Act of kindness from a complete stranger...that's rare


Black Supramacist.
Mar 19, 2006
flight doc89;955926 said:
its selfish to take joy in helping people?

I am a Cynical little git, but yes, that's the way I feel.

If hold the door for someone to feel good, you really did it for your own selfish reasons, and someone else just happened to profit from your actions.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
last week on a cool rainy day I had a guy come up to me after I left Gamestop, w/ a 1 gallon gas can and asked if I had any money... I honestly didnt, and I told him that the can wouldn't hold enough to do him any good anyway, I told him to get in and we'd go get him some gas... he said he didnt want to be a bother to me, I told him no problem, I forget my wallet constantly and I'm surprised I hadn't been in that situation before... he still refused to get in because he was wet...

If this guy would have gotten into my car I would have filled his tank up for him.

That and actually talking to an older female patient I had last week. That was the first time that I have cried for a complete stranger. She told me that I made her stay at the hospital incredible (I believe she had a nervous disorder, and was in constant pain... laying on an Xray table doesn't exactly help.) She told me that she used to be the principal at a school of some 2000+ kids and 200+ faculty, knew everyone by name... and now she could barely remember what day of the week it was. I did my damndest to make her as comfortable as possible to help her for my own reasons, and I ended up benefiting a lot more than her. That's a feeling that I can't get everyday, and I'm sure wont be matched until the birth of my child.

The thing that goes through my mind when I try to help someone:
'if this was my wife/mother/grandmother, what would I want someone to do to help them?'


WVU MAEngineering
Jun 12, 2007
Perkasie, PA
HommerSimpson;957103 said:
Its not hard at all to treat people with kindness.. It takes a real man to turn the other cheek... then beat the crap out of them :biglaugh:

One, i fail to see the humor in this. :nono:

Two, that statement contradicts itself.


Almost civilian status...
Jun 26, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
DonS1mpson;956917 said:
I am a Cynical little git, but yes, that's the way I feel.

If hold the door for someone to feel good, you really did it for your own selfish reasons, and someone else just happened to profit from your actions.

You have no idea what you are talking about. It's a win win situation when you hold the door open for someone. I feel good about it because they are happy someone did them the courtesy. I now know not to hold the door open for you I guess.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States

Who effinf cares if you're making the world a better place pleases you? Someone may see you doing it and get the idea to do it when they have the chance.

IMO, this is NOTHING like 'going to church just so people see you there' type of thing.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
mkiiSupraMan18;958317 said:

Who effinf cares if you're making the world a better place pleases you? Someone may see you doing it and get the idea to do it when they have the chance.

IMO, this is NOTHING like 'going to church just so people see you there' type of thing.

Ditto, I've always said the real people who are following their religion is the ones who aren't in church on time every Sunday but who are out there doing things to help others.

Those are true acts of SELFLESSNESS, not Selfishness.


Feb 7, 2006
Ha, this turned out to be quite a cool thread :)

Theres a trend going on here, the kind people that perform these random acts all hold doors open for others.

I too, am a door opener :biglaugh:

One day when i was driving to school, i drove by a guy that was quite large and on one of those 3-wheeled mobility scooters, he fell over by the exit of a kidney center half on a curb half on some bushes I pulled into the taco bell lot that was connected to it and hopped out of my car to help lift him up, out of nowhere 2 other guys showed up which I think is the coolest part of the story. We got the scooter back up, lifted him onto it, picked up his spilled belongings from the bush, and let him go off very happy and thankful :)

I work at a restaurant and we're supposed to throw away all the mistake food (for legal reasons), which sometimes can be quite abit of food but sometimes we 'steal' it and give it to the homeless. The other day some asshole(s) called and said they were a large group in a hurry and wanted food for 15 people ready at a specific time, then they never showed. After it sat out for an hour on the table we boxed it up, and gave all of it away. There's no way we can watch that much food be thrown away when people are starving.

D34DC311;956606 said:
REMEMBER Karma is there if you believe in it or not. One day you will be that person on the side of the road or needing help, and one day, if you have done your favors, then your karma will be cashed in.
Every thing comes back to you in the end.

I'm not spiritual at all, and don't believe in god, but for some strange reason, I believe in the idea of karma

Keep the stories coming guys, theres some good ones :)


Aug 27, 2006
OneJoeZee;954227 said:
I always open doors for people and hold doors open if they're close to walking out or in. Don't care what age or gender.

It's not much but the small things count.

Bout six months back I was sick as a dog coming home from work on the train. Couple in the row in front of me get up and leave. Few stations later I see the dudes mobile phone still sitting on the seat.

Picked it up so it wouldn't get stolen. Waited to I got to my stop and it started ringing. Answered the phone explained to the guy which station I got off at and handed the phone in at the office for him to collect. He was very greatful and it made me feel alot better when I'd had a completely shit day at work with my nose dripping everywhere.


Apr 11, 2005
Colonial Heights
I went to dinner with my mom one night and saw a lady on the side of the road on her cell phone with a flat tire. I figured she was calling AAA. We came back and she was still there. I dropped off my mom and went to check on her. Her cell was dead. She had called AAA and they had been saying they were coming for a while. She had tried to drop the tire under the car but it would not come loose from the carrier. I tried and couldnt get it down either.. I could have cut it down but that would have caused other issues.

What I did have was a portable jumper with an air compressor. I offered to pump it up and see if we could plug it. She had been there so long she agreed. I pumped the tire up and it had a very slow leak. I poured some soda on it (all I had) and plugged it... She kept asking if it would be ok I told her it was the same plug they would use at the shop just go get the tire replaced as it was time for a new one anyway.

As we were packing the AAA guy pulls up. The lady tried to pay me but I was having none of that she was very nice and brave as hell standing with me as I was wearing a black trench coat and I am in no way a small guy. (maybe she had 'bear mace') She told the AAA guy that the job was done and if she had known it would be 5 hours before they would send help she never would have signed up!

You know nobody stopped or slowed down while I was there? not even the 8 cop cars that rolled by. I felt good that she was ok and my mom thought it was the right thing to do.