ForcedTorque's 3E5 has Arrived!!!!!


Feb 7, 2006
ForcedTorque;1076000 said:
Transmission - 2 concerns! First it could be damaged due to the accident in the other car. Then, I was told to fill it with fluid, until I could see it covering the shaft/yoke near the shifter. I think it may be overfilled. I have seen it posted a couple of times that it takes 3-4 quarts to fill it. It took 7 quarts to get close to there in my tranny.

Wait, what...?!

You have 7qts. in there? That is probably your problem!!!

There is a fill plug, on the driver side above the transmission mount, remove that, and fill from there or the shifter hole until it starts to drip out of the fill bolt, let it drain out completely (car must be level of course) and then bolt it back up!

TSRM states the R154 takes 3.2 US qts I recall fill mine up about 3.5 qts and then there was a fine stream I let drain for about 10 minutes until it was a very slow drip

As far as the brakes, yes they are discs but the parking brakes are a drum brake system, there is a star adjuster that you have to turn up or down to adjust the tension, here is how to adjust:


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
This is a 5spd car? To fill it there is a plug on the side of the trans, you put fluid in until it pours back out of that hole. Over-filling it could cause some sluggishness Im guessing. Extra fluid (thick gooey stuff to boot) to have to displace by the gears while rotating? I would pull that plug amnd let it drain (the one on the side, not the bottom) until it stops draining and then replace the plug. Should be good to go.

The rear brakes use pad for stopping and shoes for the emergency brake. There is sort of a mini drum inside the rear rotor that houses the emergency brake setup. You might want to take a look inside there.

If you think you actually have something dragging you can isolate it by pulling the driveshaft. Then you can spin the rear end free from any link to the trans and see if you are getting drag. With the trans in neutral and the shaft out, see how hard it is to turn the output shaft. There should be resistance but it should still spin fairly easily. If the drag is in the rear and not the trans, you can go a step further and unbolt the axles from the diff. Then see if either side drags, if neither side drags the problem is in the diff.

Hope that helps.

Edit: Jag beat me to it, but yeah, what he/we said.


get naked & boost a supra
you just need a better jack and some tall jack stands from harbor freight. the 6 tons are very nice to use and only about 30-40 per pair. i have an aluminum craftsman jack that is nice but i am on my second one in 4 years. if you go with craftsman, wait until they have a huge sale and get it then.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
come on man! I have put my car the max height on my jackstands 3 times with nothing more than a scissor jack and some 2x6's. Quit your complaining!


Im gonna steal Tims new aluminum jack when I go help him do body work here real soon. Shhhh, dont tell him!


Active Member
Mar 16, 2007
Memphis, TN
Man hunt for a sale on jacks. Lincoln just increased their price on jacks across the board. The China imitations are coming up right behind them. A good quality jack cant be beat however. Picked up my 3.5 ton jack with 2 stands for under $200.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I replied to a local craigslist ad the other day for a 3.5 ton jack for $30. He never replied, and 3 days later he removed the ad. Pissed me off.

I got my wideband somewhat finished today. Much quicker than I thought I would. I got it all mounted up, and wired it in. I fired the car up, and the thing went through a series of 555,333,444,222,444,333,111 type numbers, than went to ---, and the sweeper was pegged out as far as it would go. I tried adjusting the NEO from -50 to +50 with no change in the gauge. I got a phone call, so I turned it off. When I came back, I noticed that the gauge was wired to a constant power, so I cut it loose. I then tried to check my VF signal with my piece of shit multimeter. It first showed 2.21, so I decreased my fuel 3%, and it went to 4.91. To the trash with that junk! I will re-check it tomorrow at work with a good multimeter. After that, I will search for a better power source, and hope for a match.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Well I used the good multimeter yesterday to check the VF signal, and it still made no sense at all. I made a post about it, and it looks like I may have had my leads reversed. Maybe I'm doing something else wrong too?????

buckshotglass;1078100 said:
Not too long Noah.;) Lets not mess up this productive thread with my nonsense. I'll start a new thread for the white car.
Sorry for the ot Scott.

Your nonsense, my nonsense, what's the difference Dave? Besides, I had to find out you had the white car somewhere. Where's this build thread anyway?


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Latest updates for those of you who have no Supra...........................

These aren't good BTW. Current problems are these...

1. My new AEM uego will not work, just keeps giving me 111,222,111,222. I searched AEM's site, and found this may be due to a poor ground, or bad power. Sometime this weekend, I will soder the power connection, and extend the ground wire to somewhere I can get a better ground.

2. I still have something that is holding the car back. It could be tune related, but I don't think so. I believe it is either too much fluid in the tranny, or damage in the rear end, due to it's previous driver drifting it. I was confused last weekend on where to drain it. The place where the TSRM says drain it on the driver's side has what looks to be a non removable type plug of some sort on it. On the other side in close to that location, there is another plug. But to get to that one, I would have had to take the tranny mount loose and drop it a bit to get a wrench on it. I didn't mess with it and decided to let the tranny shop that installed it onto my motor in the grey car look at it. I took it there at lunch one day, but they were too busy to do it. Now, I may try an oil change shop to just pull a plug and let it drain. I don't really want to fool with it.

This problem seems to be definitely fluid related. If I drive the car further than to work and back I notice the drag to get worse the further I go. This tells me that it must be heating up, and causing it to expand and exert more pressure.