Finally...a laptop I can lose in all of my papers!


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
People refuse to believe that my XP based PCs never crash, as if that is some sort of strange phenomenon. I think the problem is that there are so many morons that let software run roughshod over their systems and THAT is where most of the BSoDs are coming from. The last BSod/restart I had was VERY recent, and I don't mind telling you about it since it was between now and the last post I made about how reliable my XP machines have been.

I opened my case and pulled out a section where drives are held, to hit two fans with canned air. One SATA cable pulled loose and my RAID-0 array didn't like that. Big deal; restart. It was user error - something I would attribute almost every BSoD to. A restart was all it took to fix. Most people blame it on Microsoft, when most of the time it is something the user installed [I bet improper driver installation makes up around 50% of problems].

Jervis Mcstabby

Puddin Pops!
Jun 21, 2006
Where Indeed, CA
I midi class teacher lauded the wonders of macs day in day out, and it was always hilarious when most of the OSX macs in the class would crash (at least once a week), or our teacher would come into class complaining about his mac crashing during live performance. Of course he'd never outright say "crash", he preferred "spinning wheel of death".


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
Kai;886787 said:
Yep - might as well break out the ass-less chaps dude...


What 4 year old, off the shelf PC will run vista? Leopard runs flawlessly on all G4's that ive tested.

Am I the only CS/IT person here that likes Macs? I mean shit, find me a copy of visual studio for a PC, fully legit, non cracked and hacked to make it work on windows.

Each OS has its place in the computer world. You want games, use windows. You want visual editing, use OSX. Both can handle everything else (word processing, email, interwebs...)


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
There was a point where mac users had to update their hardware to run Apples newest OS.

Windows has now reached that point.

How quickly mac users seem to forget where they have been.

Jervis Mcstabby

Puddin Pops!
Jun 21, 2006
Where Indeed, CA
foreverpsycotic;888914 said:
What 4 year old, off the shelf PC will run vista?
What self respecting human being uses an off the shelf PC? Also fuck vista, Microsoft has already given it the ME treatment. I'll stick with XP Pro till the next OS.

foreverpsycotic;888914 said:
You want games, use windows. You want visual editing, use OSX.
True, but who wants to deal with two different OSs and computers?:dunno: Premiere work a just as good Final Cut. Logic is the only reason I've ever thought of getting a mac.