Curious--How many Maft Pros in MkIII


Formerly 3rdtimearound
Apr 12, 2005
Katy Texas
Curious to see how many maf pro's are out there, what version of s/w they are running, how it is running--any problems with idle, tip in, part throttle, etc...

For those of you running the ver 4.65---maybe you can list some of the config and set up seetings that are working for you.



Formerly 3rdtimearound
Apr 12, 2005
Katy Texas
lowbudgettarga said:
i'm on 4.4, works fine when the car works.

Was on 4.40, bad tip in stumble. Updated to 4.65, now no tip in stumble but intermittent idle and surge problem.


thread killer
Dec 22, 2005
vancouver Wa
im still running 4.4 i have that tip in problem aswell, been to busy to update it an re-tune some area's.

for what ever reason i am stuck in open loop, i can tune cold start all the way to wot, or idle, for a novise tuner it's a bit hard at times, but is a great learning experience, i am running a wb so i know if the car is to lean or to rich, and i upped my main scale far enough to be constalty rich and have been removing fuel.

edit~ once i get my brother's car back on the road, and get 500 miles on the new engine, i will wire up for the timming control and update the software, along with a few other changes i hav been needing to do.

there has been sevral times i have wanted to make a post like this just ot see how may other pro users there are, any ways i hope this post stays around and we can all start helping each other out.


Apr 1, 2005
i have the mpro on my car, but car is still in progress.

for you guys having the tip-in problem. did you try adjusting the tip-in setting?


thread killer
Dec 22, 2005
vancouver Wa
i would assume that would be tps enrichment, i have added and removed from that and didn't see a noticable change while loggin.

but could just be me..


Formerly 3rdtimearound
Apr 12, 2005
Katy Texas
Was hoping to get some other maf pro users to offer their settings in various pages.

Currently trying to understand the af tracking page.

My w/b is going from mid 12's to mid 15's at idle.

Adjusted the mainscale and the various low load points but can't seem to get it to stabalize.

When using the afm and not the pro, we are steady from 14.6 to 15.1 at idle.

I know there are alot of guys that have this thing kinda mastered and have probably encountered similar issues as the rest of us.

Maybe some of them will chime in.



thread killer
Dec 22, 2005
vancouver Wa
are you increasing or decreasing main scale?

if she keeps goign rich like that on idle i would decrease some, slowly till you achive target, and the targer af, i gave up on tring to learn that i can figure out what i needed to be watching, that was months ago when i was still one of the first handfull of people who had purchased the pro.


Formerly 3rdtimearound
Apr 12, 2005
Katy Texas
pimptrizkit said:
are you increasing or decreasing main scale?

if she keeps goign rich like that on idle i would decrease some, slowly till you achive target, and the targer af, i gave up on tring to learn that i can figure out what i needed to be watching, that was months ago when i was still one of the first handfull of people who had purchased the pro.

Which version are you running?

The new 4.65 has alot more stuff in it to adjust. Alot of tps min settings.

I am trying to get it to run like it does with the stock set up minus the fuel cut thing.

Want to get a bigger turbo and injectors but would like to have a solid tune before I throw more peices into the puzzle.



thread killer
Dec 22, 2005
vancouver Wa

im thinking about going out and flashing it

you kno, i will.
i'll give an update a little latter and some feed back about what my settings are.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
i have the tip in problem too. i'm on 4.40. i just downloaded v 4.65, so i'll install that soon, and see if that helps the problem. i hear that it will.

i have a wideband on the way, so i haven't adjusted anything yet. i'm experimenting a little with the boost control function now though. that's kindof fun...



Formerly 3rdtimearound
Apr 12, 2005
Katy Texas
shaeff said:
i have the tip in problem too. i'm on 4.40. i just downloaded v 4.65, so i'll install that soon, and see if that helps the problem. i hear that it will.

i have a wideband on the way, so i haven't adjusted anything yet. i'm experimenting a little with the boost control function now though. that's kindof fun...


Seems that alot of us had the tip in problem.

I loaded the 4.65 and now my afr's sweep from rich around 12 to lean around 18 at idle on my lc1. Idle tone is changing as well with the arf's.

Alot of stuff to adjust, just don't know when one.

Mainscale doesn't really have much affect at idle with the afr's.



Its pronounced Nu-clear..
Oct 9, 2005
Riverside, Ca.
Ive been running maft pro for a couple months now and I am on the 4.65 version and set the tps enrich at 1.0 to help the tip in, it works ok. I have an innovative wideband but I don't like the a/f monitor mode to adjust during WOT. I did all my tuning on a dyno and had better luck changing the fuel at the preset rpm points to adjust for more power. The thing I found was that the engine dosen't like the same a/f accross the board at wot. Mine likes rich down low then about 4200 to lean out to around 12.5. I have done about 60 dyno pulls with the maft and this was about the best that I came up with. I like it though.


New Member
Mar 30, 2005
Tucson, AZ
Wow im surprised so many people have been having issues with the initial setup. I guess I was just lucky. Maybe its just the people who are not having issues dont find it necessary to post here.

I have been running mine for about a month now and i havent touched it since I installed it and did the initial setup. I am running version 4.65, but i was running the 4.40 (or whatever it came with) but it did fine on the first version as well.

The only issue is that under full boost (18psi) I am running a bit rich, about 11.0:1, which was expected. I really dont feel like messing with it on the street or without race gas so I will be waiting till I can get some dyno time.

I am running a stock motor, 550cc injectors, 3bar GM map sensor, Front facing intake mani with a q45 Throttle body and a T04b turbo. I am running about 38psi base fuel pressure.

