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Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
savannahashlee;1326045 said:
Two: Go to the police department for the report..They will do nothing over the phone..AND if you have a local insurance office, go there for the claim too..Hard to ignore you in person..I'd also post a missed connections or wanted ad for people who might have witnessed the wreck...That way they could give you a description of the vehicle..That helped me when someone ran me off a cliff in my accident.

After that being said: Supracentral is right..Plain and simple.. Your actions and whining shows that you're not mature enough to handle anything..Its a shame because you will be an adult in a matter of months, and it will be worse for you. Frankly, not to be mean, but if this minor shit is the only problems in your life, fuck you..You should be fucking greatful that you or your gf didnt die, and you only have $4000 in debt..There are people, including myself, who are horribly sick that still make it....I would trade my health problems and diseases for your problems without the slightest bit of hesitation...Plain and simple

And don't whine or bitch about it in every second thread so you wouldn't even know they're suffering...


New Member
Jan 28, 2009
mecevans;1325961 said:
i called about 5 times to report the lady hit and run on me but all the officers where busy do i left messages and they said they would call me back. they NEVER DID. i talked to two people from my insurance company unitrid or whatever and they both said the same damn thing! i bought the insurance they said i needed. i dont know about insurance my parents dont help me. im asking for your guys help and you think my life is a joke and its all fun and games.im sorry that you guys are so much wiser and older and know everything but i dont.

Ok, take this for what its worth. I am not coming off as a dick, or a prick.. Just trying to help you out... With your phone provider most companies will include an itemized list of the numbers that were sent & received. You’re mobile or home phone providers, normally includes this on your bill. Call all the attorneys, and if one is willing to take your case, follow their instructions, moving on to my next point. Some attorneys will possibly take a case if they think that they have a pretty decent chance of winning the case, and will not charge you anything upfront, if there is the chance of possibly winning the case or a sum of money may be won. Considering that you have stated that you called the police about this, and they have not called you back, or not willing to serve and protect your rights, that is possibly obstructing justice. Do not quote me on that " Obstructing Justice " but it makes sense to me, that’s what it would be called. Now what just made my ass look like Bozo the fucking clown after reading what you stated is:
i talked to two people from my insurance company unitrid or whatever and they both said the same damn thing! i bought the insurance they said i needed. i dont know about insurance my parents dont help me.
so if you can help clear up what you mean that would be awesome.. If you want to, PM me on what the Insurance said.. If not that’s cool, just make sure that you tell your attorney every thing the insurance, and the police stated to you, just to make it clear, I am not forking you to do anything just trying to help you out.. Basically what I am saying if the public officials, and insurance companies that are supposed to help you out with these issue, are not helping you out, well you have to cover your own ass. When things get nasty you get fucking ugly. There is a catch to this though.. You must me nice about getting ugly. In this world its dog eat dog world, CYA (Cover Your Ass). I hope this helps you out, or at least helps you get in the rite direction on how to take care of this bud.:burnout:


Active Member
Oct 12, 2005
Colorado Springs
Just call a lawyer, the will settle it with the insurance company. Bad idea to try to go one on one with an insurance company, they will not pay unless they are forced to, get a lawyer. /thread


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
OK, couple things.

Insurance should cover her as it's required by law there. If not, you can go after them.

You're both 17 meaning you BOTH should be covered by your parent's health insurance. It's her bill in that case, let her go take care of it with her insurance.

Dump the bitch NOW. Break all contact. Fact of the matter is that statistically speaking she's NOT going to be the girl you marry, and even is she was, it wouldn't last. Dump her, move on.

That avatar pic looks familiar, aren't you the one that posted the thread about this same person that ran you off the road causing more accident and even ended up in the news?


Don't blame ebay cheapass
Sep 28, 2008
Raynham, Massachusetts, United States
No matter what the situation was in the accident, your insurance will pay her med bills, get a police report and file a claim.

Im assuming the other person ran b/c the accident was their fault. assuming you are less than 50% at fault, which it sounds like thats the case, your insurance rates wont go up.

