Clear Tail lights....What do you think? (Check it out)


Big Bollas
Dec 3, 2005
Orlando, FL
NICEEEEE, I am happy for you man. I keep telling my friends that the MKIII is a tank but they don't believe me. lol, this is a proof.
congratulations man, now finish up your car so you can start working on my engine. lol.

Jun 13, 2005
Hey dude - you did just what my dad and I did when my mom's SSE Bonneville got reamed on the side of the road. Witnesses told us a big conversion van had hit it, so we drove all over town looking for a van with damage. Sure enough it was a guy that worked down the street from where my mom works. We took a piece of his grill from the "crime scene" and matched it right up with his van - it was a no brainer that it was him that hit the Bonneville. We called the cops again, and they hit him with a huge ass ticket - and we got our insruance money from the jerk's insurance. He said he hit and run cuz he got scared that he would lose his license (he works for a limo place) the idiot was probably driving drunk.

It's sad that the cops won't take a half hour out of their busy donut-eating day and help out a person that's been victimized like this.

If you hit and run, you're just a JERK!!!

I'm glad you got your justice, dude - it just sucks you gotta repaint your entire car now. Paintjobs from bodyshops usually suck compared to factory paint.


Supramania Contributor
Nov 4, 2006
Ive been through the exact same thing bro. glad you caught her. word to the wise, you can sue an individual, but making them pay up is an entirely different issue. You will win, no doubt about it, however you likely wont ever see a dime, or it will take forever to collect as was my case. Go after the insurance company. They have money. They will admit fault if you push hard enough. THEN sure her for any costs you incurred if you want to just to be a dick about it.
Fact is, if she is the kind of person who would hit and run, she likely does not have the common sence to have enough cash in the bank to pay for things like this... which is also likely why she ran in the first place. If she had cash and was self centered enough to do this, then her car would have been fixed by now and you would not have caught her. Pick your battles wisely and you will always win.
Hit me up on PM if you want to hear the rest of my story. Basically the courts can say youre right, but only an attorney can force her to pay... and they charge for that.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
Ric said:
Ah of fucking course, only in Orlando.


as for the her not having money or not... well lets just say... her last name is eddy and shes originally from ohio...

take note of the wheel cover ;)



i think i want to get a high quote from a GOOOOOD body shop to paint the car and then ill get quotes from toyota for all the parts i need replaced. even though most are discontinued. guess ill just have to get some body parts ive been wanting lol.ill keep this updated when i know anything else...


Arrrrrr Matey
Apr 3, 2005
South Carolina
Girls driving SUVs rarely ever know how to drive. They don't need an suv, but end up having one to "ride high up" and waste gas. Dumb bitches.
Glad you got her, make her life suck.


Supramania Contributor
Nov 4, 2006
Idealsupra said:

as for the her not having money or not... well lets just say... her last name is eddy and shes originally from ohio...

take note of the wheel cover ;)



i think i want to get a high quote from a GOOOOOD body shop to paint the car and then ill get quotes from toyota for all the parts i need replaced. even though most are discontinued. guess ill just have to get some body parts ive been wanting lol.ill keep this updated when i know anything else...

Your Honor.... due to some recently acquired information... I would like to sue the living fuck out of this fat chick you see over there. go for it. everyone who hits me always seems to be broke and not worth pursuing. Seems like you got yourself a goodun. haha


880 stalker
Feb 28, 2006
id skin that biatch alive if that stuff ever happens to me and i find out who he is .....

sorry to hear that bro:nono:


Starting FRESH !!!!
Dec 17, 2006
ArmandoP said:
Ive been through the exact same thing bro. glad you caught her. word to the wise, you can sue an individual, but making them pay up is an entirely different issue. You will win, no doubt about it, however you likely wont ever see a dime, or it will take forever to collect as was my case. Go after the insurance company. They have money. They will admit fault if you push hard enough. THEN sure her for any costs you incurred if you want to just to be a dick about it.
Fact is, if she is the kind of person who would hit and run, she likely does not have the common sence to have enough cash in the bank to pay for things like this... which is also likely why she ran in the first place. If she had cash and was self centered enough to do this, then her car would have been fixed by now and you would not have caught her. Pick your battles wisely and you will always win.
Hit me up on PM if you want to hear the rest of my story. Basically the courts can say youre right, but only an attorney can force her to pay... and they charge for that.

You can sue her insurance, but her insurance and all of them do have maximum amount they are willing to pay. But don't think it will be alot.
They have alot of ways to cover there asses. Insurance companies started to have a maximum limit after every one started to sue every one. Good luck.
Just let her insurance take care of your car, they can't total your car. Only your insurance can.