Finally...a laptop I can lose in all of my papers!


Better, Faster, Stronger
Apr 10, 2007
Chicago, IL
iwannadie;886809 said:
I prefer,
'name 1 thing your pc can do that my apple cant'

That is not even close. Apple may have a slight edge in not "crashing", but many apple models will freeze up, necessitating a power-down. That is pretty common knowledge, but apple-philes tend to ignore that.

PC's have the advantage of giving you more performance for the dollar.

But, there is something An intel-based mac can do that a PC can't: Run OSX, Linux, Vista and XP side-by-side as virtual machines. Arguably, certain programs have better functionality on a Mac as well (as they were initially designed for one). Apple also provides really good support.

Now, granted most people will never need to use virtual machines or some of the higher-end software I am talking about. The bottom line is that Apple certainly has a place in the market right now.

There doesn't need to be an argument every time somebody mentions a new product about how much apple sucks. Not everybody buys a computer for gaming. People have different needs. I would imagine someone who travels significantly would see some benefit from having a laptop this portable.

There's good new here too, now that apple is raising the bar, PC makers won't be too far behind.


Better, Faster, Stronger
Apr 10, 2007
Chicago, IL
Kai;886878 said:
PC's can run OS X too, that is, if you really want to infest your system with a POS Operating system that doesnt support any decent applications ;)

I have gotten OSX to run on a couple machines as a boot option (did not run perfectly though and is slow compared to properly configured VM's). Do you know how to make it work on VMware or similar?

If so, hit me up.

Your idea of a decent application is probably different than mine. That said, I have always had PC's. It is only through my use of macs in design work and software development that I have come to see some value in mac computers.

Again, I don't understand why it bugs you enough that you refer to OSX as a POS. If it's not for you, fine. People here always want to go off the deep end when discussing anything (politics, etc, and apparently operating systems :dunno:). Moreover, it seems that most people here are absolutely incapable of discussing anything. Rather than listening and responding, it seems like people have more fun being stubborn and arguing.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
I'm not trying to say that Apple products suck, just that the only quality they have the top spot in is fashion. Well, and they have a prime spot in the education system, too, I guess.

You want reliable? Run Linux. Apple is decent. Maybe even good. Linux still kicks the piss out of it without even trying. And FYI, Windows is a lot better than it used to be - my home has 7 PCs in it, and I can count the number of crashes I've had in the last 5 years on my thumbs.

You want cheap? Run anything else. Hell, I think I can buy Alienware or Falcon PCs for less, and they are about as ridiculous as it gets in the PC world.

You want specialized apps that only run well on the Apple platform? WTF? There are faster, more capable apps available for virtually every platform out there. Furthermore, supporting a company that's incapable of reliably releasing their stuff cross platform in this day and age is silly. Refusing to learn a platform's native apps because you're sure the ones for your other OS are better isn't far behind, either.


Better, Faster, Stronger
Apr 10, 2007
Chicago, IL
GrimJack;886909 said:
I'm not trying to say that Apple products suck, just that the only quality they have the top spot in is fashion. Well, and they have a prime spot in the education system, too, I guess.

You want reliable? Run Linux. Apple is decent. Maybe even good. Linux still kicks the piss out of it without even trying. And FYI, Windows is a lot better than it used to be - my home has 7 PCs in it, and I can count the number of crashes I've had in the last 5 years on my thumbs.

You want cheap? Run anything else. Hell, I think I can buy Alienware or Falcon PCs for less, and they are about as ridiculous as it gets in the PC world.

You want specialized apps that only run well on the Apple platform? WTF? There are faster, more capable apps available for virtually every platform out there. Furthermore, supporting a company that's incapable of reliably releasing their stuff cross platform in this day and age is silly. Refusing to learn a platform's native apps because you're sure the ones for your other OS are better isn't far behind, either.

I agree with most of that. I actually run linux for most of my personal needs. It's not a matter that I "want" specialized apps that only run well on the Apple platform - that couldn't be farther from the truth.

My point was that certain programs have become standards of their given industries. In the cases where these programs happen to be originally intended for mac OS's, they tend to run a little better on mac OS.

I am not trying to make any statements about the way things should be, rather about the way they are.

I don't really have a dog in the Mac OS vs. Windows vs. Linux fight. I have all three in various iterations. They all have their respective benefits. Windows, despite it's drawbacks has the biggest upside as far as cost, performance, application availability, etc.

That fact does not make Mac OS a POS, nor does it make Linux less attractive to many people.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
i agree that this will help other makers get on the ball with portability. HP almost had a hit and run with a tablet but battery life sucks and the screen has too much glare...

this looks like a nice portability option away from home. i like it.

