That bloke sounds like a wanker... Drive by again and call him that just for shits and giggles 
ForcedTorque;1064444 said:I think I should recheck my timing. I can't remember if me and Noah used the jumper wire when we set it. I'm pretty sure we did tho. Tomorrow I will be rechecking my VF signal, and I will post that info.
jmoneydtb;1075527 said:I will be there tonight for's just....well....the Supra won't be.Apparently the head wasn't grounded very well or something and it has electrolosis (sp?) corrosion around the water ports. We didn't think this was going to effect anything as the head was straight, but, we were wrong. Some how the MHG is sealing the combustion chamber good enough to not leak any compression (tested) but the water ports around #6 aren't sealing off (due to steel not conforming into the pitting from corrosion) and it's dumping water into that cylinder. Very weird, but it's true....somehow. So now it's time to go with a Felpro gasket, which I've actually read isn't bad when coupled with the ARP's. Plus it will conform to the places of corrosion. All this leads me to one question for you.....You sold that BHG motor that came out of my car yet? I would really like to use the Titan HG later on and would also like to have a spare motor....*cough* to *cough* build *cough* :evil2:
jmoneydtb;1075527 said:BTW, Bill really wants 6.40's so he is capping off the turbo for tonight. Ah, who needs a wastegate anyway? :runaway:.
suprahero;1075538 said:Scott, you shouldn't have any problems out of that turbo. Hopefully when the bugs are fixed on your car, the turbo will work really well with your setup. I can't see the pictures for some reason. All I see are red x's.
suprahero;1075565 virginity is still in tact. I'm saving myself for someone special. I want to remember it forever, and not just give it away to the first highschool quarterback that comes along.
noah89t;1075567 said:ahhh come on, all the kids are doing it.:icon_bigg