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Supramania Contributor
Jan 18, 2009
M-bay, cali
my girlfriend just got a $2400 dollar bill for the ambulance she took 1.5 miles to the hospital when i was hit and run.she was all kissy lovey and shit before her dad told her and now she hates me. we are both 17 and the officer TOLD HER she HAD to go into the ambulance. i was perfectly fine, no stiff neck the next day.they never even bothered asking me if i was ok. i was talking to another officer and he would not let me leave to talk to her. i wanted to call a cab. once at the hospital all she did was complain that she wanted to go home and the the doctors did was make her lay down for two hours. what can i do? thats twice as much money than i have made working at my job for a year.

she said she will sue me. she blames my driving. she said i was speeding. she said i could not control it cause it was a stick shift and i should have gotten an auto like my moms car. im like wtf because my moms car is front wheel drive with traction control,abs, good tires and rims, etc. before i even got the car i did not even want a car in high school because it dangerous and pointless and she would always complain so and so has a car and nothing ever happens to them,etc........... i feel like i screwed myself over. she says i forced her to get in the car to go with me. i regret getting my license and the car now. i just want to stick with my bike and never drive a car again. ive sticked with her through all her stuff even thought most guys would have dumped her.i feel manipulated and used.

my name is michael and i am 17 and 4k in debt. i dont know wat to do. i feel like joining now and leaving all this shit behind...............


Happy as hell :D
Jan 15, 2006
Mount Vernon, WA, USA
Dump the bitch. She obviously has no clue about life or reality. Getting your license is a very good thing, use it. It will make your life a lot more convenient and you will enjoy life more. Sure it will be more expensive since having a car isn't cheap, but it's very much so worth it. Sorry to hear about that bullshit bro, but your hopefully soon-to-be ex GF needs a reality check.


Supramania Contributor
Jan 18, 2009
M-bay, cali
is it possible to file for bankruptcy as a minor? then when i turn 18 my credit will be fine? i will probably be getting kicked out in 2 months and i cant afford this. i already pay cell phone, car and motorcycle insurance, gas, food, etc and im working poor. i owe other people money. i have sold everything i own. i have nothing. is it possible to negotiate with the ambulance people? can i blame it on the police?

she said if i have to report it to my insurance but i only have liability and my rates will go up. i tell her it wont do anything but make my rates higher and she does not care. shes letting her friends influence her because they are jealous of me and they wanted to go out with me too and my gf does not hang out with them anymore. i call her and her friends say shes not here and shes making it seem like im a horrible guy as if i beat her or some shit. she wont even pay half. her parents pay all her bills and she acts like she knows what im going through. i need help.


That Aussie Chick
Aug 18, 2006
Aussie Land
Dude, if you have no cash, wtf are you doing with a Supra and a motorbike???

Especially when you have only earnt about $1200 in a year?????
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Supramania Contributor
Jan 13, 2008
Northeast Philly
Even with liability it's state law that your insurace pays up too a certain ammount for personal and passenger injury up to $xxxx amount...probably in the $15,000 range at the minimum! I have cheapest insurance know to man here in pa and it will still pay for bodily injury! So get your insurance to pay her then if they raise your rate terminate your auto insurance with that company and go to www.safeauto.com and get insurace threw them...rates don't rise with them much if at all...it was a hit and run so that is on your side!

This isn't as bad as you think bro...ps dump the bitch and fuck her friends!!


Can't Wait to Be King.
Oct 21, 2006
Sac-Town, NorCal
mecevans;1325396 said:

she said if i have to report it to my insurance but i only have liability and my rates will go up. i tell her it wont do anything but make my rates higher and she does not care.

This is VERY Untrue.

Insurance will cover a hit and run and as a minimum you're supposed to have medical coverage in california.

Don't be a punk, file a claim as soon as possible, get as many receipts as possible.

You do have a police report right?

How do you or her not have family medical insurance...........

Sorry to rant but yea.

Dump the bitch too.

If you need help or advice PM me and i'll give you my cell phone number.

But yea, MAKE A CLAIM!


Insurance will cover this hit and run!

Insurance only goes up if you have a AT Fault accident and it's a major one.

I hate all this BS people say how if you have comprehensive and if something happens and you file a claim your rates go up.

So are you catching what i'm saying. If your parents don't understand PM adjuster and can help you out. :)


Supramania Contributor
Nov 19, 2006
Nor Cal
LOL, this sounds familiar.... Ok bro. Poll says your bitch gets the curb mouth open or not. Insurence. Shit happens that's why they are there. Your aaa, farmers whaterever you got will cover this.

How's the supra? I assume that's what ate it? If repairs are two high sell it. Your bike run good? Run it! Getting the boot possibly this makes it easy to couch it. Believe me I know. Bro, why you working and getting paid dirt? Get better job. LOL, gotta be something out there.

Now this been said too. Police report. If. There isn't one shit didn't happen, she running I'll sue I'll sue. LOL Ive heard this a number of times in my life so far. Simply put, they can blow me. But if she files then the motions have to be gone through. So to counter this, call your company up and tell them what's up. If rates go up there's a few ways to make low, maybe even lower then what you were paying.

You got basic coverage, cool. You don't have basic coverage. There's still plenty of theme you can lower and remove. Checks your papers and question, do I really need this?

That's my .2 hope this helps if not..... Idk. LOL.


Supramania Contributor
Sep 17, 2006
Woodbury, MN
IJ.;1325378 said:
As much as it all sucks welcome to the real world where Mommy and Daddy no longer pay for everything :(

Not welcome to the real world yet...he's still a Minor and Mommy & Daddy should be helping out still. (Unless mecevans has been emancipated?)


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
mecevans;1325396 said:
is it possible to file for bankruptcy as a minor? then when i turn 18 my credit will be fine? i will probably be getting kicked out in 2 months and i cant afford this. i already pay cell phone, car and motorcycle insurance, gas, food, etc and im working poor. i owe other people money. i have sold everything i own. i have nothing. is it possible to negotiate with the ambulance people? can i blame it on the police?

she said if i have to report it to my insurance but i only have liability and my rates will go up. i tell her it wont do anything but make my rates higher and she does not care. shes letting her friends influence her because they are jealous of me and they wanted to go out with me too and my gf does not hang out with them anymore. i call her and her friends say shes not here and shes making it seem like im a horrible guy as if i beat her or some shit. she wont even pay half. her parents pay all her bills and she acts like she knows what im going through. i need help.

Bankruptcy? You think your life sucks now? That will haunt you for 10 years and in this day and time you're fucked with bad credit.

File on your insurance and they'll pay for her medical expenses and then tell her to get lost.

You can blame the police all you want but that isn't going to change a thing. The same amount of money is going to be owed.

Oh, and by the way...welcome to life!


Supramania Contributor
Sep 30, 2005
Clearwater, MN
Kristian_Wraae;1325413 said:
1. get your insurance to pay her
2. dump her

Your insurance should pick up the tab for the 1.5 mile ride. (that is why you have insurance ;))

Get a new, hotter, GF and once the sup is fixed drive by her dumb ass with your new GF to make her jealous.

Then put some dog shit on her door step in a paper bag and light it on fire. Ring the door bell and run like hell. :biglaugh:

I'm kidding on the last one.
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