easternguy2005;1003197 said:
Sure you can buy a $400 divorced downpipe but your C-26 turbo isn't divorced at the exhaust so introducing it at the pipe gives minimal gains. Its also just equalizing at about a foot or so down with the regular exhaust pressure to the only "sell point" is that there's less turbulance. The stainless steel downpipe I bought ($120 with shipping) starts as a 2 1/2 " pipe at the turbo and becomes a 3" pipe. Many people talk about eliminating that 90 degree elbow...mine is still there. I look at it this way - there's lots of 90 degree bends pumping the air through the intercooler etc so if they really mattered then that would be addressed but since there isn't an easy work around for the manufacturers they hype this elbow.
The catalytics - I pulled them both out. Al Gore keeps telling me about the Carbon Dioxide problem, my friends buy hybrids. I am doing something pro-active by not adding more dioxide to the atmosphere. The 3" then goes back to 2" 1/2 inch all the way to the back. I like a quiet car because when you've done the lexus upgrade and brought the boost up a notch there's no need to pretend like the honda's with a coffee can muffler setup. I'm more concerned about looking stock so I leave the stock muffler and resonator in place. The turbo spinning up sounds just that much better anyway.
Reduced turbulance allows the turbo to BREATH and boost more effectively. The stock elbow forces the wastegate gasses directly into the stream of the turbine causing horrible turbulance. A DDP (rerouted or not) has a divider that seperates the wastegate from the main exhaust. The wastegate opening is pre-turbine, even though it's still in the turbine housing.
External wastegate or internal, it functions the same, as a vent pre-turbine to keep from overboosting.
Second part about the cats. Please for the love of god look up what cats do. My exhaust won't be a "coffee can" setup, and it will be 3" all the way back. My DDP helped a lot, but the new high flow cat and 3" exhaust opens it up a WHOLE lot more compared to bolting it to the stock exhaust as you're not taking advantage of the gains. There are quite a few exhausts on the market that will flow great and aren't too loud.
Seriously, I'm laughing my ass off at:
I called a shop when doing my research that specializes in supra exhaust mods and was of course hawking his specialty pipe with the "you won't know what you're missing" but that sounds like the real estate agent trying to sell a house with their sales pitch."
Sure, ignore the tried and PROVEN advice of people that have been around tuning these cars far longer than you.
If you have an opinion, state it as that, do NOT state your opinion as fact. The facts are pretty clear:
-cats WORK and high flow onees flow well enough to only see a 2hp difference on a dyno compared to a test pipe (that's small enough to be the margin of error on the dyno FFS!)
-stock elbow is one of the main restrictions in the exhaust
-not having a full turbo back exhaust is pretty much pointless
I may come off harsh, but I do not put up with disinformation.