I dont care for apples but this is kinda neat.

I also agree about discussing, we shouldn't be brick-wall stubborn about things but open to discussion or threads like this really dont have a point ;)


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
dugums;886870 said:
That is not even close. Apple may have a slight edge in not "crashing", but many apple models will freeze up, necessitating a power-down. That is pretty common knowledge, but apple-philes tend to ignore that.

PC's have the advantage of giving you more performance for the dollar.

But, there is something An intel-based mac can do that a PC can't: Run OSX, Linux, Vista and XP side-by-side as virtual machines. Arguably, certain programs have better functionality on a Mac as well (as they were initially designed for one). Apple also provides really good support.

Now, granted most people will never need to use virtual machines or some of the higher-end software I am talking about. The bottom line is that Apple certainly has a place in the market right now.

There doesn't need to be an argument every time somebody mentions a new product about how much apple sucks. Not everybody buys a computer for gaming. People have different needs. I would imagine someone who travels significantly would see some benefit from having a laptop this portable.

There's good new here too, now that apple is raising the bar, PC makers won't be too far behind.

I sure wasnt aware of crashing problem with macs, again Im a very long time user. I worked in an office with at least 50 machines and had no problems there keeping them running, in an office full of know nothing artist even. My family mostly runs macs and again no problems even with my teenage nieces on them all day/night. The ones in my house as Ive said have no problems.

So, not sure who is having all these problems or amongst who its common knowledge. Maybe its the newest crop of hardware as I havent had my hands on the newest desktops. Ive had everything from the old pizza boxs up to the g4s. Along with all the laptops/imacs in between.

Linux is by far more stable theres no doubt about that. Its just not user(read email/surfer) friendly. I couldnt expect my mom or nieces to install or run linux, at least none of the flavors Ive used in the past. Im not sure how much its advanced Ive been outa the linux loop for ages(mandrake?).


Supramania Contributor
Just admit that Macs can and do crash just like anything else.
They are not some infallible magic box. Half of Mac legend is pure nonsense that Mac users continue to play up.
Are they good computers? Sure.
Perfect? Not so much.
If you have any clue what you're doing on a pc crashing will likely never be a problem.

Side note, I would like to try linux. Maybe install it on an old hd or something....


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
JustAnotherVictim;888009 said:
Just admit that Macs can and do crash just like anything else.
They are not some infallible magic box. Half of Mac legend is pure nonsense that Mac users continue to play up.
Are they good computers? Sure.
Perfect? Not so much.
If you have any clue what you're doing on a pc crashing will likely never be a problem.

Side note, I would like to try linux. Maybe install it on an old hd or something....

Well I guess all the mac users Ive encountered including my know no thing mom and nieces and just good computer users some how. I cant admit something that isnt true(for me apparently) just because other people dont want to believe it lol.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
JustAnotherVictim;888040 said:
5 seconds. Please join us in the real world.
Just because it doesn't happen to you does not mean it never happens.
Be happy you know how to handle a computer.

As I said to begin with, I can only go by my personal experience and those around me. I go to a few mac specific sites and havent seen crashing problems as common knowledge. Mention blue screen of death and its 'yea that happened all the time for me, until Ms fixxed it and now it just restarts alot'. Mention a mac crashing and its more like 'yea I knew a guy who once had a kernal panic.'

Good on you for finding crash info from the system 7 days though lol. I dont care what you guys use, go play with windows all you want. Im not out to convert anyone just sharing what Ive seen. Its long been a loosing battle trying to show non-apple fans what I like about the computers. Its like explaining the supra to a mopar guy, they will never get it and bad mouth you till the end of time.

/my experience opinion


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
You should try Linux again, it's gotten a lot better. Anyone can install it now - for that matter, you don't even have to install it, there are distributions that will run fine off the CD.

If you can run IE, you won't have any problems with Firefox. Email isn't any harder.


Supramania Contributor
Mac guys bad mouth pc's so much more and you know it. ;)
Had a blue screen of death once, traced the problem to an app error and never had a problem since. Just don't lie and tell people macs don't crash or get viruses like I've seen all over. My sister works with macs doing graphic design and she talks about them crashing from time to time.
So as I said good computers, not infallible.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm PC has never mac did.....yep.....crashed right into the pavement.
It was free
and it was awesome site.....


Apple can kiss my ass, only product I have from apple...Ipod nano...why? Cause it was a gift.

I love Itunes, but its a fkin resource hog....and guess what? It crashes and has more problems than any other program I use.