I have no working check engine light. It's one of the issues with my converted 89 harness that has yet to be fixed. I'm hoping to find a 92 harness one day to fix that and a few other issues, like my tach, and a power drain when the car is off.
ForcedTorque;1804471 said:Yesterday, James brought the old white car by the house on it's way out of town for revival. That motivated me a little to get off my ass and play with my car some more.
I set the timing back to the right spot, and took it for a little ride today. still not out of the neighborhood though. I have to say that it is the quickest car I have ever driven. But, I still haven't done a bit of good for the idle problem.
I'm convinced that the problem is related to the PCV pipe behind the 3000 pipe. I replaced both of the little short hoses under that , and the short hose that connects that pipe to the throttle body. The problem is, the new hoses weren't much better. The one at the TB has a crack, but not as bad as the one I took off of it. Anybody know where to get one other than the dealer? Also, I don't remember ever seeing the 2 lower short hoses with clamps on them, so I don't have any on them now. I'm going to put clamps on them, and replace that one at the Throttle body.
My timing is good.
My ISC tests good, and the check valve is clean and good.
My Throttle plate closes fully
My TPS has been set
What I'm having trouble understanding is, If you get more air in behind the AFM, how does it compensate with more fuel so you benefit from it?
IndigoMKII;1804500 said:My ISC checks out good as well but if I let off of it sometimes it'll still go really low and catch itself, even though sometimes it doesn't.
gtsfirefighter;1804598 said:So close....so close.
jmoneydtb;1804875 said:Unmetered air will always cause issues, unless of course you have done away with the meter via good piggyback or ems. Your MAF is saying one thing, but the O2 sensor is saying something different, as those 2 systems are tied together, the ecu sees this as a problem and is doing whatever necessary to compensate. Usually it will dump more fuel in to make sure the motor stays safe. Do you still have the wideband? If so what is it saying when you drive normal and when you are in boost? If not have you noticed any black smoke in the rearveiw when you mash the gas?
To fix the PCV hose issue, just get some hosing that is similar in size (i.d./o.d.) get a foot or 2 of it just to make sure you have enough, then cut it to fit exactly where you need it to go. Some of that good thick walled heater hose should do the trick I would think. Readily available at any parts house, shouldn't be but a couple of bucks, and a lot less headache than trying to locate a 20+ year old, actual factory Toyota hose for that exact spot.
ForcedTorque;1813203 said:I felt bad for Ken having his surgery yesterday, so I tried to grant his wish for a picture of my car away from the house. so, I tried to go to the boat launch and take some water related shots. Beautiful weather, so I couldn't get close tothe water for all of the boats. I just drove home and took new pictures here again.
gtsfirefighter;1820075 said:Amazing how much vacuum lines play a role in how these vehicles run. Congrats!