Ha, this turned out to be quite a cool thread
Theres a trend going on here, the kind people that perform these random acts all hold doors open for others.
I too, am a door opener :biglaugh:
One day when i was driving to school, i drove by a guy that was quite large and on one of those 3-wheeled mobility scooters, he fell over by the exit of a kidney center half on a curb half on some bushes I pulled into the taco bell lot that was connected to it and hopped out of my car to help lift him up, out of nowhere 2 other guys showed up which I think is the coolest part of the story. We got the scooter back up, lifted him onto it, picked up his spilled belongings from the bush, and let him go off very happy and thankful
I work at a restaurant and we're supposed to throw away all the mistake food (for legal reasons), which sometimes can be quite abit of food but sometimes we 'steal' it and give it to the homeless. The other day some asshole(s) called and said they were a large group in a hurry and wanted food for 15 people ready at a specific time, then they never showed. After it sat out for an hour on the table we boxed it up, and gave all of it away. There's no way we can watch that much food be thrown away when people are starving.
D34DC311;956606 said:
REMEMBER Karma is there if you believe in it or not. One day you will be that person on the side of the road or needing help, and one day, if you have done your favors, then your karma will be cashed in.
Every thing comes back to you in the end.
I'm not spiritual at all, and don't believe in god, but for some strange reason, I believe in the idea of karma
Keep the stories coming guys, theres some good ones