ForcedTorque's Slick/Quick Build


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
So, I got the tag for the Celica the other day. Somehow, it ended up on the Supra, so I took the car out of the neighborhood today. I took it for an interstate test drive (in Mexico), and fell in love with it all over again. I have been missing the power of the Supra, but my imigination has been lacking quite a bit. Either that is from age, or the full 3" turbo elbow and the Action Clutch from Driftmotion have really given the car that much. The grey car never had what this car has! All of the sudden, I don't really like the Celica anymore.

After getting back off the interstate, I went to the local marina and took some photos. The sun played nasty tricks on the pics, but I tried to adjust the lighting in them without turning the car pink.






Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I finally got off my ass and did something to the Supra today! For the last couple of weeks, I've been looking for the motivation to re-install my prosport boost gauge. Last week I bought wiring and connectors, but I never got around to it.

This morning, I woke up to a voicemail telling me that I can proceed with turning in my notice at my hated job, and get them a date when I would be able to start. I got on Facebook and proclaimed it would be a beautiful day. I immediately got ready to leave, went and turned in my notice, the response to which made me feel great, but didn't keep me there. I left with a huge monkey off of my back, and I felt great. So, after getting home and going to pick my son up from school, I broke out that new wiring and got to work. It's now working again, and I feel it's a much cleaner install.

Tomorrow, I plan to go driving, and identify at what boost level the car is boosting. Also, it is breaking up at higher boost levels, so I can see where that is as well.

At idle, it is showing only 8-9 pounds of vacuum. Shouldn't that be closer to 20? Does that point to boost leak? I'm not sure. Hopefully, if it helps me identify a problem, maybe the repair of that will also help with the idle and boost break up.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Ken, that last post has me confused. I have rechecked that all of my vacuum lines are run correctly. I also took each line off one at a time, checking my gauge to see what changes it made, both while it was off, and again after properly replacing the line. Nothing I did made the slightest change.

Does that mean that mean that I have a boost leak that leaks vacuum until I make boost? I need to build a new boost leak detector, and recheck that. I sold mine because somebody needed one, and I had ruled that out already. My problem there is that my compressor has since died.

Oh, and since nobody seems to read this thread much anymore, I use it to keep up with life events too. CALLING LILMISS.....Can I get a happy dance?

On Monday 4/8, I started a new job in the local Steel Mill. I've worked a whole 2 days now, and I think I will like this one a whole lot more than the paper mill I was working at. I'm SO excited to be out of that dump. I truly hope I never have to go back there begging for my job back. They begged me to stay and claim they'd take me back, which made me feel good, but I hated that place.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
So there is good news and bad that I guess I should update this thread with. A few weeks ago, I had a little accident, while playing with/testing the suspension in this car in an hard "S" curve. Even with the vacuum leak, it had enough power to show me that no matter what I have for suspension, my tires will allow the rear end to try to lead the front. Once I got the car straight, there was no time to steer around a nice brick mailbox. BYE BYE Greddy bumper. Other than that, a little bit of minor body work is all that is needed.

So yeah, all I needed to do to make it run right, is make it to where I don't want to take it out and let it be seen. But, things seem to be looking very promising! Last weekend, I was sitting around the house doing nothing, so I decided to do a search at pull-a-part. To my surprise, they had just put a 91 on the yard the day before. It turned out to be a turbo white package with 87,000 miles. SO, $17 later, I now have the wiring harness that $1000 was keeping me from. Only problem is it's an automatic, so that isn't really a problem at all. Also, I found through searching that I could find a vacuum leak by using starting fluid. It seems like my leak is in the mating of the throttle body to the plenum. I pulled the intake from that car while pulling the harness, so I'm going back tomorrow to see if I can just buy them and swap them in while installing the harness. Hopefully it will still be there.

Here's the carnage........yes I suck, I know!



Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
So I tried to install the wiring harness, and one of the knock sensor plugs came off in my hand. Today, I got my plug rewired, and tomorrow, I will try to get it attached at the ECU. Also, I ordered a new intake plenum gasket, as I have the plenum off for the harness install. I'll also be resetting the TPS on the new throttle body before putting that back in. I think I found my vacuum leak while doing this as well. My EGR was falling off. That's all snugged up, so it should finally idle once I get it all put back together

Jay C

New Member
Sep 30, 2010
Omaha, NE
Wow sucks to hear about the bumper... but good luck finding a MK3 at the u-pull-it. I stop by them every few days and never seem to have any luck.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Knock sensor has been rewired completely now. I have some errands to run, and hopefully later tonight I can rest my TPS, and at least get started on putting the plenum back on. I don't go back to work until tomorrow night, so I have some time to work on it in the morning if I don't sleep those hours away. Then the only thing I believe standing in the way of this complete wiring swap will be finding an oxygen sensor that will fit this 91 harness. Is it the same as the 92? does anyone have one? I believe it can come from a lot of different OBD-1 Toyotas, but I don't know. Any help here would be greatly appreciated!


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
A GREAT DAY in Forcedtorque history!

My wiring harness swap is 95% complete, and I have finally heard/see my car idle at 650 constantly! Can I get some boobies on that one please???? I'll repeat, the car is now idling correctly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Problems corrected with this new harness:

1. Battery now holds a charge while connected! Yea! no more pulling a cable
2. I now have a check engine light
3. I now have a tach
4. I now have a temperature gauge
5. I now have dash lights

I realize that 2-5 are all related, but for some reason they all became problems one at a time, starting with the CEL at the time of the old harness install.

I still have a couple of things to do. I still don't have the proper vacuum that I need. That's is probably due to the plenum having a couple of bolts that aren't completely tight. I have a huge coolant leak in there as well, but it only leaked when I turned the car off. Gotta fix that. I still need to hook up the ground wire on my knock sensor rewire. I still need a proper oxygen sensor for this harness. Those are probably the reasons for the check engine light being on already. I haven't checked codes.

Also, the last thing I did to get it to idle was take the throttle rod off. It seems to be a little too short, and will not allow the throttle to fully close. I have it adjusted as far out as I can I believe. It doesn't need much more length, but does need some. Is there possibly 2 long rods? I know there is a long and a short, and I have both, but the long one I have isn't long enough.

Now I need to get the car registered, put the wheels back on it, and fix the front end damage.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
Sounds great.
Are you sure that the throttle cable itself is sitting properly in the linkage assembly?
That's happened to me, where it would pull on the linkage/rod, and cause a high idle.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Thank you for the advise there supraguy!

No adjustments needed to the Throttle cable! The problem was the cruise control cable. It's now adjusted, and car is idling perfect all the time with everything connected. Gigity, gigity, gigity!!!!!!!!!!!


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
ForcedTorque;1955101 said:
I still have a couple of things to do. I still don't have the proper vacuum that I need. That's is probably due to the plenum having a couple of bolts that aren't completely tight. I have a huge coolant leak in there as well, but it only leaked when I turned the car off. Gotta fix that. I still need to hook up the ground wire on my knock sensor rewire. I still need a proper oxygen sensor for this harness. Those are probably the reasons for the check engine light being on already. I haven't checked codes.

Yes, I just quoted myself there.

I have done most of that list this evening, and I am super happy with the results.

I got my knock sensor ground hooked up first. That lead to me checking codes, and I'm stoked that there is NO code 52! Not only that, the ONLY code I still have is 21 for the oxygen sensor. The reason for that is that I still don't have one that fits the new harness, so there is not one hooked up. Once I get that replaced, the car will be idling right with no codes.

Then, I took the advice of Dan Goboya (sp), and took the 12V relay out of the equation on my Walbro. He suggested that I should do this. I think it goes against all I've ever heard, but I didn't really understand that either. I know there are hundreds of cars around here who have followed my Walbro install with 12V mod tutorial. Nobody has argued with him in the thread. I do know that it allowed me to remove the fuel pump jumper wire I have always needed since doing that mod in my diagnostic block. It made no difference in how the car ran on jackstands when I did it.

Then, as I got ready to finish up, I found the coolant leak that I had. It was an easy fix!

So presently my only issues are to shore up that vacuum leak and replace my O2 sensor....then register it and fix the front end minor damage


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I have found a perfect front bumper in my color close enough that I can go get it rather than have it shipped. I talked to the guy today and worked a deal. I'll be picking that up Friday due to working times.

Just the other day, I was still trying to find that last little bit of vacuum. The car was running, and I was about to start spraying some starting fluid when my phone rang. While on the phone, it started to miss really bad, so I ran to it and shut it off. Once I got off the phone, I struggled to get it started again, and once there, I now have ZERO vacuum! Wouldn't that tell me that there was a major leak somewhere? I can't seem to find it, but it should be easy to see. I haven't had time to really search.