gtsfirefighter;1174068 said:
So how bad is the knocking? I could've sworn in an earlier video you posted that I heard knocking when you revved it.
So what's the plan of action? You know, to pull it and redo the bottom end shouldn't be that big a deal for a young man like yourself. Now you can find all those oil leaks and fix 'em. I think my biggest, and maybe my only, problem is the valve cover gaskets. After pulling my engine yesterday the entire block is covered with oil and the tranny bellhousing all the way back too. With it still hanging on the chain, I saw it running out of the plug well down the back of the head and under the intake. I've got a major environmental problem on my hands. :biglaugh:
You've gotten to experience BHG and now RK. Rebuild and call it good.
Yea I have a whole single car garage to rebuild my engine in. I plan to build it to stock specs but upgrade the oil system and headgasket of course. I have the manuals for everything and some valuable people in the area to help me if I get stuck. My dad heard the knock yesterday and said its time to rebuild hehe

They have an engine hoist he's going to bring home from their old body shop location that they left behind. I have never pulled an engine before so I think that will be pretty exciting for myself. I cannot wait to pull it and build it and spit shine everything so it looks new! The block is caked in grim and oil and junk everywhere.
We knew it needed a rebuild from the day we got it from having 200,000 miles and sitting up for 9 years. It ran for awhile and got a BHG, fixed that because we did not have ANY room to pull the engine. It's been running strong for about a year since the HG job and now the time has come to rebuild! I'm excited and will need valuable advice and thoughts along the way.
First off. What is the process to pull the engine? I know where to unplug the harness and take the harness out with the engine. What all else is involved?