Furthermore, your bitch is crazy. She has no ground to sue you. Unless she can prove you kidnapped her, she got in the car of her own free will, which means she assumed all risks involved, such as some jackass hitting you and running off. Get rid of her before she makes a bs alligation that will actually cause you problems such as statutory rape. A crazy bitch is a crazy bitch. Logic and reason have no bearing on their opinions/decisions. get as far away from her as possible.

The only real loss you should sustain is your car. if you didnt have full coverage, your out the damage. if you did, your only out your deductable amount. either way this is the only expense you should be stiffed with.

Can be a real headache but theres no real damage here. Im assuming you wouldnt be cited for anything by the police as the other party running makes you not responsible by default. Give it a little time and this will all blow over.


New Member
Supracentral;1325576 said:
#1 - Let her sue - your insurance will cover it - that's why you have insurance. You're a minor as well, stop with the bankruptcy crap, you're taking pocket change.

#2 - Dump the cunt. She's a worthless piece of shit who turned on you as soon as money got involved - you need to get as far away from that tramp as you can.

#3 - Get your head out of your ass. If you make pocket change as you claim, you have no business owning a Supra. The costs to own a 20 -/+ year old sports car are well beyond what you make. Get a civic or something you can afford - hold off on the fast cars until you have the skill & experience to drive one, and have the funds to support one.

this is the absolute best advice you'll get

I would add a number 4:

Get a real job! I'm 17 and work 40-50 hours a week, on top of school, and helping around the house... about 16k a year before taxes...

Find a place that is willing to give you at least 40 hours a week and work your ass off

Also... don't think life sucks for you and it's never going to get better, because then it never will get better

and don't expect parents to help, I pay all my bills, for the cars, phones, gas, insurance, etc. they do help out in that I don't have to pay rent tho :)


Want The Boooooossttttttt
Oct 12, 2006
Cape Coral,Florida
LilMissMkIII;1325404 said:
Dude, if you have no cash, wtf are you doing with a Supra and a motorbike???

Especially when you have only earnt about $1200 in a year?????

exactly what im wondering.........me thinks prioritys need to be put in check.

edit: i completely didnt see that the thread was 7 pages long now. this has prolly been answered.


Supramania Contributor
Jan 18, 2009
M-bay, cali
i have looked for other jobs. nobody is hiring.i work a jiffy lube and im the only one thats not Filipino. every week i ask for a couple more hours and there like sure no problem. as soon as i think im going to get more hours, they hire another person. at one point i was working 3 hours a week for 2-3 months. i get out of school at 12 and my availability is not a problem.i do work my ass off. i do all the shit nobody else does and better. when i do the more difficult jobs they act as if i cant do it. the manager is always saying "did you make sure everything is tight?", "did you double check everything?", "are you sure your trained to do this yet?" . i politley say yes. its not that there looking out for me, they really thing im stupid or something. so they usually make me do all the BS shit (mopping, organizing,cleaning toilets , vacuum and clean windows etc).

on top of that i clean a doctors office every weekend for $20 bucks and other odds and ends as much as i can. i just keep ending up in debt. had a brand new laptop and someone spilled shit on it and its ruined. had wii and shit load of games and someone broke in and stole that , my tv, shoes, and ipod. wrecked my first bike a had cause i damn deer decides to jump in the road and clip me. lost 1k cash one time. got stranded 100 miles from home in the middle of know where with a dead phone. paid a load of money for that truck ride home. got framed for stealing some kids psp had to pay for that shit. i could go on all day and all this is within the last year and a half. is this normal or just my luck?

i graduate in 2 weeks, schools over with. just cause im ranting on here does not mean i act like this in public. i just need to vent. maybe this girl is bad luck
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Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
I'd like to hear exactly what happened in the accident...

I'm sorry, but the avatar does not look like a hit and run to me. Front end damage AND the driver's side window is busted out (there's a tarp over it)...?


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
I was HIT AND RUN today. lady in a toyota celica or acura rsx hit my rear driver side corner panel immediately causing me to skid 3 lanes into a guard rail. i was going onto a very long on ramp at 50 mph, which is standard traffic speed on the ramp, when she tried jumping 2 lanes through solid line. stock tires and suspension are crap and made the skidding worse.i only depressed the clutch hoping the wheels would grip so i could brake further down. i had my supra for a total of 5 days.

Sounds like Tanya what Tanya was talking about... Weird...
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