throttle body into 2 pieces. In taking it off, I see that I was lucky this happened so close to home. It was brittle as hell. The side I took off the 3000 broke into about 4 pieces when I pulled it off. I have a replacement, but I don't like it. I replaced it with the one that blew, because the seems are cracking on the outside. It's OK on the inside, but it won't last forever. What are the sizes on each end of that thing? Aren't they different? Can I just use a 2 1/2 silicone coupler and tighten it down enough to hold?


Old Skool Kool Enthusiast
Nov 6, 2006
mobile, al
Is it the stock 3k pipe or aftermarket? I thought I remember you having the hks pipe, but you did have a huge part out of your aftermarket so I'm just making sure. I would say get rid of the stocker and go to a setup that uses the same size all the way through but I'm sure that is in the plans for when the money is flowing proper again. Also, I know O'riley's sells or at least used to sell what we called "stick hose". It's stupid tough and thick but stil plyable and works great, just make sure you get the right size (ie. find someone working in the store that actually knows what they are talking about). I believe that Gates makes the stuff so it is good quality. I would go with the size that lithium said. Make sure you specify inner diameter. Or you could just order a coupler if you are still going for the all red look.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
James, I did sell the HKS, and I'm just using stock for now. I'll check on that stick hose.

A quick job update.......The new job is going good, and I'm used to the hard work now. But, I'm loading train cars, and we have been having trouble getting empties to load. Monday I got a whole 3 1/2 hours of shit work before they sent us home. We worked yesterday, and now I'm off today because of no empties again. I like the job OK, but I could leave it as quick as I got there for another $5 an hour.

Monday, when I came home early, I was contacted by a better job that I had applied for. I interviewed for that this morning, and it looks like I may be going to work there. I went straight to a physical and drug screen. In my rush to get out of here early, I forgot to take my insulin and ate. Of course my blood sugar was high, so I'm on hold until I can bleed right. I did pass the hernia check without showing off the scars from my recent surgery. I'll be going back tomorrow to try again.


Old Skool Kool Enthusiast
Nov 6, 2006
mobile, al
Gotta eat bro! My stepdad is diabetic so I know how it goes somewhat. Look, just drive the Supra to the interview and say, "If I'm good enough to get that thing *point to Supra* running properly, I'm plenty good enough to work here!" It's what I plan on doing! lol jkin, hope you get it all straight and can get settled in somewhere with consistancy. I know from experiance that bouncing back and forth like that will do you in just as much as the actual work will, but it is great to finally see things turning for the better for you.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I'm not going to get too excited yet. But, today, I robbed the battery out of my Dad's Corolla that is still sitting in my yard, so that I could get the car to start more than once. I think I have it idling right again, but it's hard to tell. The car is running like I have a vacuum leak, or the timing is off. It's so hot outside, and football is on my TV, so I came back inside. I'll play with it again tomorrow morning, and see if I can make any more progress, while retaining my idle. I'm interested also in seeing if his battery will hold a charge over night, or if I have a drain. I think my Optima may have just been not holding the charge, and I called it a drain caused by the car. We'll see.

Anyway, I finally have a couple of pictures of the 2 cars together to show. In Picture 2, you can almost hear the Supra say " I got your back" to the Celica.




Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
ForcedTorque;1871356 said:
I'm not going to get too excited yet.

To HELL with that thinking! today, I removed my throttle body, and resealed it to the plenum. I did that at one point, but I've removed it again since, and I found that it was the source of my veak. Once sealed and cured, I just took it for a drive around the neighborhood. It now does not boost under normal driving! It now boosts strongly when I want it to! It now idles correctly! I now know that my LSD is in perfect working condition!

Somewhere along the line, my timing light decided to quit working, so I can still dial in my timing a bit more I'm sure.

Tomorrow, I'm going to go get the tag for the new Celica. I will be examining the finances to see if I can afford to get the Supra tag at the same time this week. If not, it will be very soon!