Act of kindness from a complete stranger...that's rare


WVU MAEngineering
Jun 12, 2007
Perkasie, PA
So my mom needed me to send proof that my rent was paid since i moved in for her Putnam Funds, She also needed me to send in my berkheimer reports (PA and local taxes).

For those who don't know, Berkheimer includes everything from social security numbers to home addresses, and that reciept would've also given someone my address at school!

So anyway apparently my mom got it today in a rather large envelope with no return address enclosed with a note along the lines of this:

"Found this on the side of the road"

My original letter was unopened. So apparently the US mail service lost my letter on the side of the road(!) with all that important personal info and someone had the integrity to mail it no questions asked and without tampering the original letter.

Whoever it was thanks, and glad to know there are still people like this out there. man did i luck out on that one....couldn't even imagine if that fell into the wrong hands

Anybody else have stories like these??


Panda™ and Pre-89 Gracer™
Feb 19, 2006
Anaheim/West Covina, CA
a homeless dude asked me for a dollar for some food, i gave him a cheeseburger and walked away. 2 seconds later, i saw the burger fly right past my head and i heard the homeless man yell, "i said a dollar motherfucker!"

not exactly an act of kindness on his part. but oh well.

another time, another homeless man asked me for a dollar as well. i asked him what it was for and he told me that he didn't want to lie and it was for a beer. i pulled out a dollar and gave it to him.

honest, homeless people are a lot better than angry, homeless people. lol.


Shut up,bitch!!
Apr 1, 2005
Sunny California
i had a guy ask if he could wash my windows of my car at Walmart the other day,(of course my car wash freshly washed the prevoius day),i found my change cup was empty,no singles in my wallet,so i threw him a fiver hoping god might see this and get me in to heaven.


Sep 15, 2006
Versailles (Lex) Ky
When I used to skate around my neighborhood as a kid, I found somebody's mail and returned it to them.

They said thanks and it was a normal day after that. Glad to know people like that are out there yes.


Jul 8, 2006
Houston, TX
I had a guy turn off his lights when I was at a drive through with the supra. He saw that I was getting blinded.

Thats the only one I remember though.


Permanently Banned
Nov 26, 2007
Hayward, CA
Acts of kindness remind me of that one episode of Doug where he finds the envelope of cash. He then returns the cash and in return for old lady gives him a stick of gum.

Fuck that! He should've listened to Roger.


New Member
Dec 31, 2007
New Smyrna Beach Florida
someone on here rebuilt there motor and did it worng.. pretty much said they didnt have the money to fix and would be riding buss for long time.. I sent him a stock grafite headgasket i had ...... for free .. Does that count ? hehehehehe

gave many a bum 5 bucks to ...said if ya get drunk.. and dont eat.. nobody to blame but yourself


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
I always open doors for people and hold doors open if they're close to walking out or in. Don't care what age or gender.

It's not much but the small things count.


That Aussie Chick
Aug 18, 2006
Aussie Land
It's always heartening to know there are still people out there who do nice things :)

When we had huge functions at work, I used to take all the leftovers (gourmet sandwiches, juices, etc), and walk around Sydney, asking the homeless if they would like any. They were always really excited, ate the food and just wanted someone to talk to. (I have heard some incredible stories) Also, when I get my 'free' cup of coffee on my coffee card in winter, i pay for my usual coffee, and take the free one to the homeless person who was always outside the building :)

I much prefer to give things that are of use, than to give them money, and i guess I have been very lucky that they have always been very gratious :)

I've had a random person pay my toll before on the motorway, that was kinda cool :)

flight doc89

Registered Murse
Apr 21, 2006
Bessemer, Alabama, United States
it was me.

anyways, i helped some guy change his tire on the side of interstate the other day (he had just had back surgery and couldnt break the lugs loose.

Several months ago, some guy walked up to me and started telling me his life story, and 20 minutes later he gets around to how his local TV broadcast van is out of gas in the bad side of town and could i lend him 40 bucks to get some gas (it's a big van, 10 bucks wouldnt do the trick)? I said sure, hop in the car i'll even take you there. But it was in a really bad part of town, he absolutely refused to let me go with him and therefore put me in danger. I said sorry bub, i don't see the truck, you don't see the cash. He walked away saying soory that I feel that way, people just so unchristian in this world.

A year ago, i gave some guy who claimed to be a salesman at a dealership 10 bucks to get some gas, he gave me info and told me drop by dealer next day. I figured it was a scam, but figured oh well hope God is watching. For kicks i went to the dealership the next day; go figure, he wasn't there. what IS that he USED to be a saleman there, and that this was an ongoing thing.
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May 20, 2005
A girl's car ran out of gas in my neighborhood and I gave her a ride to the gas station it was 2:00 in the morning, dated that girl for 2 weeks who would have guessed she was whore ha.


Almost civilian status...
Jun 26, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
I gave Nomad on here $60 through paypal recently to get his car running again. It probably wasn't enough to get it done. But, at least it helped him some.

But, I do the usual opening doors for people and what not. If I see something that I need to go out of my way for, I usually do.


Mar 31, 2005
Spokane, Wa
OneJoeZee;954227 said:
I always open doors for people and hold doors open if they're close to walking out or in. Don't care what age or gender.

It's not much but the small things count.

I do that too. I held a door for a girl at my College and she exclaimed it was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for her in a long time. I felt kind of sad for her, because that's not really nice in my book, just sop i guess.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
I frequently stop and offer help to people on the side of the road. I made one old lady pull over because her rear passenger side tire was so flat it was about to pop. Always hold the door for people, without question.

A few weeks ago, we had a fairly decent sized blizzard here in my area. My girlfriend and I were on our way home from a diner in a neighboring town, and came across four 16-17yr old girls who slid off the road into a ditch about 3-4 feet deep.

The roads were un-plowed, it was snowing like crazy, and they were REALLY stuck in there. I stopped, and asked if they needed help. There were probably between 5-8 trucks ahead of me with plows on them, tire chains, sanders on the back, etc... and not ONE of them stopped!

I always carry a chain with me, so I got out, dug out the front of their car with the shovel from my truck, hooked up the chain, dropped it in 4-lo, ('94 Toyota pickup), and yanked them from the ditch.

They tried to pay me, thanked me, etc... I told them don't worry about it, have a nice night, and drive safe.

It got my girlfriend all turned on. ;)


Apr 24, 2007
Macon, GA

I guess im just a dick..I dont hold doors for people unless they are right behind me or are a hott girl or an old person :dunno:
A couple months ago I helped push some idiot in an eclipse out of a ditch by my neighborhood. He was going 80 down a narrow 2 lane winding road at 2:00 in the morning... but it did sort of make me feel good that I helped him out.

Sadly, I can't remember much happening to me, but I was very pleasantly surprised when a member on here sent me a message about an order I made that was taking a while saying he'd help speed things up if it wasn't coming. Not every day a random person on the internet wants to help you out.


Apr 24, 2007
Macon, GA
AF1JZ;954400 said:
You should try, you'll feel good about yourself.

Yesterday i renewed my license and i donated a dollar to help fight blindness. I forgot about that..and im an organ donor :chicken: