ForcedTorque's 3E5 has Arrived!!!!!


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Well I hate that you're still having trouble getting those bolts off but I'm glad you're finding the positive in it by fixing some little nuisance issues. Sounds like you might be needing a cutting torch instead of a welder.:sarcasm:


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Well, I rented another welding machine, and it failed as well. Both guys have come from under the car, and advised that I pull the motor so they can get to it a little easier. Being that it is Easter weekend, I can't seem to get to the car. So, this week, I will put in an hour or so on getting the motor out. It shouldn't take much with the driveshaft,exhaust, and tranny already out of the car.

I can use the opportunity to swap my DM clutch line in, clean it back up, and go ahead and get the tranny mounted back up before the re-install. Hopefully, the motor will be out by next weekend, and I can do something to get the bolts out from there. I'll probably be in Tuscaloosa Saturday for the A-Day game my son will be marching in. So, maybe Sunday I can get some work done on it.

I hope one day I can happily drive my car! I'm about to post a thread about how do I know what stroke my mtor is on with rope in a cylinder, to be sure I haven't done any damage there.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Motor is out of the car now. You picture hounds will have to wait until there is some daylight. Pictures of the P.I.A. bolts were requested. That picture will come, but be warned, they don't resemble bolts anymore!


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Gawd...........Some of us don't sit home all day and wait for some geriatric paitient to need to be flown closer to family to die. I'll get em posted as soon as I get home from work........drink 5-6 beers, and stuble outside with a camera.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
ForcedTorque;1298346 said:
Gawd...........Some of us don't sit home all day and wait for some geriatric paitient to need to be flown closer to family to die. I'll get em posted as soon as I get home from work........drink 5-6 beers, and stuble outside with a camera.

Holy crap!! How'd you know that's exactly what I am doing!!! :biglaugh:


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States

Do I spy a crack in a bolt hole that I have never seen before at 11:00 O'clock? Photobucket is being gay, and obviously I don't know this SM attachment system too well.


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Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Yesterday was a very exciting day for me. I reached an agreement to put his car/thread to death. When I get my motor/tranny ready to be dropped back in, it will be going into FSTOY's 92 RED shell. due to scheduling, I can't go get it until at least May 2. I'm going to go insane waiting that long.

Look for a part out thread and a new build thread coming soon!!!!!!!!!!!

In the meantime, I have a few decisions I need to make. I'd appreciate a little input, if you guys will.

1. My vision has been to have my body as it is now, with very nice Red paint, and having my Bomex molded in. I'm getting some nice red paint, but I must decide if I want to add Bomex to a 92, and if so, do I want to mold it in. My thoughts are maybe just sell it off, but I want to keep the vision in tact. Right now, I'm thinking maybe mold the rears, and not the sides. The sides don't show seems that bad on my car at all, so they could easily be removed. Remember its a 92, I don't want to molest it too much.

2. The car I'm getting has Shadow Grey cloth interior. My current car has beautiful Medium Grey Leather. I love the look of leather, but I like the feel of cloth as well. I've had a lot of comments on my leather seats, but I'd probably sell them rather than store them. If I use the leather, storing the cloth would ruin it. Selling it is not an option though.

I apologize to the two of you who I asked to keep this car a secret until I get it. I want to get started tearing the current car apart, but until I have the new one, I guess there is no guaranty it definitely will happen.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix,AZ, United States
ForcedTorque;1302722 said:
Yesterday was a very exciting day for me. I reached an agreement to put his car/thread to death. When I get my motor/tranny ready to be dropped back in, it will be going into FSTOY's 92 RED shell. due to scheduling, I can't go get it until at least May 2. I'm going to go insane waiting that long.

Look for a part out thread and a new build thread coming soon!!!!!!!!!!!

In the meantime, I have a few decisions I need to make. I'd appreciate a little input, if you guys will.

1. My vision has been to have my body as it is now, with very nice Red paint, and having my Bomex molded in. I'm getting some nice red paint, but I must decide if I want to add Bomex to a 92, and if so, do I want to mold it in. My thoughts are maybe just sell it off, but I want to keep the vision in tact. Right now, I'm thinking maybe mold the rears, and not the sides. The sides don't show seems that bad on my car at all, so they could easily be removed. Remember its a 92, I don't want to molest it too much.

2. The car I'm getting has Shadow Grey cloth interior. My current car has beautiful Medium Grey Leather. I love the look of leather, but I like the feel of cloth as well. I've had a lot of comments on my leather seats, but I'd probably sell them rather than store them. If I use the leather, storing the cloth would ruin it. Selling it is not an option though.

I apologize to the two of you who I asked to keep this car a secret until I get it. I want to get started tearing the current car apart, but until I have the new one, I guess there is no guaranty it definitely will happen.

Congrat Scott. The car is very nice.

I'll hold onto the front bumber for you...I seldom drive the car so it should be fine.:evil2:

Storing the cloth seats shouldn't be a problem I have some shrink wrap. I would imagine that would seal them up rather nicely.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
MAJOR News Update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This morning, I made one last attempt to get those damn bolts out. I'm tired of waiting on other people to weld for me. Well, I tried evrything I have to try to get something to get a grip on them with no avail. I then got the grinder and ground two sides flat, and didn't have any luck still.

So, I got pissed at it, and cut the heads off. A few minutes later after beating the flywhhel off those two studs, I got a pipe wrench and tried to get them out. To my surprise, before I even got a grip on the first one, and I swear I saw it move. I reached down and turned it with my hand!!!!!!!!!! I tried the other one, and turned it a little with my hand as well. They weren't moving much by hand, but from there all I did was clamp some vice grips on them and take them out! They are now out!

I would like any suggestions on how to get the pilot bearing out. I tried heat for a few minutes with no luck.


New Member
Oct 25, 2008
Gadsden Alabama
Hey scott congrats on the bolts . The pilot bearing is easy to get out just pack some grease in the hole full and take a bolt the same size as the hole and give it a wack. works like a charm.:naughty:


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Santa Clause is happy that he doesn't have to spend time on his trip this year getting my bolts out.

Taking the turbo off now. I'm going to install brand new gaskets at the manifold and the elbow. Also adding a Jdub coated Oil line (the one with the flex, return I think), and Jdub coated Water Lines.

I noticed a pinhole in the rubber coming out of the back of the wastegate. What do I need to replace that? I have never been in a wastegate before. Also, I noticed a water line going to the turbo that looks collapsed. I will post a picture in a bit.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
buckshotglass;1305364 said:
Glad to hear you finally ground those heads off. Where was the ground hooked up when you tried welding the bolts?

Congrats on the almost new car too.:)

Edit: there is a really cool homemade pilot remover tool in my thread.;)

I didn't do the welding, so I'm not sure on the ground.

And, isn't your build (aka Tease) about 350 pages long? Any tips on what portion to look in? My guess is the first 10 pages.