Something I did 1 time and never bothered to do again but yea,
windows = good at piracy
apple = legal download content forerunner
iwannadie;886809 said:I prefer,
'name 1 thing your pc can do that my apple cant'
Kai;886878 said:PC's can run OS X too, that is, if you really want to infest your system with a POS Operating system that doesnt support any decent applications![]()
GrimJack;886909 said:I'm not trying to say that Apple products suck, just that the only quality they have the top spot in is fashion. Well, and they have a prime spot in the education system, too, I guess.
You want reliable? Run Linux. Apple is decent. Maybe even good. Linux still kicks the piss out of it without even trying. And FYI, Windows is a lot better than it used to be - my home has 7 PCs in it, and I can count the number of crashes I've had in the last 5 years on my thumbs.
You want cheap? Run anything else. Hell, I think I can buy Alienware or Falcon PCs for less, and they are about as ridiculous as it gets in the PC world.
You want specialized apps that only run well on the Apple platform? WTF? There are faster, more capable apps available for virtually every platform out there. Furthermore, supporting a company that's incapable of reliably releasing their stuff cross platform in this day and age is silly. Refusing to learn a platform's native apps because you're sure the ones for your other OS are better isn't far behind, either.
dugums;886870 said:That is not even close. Apple may have a slight edge in not "crashing", but many apple models will freeze up, necessitating a power-down. That is pretty common knowledge, but apple-philes tend to ignore that.
PC's have the advantage of giving you more performance for the dollar.
But, there is something An intel-based mac can do that a PC can't: Run OSX, Linux, Vista and XP side-by-side as virtual machines. Arguably, certain programs have better functionality on a Mac as well (as they were initially designed for one). Apple also provides really good support.
Now, granted most people will never need to use virtual machines or some of the higher-end software I am talking about. The bottom line is that Apple certainly has a place in the market right now.
There doesn't need to be an argument every time somebody mentions a new product about how much apple sucks. Not everybody buys a computer for gaming. People have different needs. I would imagine someone who travels significantly would see some benefit from having a laptop this portable.
There's good new here too, now that apple is raising the bar, PC makers won't be too far behind.
JustAnotherVictim;888009 said:Just admit that Macs can and do crash just like anything else.
They are not some infallible magic box. Half of Mac legend is pure nonsense that Mac users continue to play up.
Are they good computers? Sure.
Perfect? Not so much.
If you have any clue what you're doing on a pc crashing will likely never be a problem.
Side note, I would like to try linux. Maybe install it on an old hd or something....
JustAnotherVictim;888040 said:
5 seconds. Please join us in the real world.
Just because it doesn't happen to you does not mean it never happens.
Be happy you know how to handle a computer.