I have a theory that I am wondering if its true:

I would like to know how many of you guys cars are running in closed loop once the engine is warmed up.

Look at your Vf readings, when the engine reaches operating temp, do your Vf voltages start reading normally? I am logging the Vf with the Maft Pro and as soon as my car reaches 180 Degrees, my Vf readings go to about 2.2V and stay there at idle. This is telling me that I no longer have control over my air fuel ratio. The A/F ratio is now being controlled my the engine computer with input from the O2 sensor. It doesnt matter what you do with the Maft Pro, it shouldnt be effecting the A/F ratio.

Under normal driving, my air fuel ratios are normal, my Vf readings arent pegged at 0 or 5 for any extended period of time, and I have great driveability. Once I go WOT, and make about 5psi of boost or so, my A/F ratio drops from about ~14:1 to about 11.0:1 to start supplying enough fuel to make some serious power. This is the only area of tuning that your Maft Pro should come into play, if your engine is operating correctly IMO.

My whole point is this: If you guys are not running in closed loop like you should, (due to a number of things, bad O2 sensor being most likely) you will have a hard time trying to tune the engine in an area that you shouldnt really have to.

Hope this helps


thread killer
Dec 22, 2005
vancouver Wa
90T04 said:
My whole point is this: If you guys are not running in closed loop like you should, (due to a number of things, bad O2 sensor being most likely) you will have a hard time trying to tune the engine in an area that you shouldnt really have to.


i think this is half my problem, since it's all over the board, and im having to tune start up, idle cruise , mid and every thing, it's making the processe soo over wellming,

how did you find this vf? are you jumping the daig connector and watching that voltage, or is there a connection you made i might have missed?


New Member
Mar 30, 2005
Tucson, AZ
there is actually a wire in the speed density
harness for the Vf logging. Its the purple wire IIRC and you just run it to the diag block and tap into the Vf wire. then, it will show up on your Maft Pro unit as "voltage in 1." You can log it and everything.

Alternatively, you can just use a voltmeter to check the voltage at the Vf1 terminal in the diag block.

Pretty easy!


thread killer
Dec 22, 2005
vancouver Wa
well i remeber wiring up that purple wire to some thing, but nor as you described..
while i watch my log's, aux input 2 voltage, it's pegged at 4.98 volts.

so im going to rip the glove box back out in a few days and write down each connection i made, and see if any one can give me some input..

CPT Furious

Mar 30, 2005
I have the purple wire connected, but what setting do you use to monitor Vf for the Aux input?

I am also running the pro with 4.65, haven't boosted yet, just took it for a 10 minute drive. No issues so far.


Formerly 3rdtimearound
Apr 12, 2005
Katy Texas
90T04 said:
Wow im surprised so many people have been having issues with the initial setup. I guess I was just lucky. Maybe its just the people who are not having issues dont find it necessary to post here.

I have been running mine for about a month now and i havent touched it since I installed it and did the initial setup. I am running version 4.65, but i was running the 4.40 (or whatever it came with) but it did fine on the first version as well.

The only issue is that under full boost (18psi) I am running a bit rich, about 11.0:1, which was expected. I really dont feel like messing with it on the street or without race gas so I will be waiting till I can get some dyno time.

I am running a stock motor, 550cc injectors, 3bar GM map sensor, Front facing intake mani with a q45 Throttle body and a T04b turbo. I am running about 38psi base fuel pressure.

I have a theory that I am wondering if its true:

I would like to know how many of you guys cars are running in closed loop once the engine is warmed up.

Look at your Vf readings, when the engine reaches operating temp, do your Vf voltages start reading normally? I am logging the Vf with the Maft Pro and as soon as my car reaches 180 Degrees, my Vf readings go to about 2.2V and stay there at idle. This is telling me that I no longer have control over my air fuel ratio. The A/F ratio is now being controlled my the engine computer with input from the O2 sensor. It doesnt matter what you do with the Maft Pro, it shouldnt be effecting the A/F ratio.

Under normal driving, my air fuel ratios are normal, my Vf readings arent pegged at 0 or 5 for any extended period of time, and I have great driveability. Once I go WOT, and make about 5psi of boost or so, my A/F ratio drops from about ~14:1 to about 11.0:1 to start supplying enough fuel to make some serious power. This is the only area of tuning that your Maft Pro should come into play, if your engine is operating correctly IMO.

My whole point is this: If you guys are not running in closed loop like you should, (due to a number of things, bad O2 sensor being most likely) you will have a hard time trying to tune the engine in an area that you shouldnt really have to.

Hope this helps

Thanks for the info.

I have been trying to get mine to kind of emulate the stock setup as far as afr's go.

Running the stock set up I run 14.5 to 15.1 at idle and cruise, with wot boost pressure afr's at about 11.5.

I have also tried running the pro with the PT page and o2 sensor unplugged.
Got it to hold a solid afr of 14.5-15.0, so I decided to drive it only to get fuel cut at about 6 lbs and afr's all over the place again.

Myabe some of you guys that are having the most success with the pro wouldn't mine sharing some of you settings for some of the rest of us to try.

Which VE table are you using? I am on #2 since my idle vacuum is 22-23 inches and MAP is around 30 at idle, per Bob.
Last edited:


Jul 13, 2005
Jacksonville, FL 32277
I tried to use v4.65 and it was a littly questionable to me.. But I have been running 4.63 just fine.. The tip in is tied back to the tps enrich, tps delay and the low/mid tune. Make sure your dashpot is working right as well.. I have my idle at about 15.1 to 15.3 @650-670 rpm. I am using the Innovate WB. My stock O2 is reading around 2.5 or so..