-:|Update - 2010-10-21|:-
Today I changed the shifter bushings. I don't think that I should have removed
the old one with a knife, but it was stuck in there.
The new one was a bitch to install and I couldn't install it with the rubber ring
underneath. Is it supposed to be there with the new bushing?
Then I installed the shifter and the difference between the bushings are huge!
I could have sat there for hours just changing gear
There is also an image showing that I have changed the spark wire order,
and I have also followed the wires to see that none are wrongly marked.
I found the problem with the oil plug. There is a piece of thread missing

I don't have time to weld a new nut to the pan so I just used some fipg so now it's
leak free at least
Old and new shifter bushings
Is this needed with the new bushing?
Shifter installed
Correct spark plug order
Correct length hoses for the bov
The oil plug is now leak free