Doward's 375rwhp Build.


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Hmm... I'll have to look into this more. I wouldn't mind adding about 1/2-3/4 qt extra to the sump area, and do what I can to keep the oil there :)

As a matter of fact, with down, we don't have any really good pics of the GrpA oil pan any longer... would you mind posting up a few pics from various angles?


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Oil control is definitely a priority, in any situation :D

I wish I had a spare oil pan here... I'm going to have to get ahold of my buddy Joel and see if he's got one (I'm a hell of a lot less cautious about modifying something, if I've got an original as backup ;))


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Interesting tidbit, as well - that slotted rail along the driver's side got me thinking about a little observation I had made way back - the majority of the oil drainback from the head is on the driver's side. Now, I haven't given this much though before, but here goes:

The oil is picked up from the sump, sent through the filter, and part of the pressure is bled off to feed the mains/rods, and part of the pressure is bled off to feed the cams (and obviously the pistons squirters and turbocharger)

That said, the block pressurizes first - forcing oil to the cams, and to the main bearings (if I'm thinking of this correctly) - then through the crankshaft to the rod bearings, right?

The block also feeds the head via the camshafts. With the majority of the oil coming down the driver's side, it's really obvious why they built the slotted side on the driver's side of the GrpA oil pan. Also, the crankshaft's rotation will help pull that oil down - pretty damned smart of them. :)

The real key seems to be a way to keep the oil around the sump, allow oil into the sump, and slow the oil from leaving the sump (except by means of the oil pump itself)

The design of the stock pan prevents the oil from really getting any where under hard acceleration or deceleration in a straight line - it's in the twisties that I can see the oil getting away and allowing air to be sucked up into the pump pickup.

And thank you Ian! You are the man :D


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Ok, something else I just thought about - when the mighty 7M is spinning its furious 6500rpm, and you go to turn - you don't have 5 qts of oil sitting down in that pan!

As a matter of fact, I'd wager that you have maybe a qt or 2 at the most in the pan at any given moment.

I'm going to find out exactly where 5 qts sits in the stock pan, tonight.

I'm thinking another 1.5 qts (so .75 qt extensions, roughly, to the sump), with a boxed baffle around the pickup area. I thought about a round baffle around the pickup ala the GrpA pan, but I'm really scare of cavitation if I free-rev the motor (the oil not getting back into the round area fast enough)

I'm thinking of incorporating a crank scraper on the passenger side of the oil pan, as well, just to further reduce windage losses.


Feb 7, 2006
I always run +1 qt. in my NA, will probably do like +1.5 on the 7MGTE, if it's safe on a totally stock oil system.

Doward, get a picture of the 5 quarts in the pan if you can! That would be a great reference, maybe measure how low from the pan rails the crank goes! I should've done that while my block was still torn up


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Well, I didn't get around to it tonight :D I spent the evening listening to the storms, and hanging out with friends.

I'll certainly make this the next thing I do, before I pull the baffle-shield thing from the oil pan :)

BTW - some new parts arrived for my girl ;)



Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Hell, not sure why I didn't think of this - with the Hella H4s going in, and my main body harness still going in slowly - this is PRIME time to rewire my foglights and headlights on a relay system with some 10 gauge wiring to ensure minimal voltage drop to the lamps!

I'll probably run Hellas H4s that came in the set for now, and get a new set of matching lamps down the line (probably 80w/100w Hellas in the headlights, and 100w Hellas in the fogs)